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OK folks, we are going to kick this contest off today. It will run for two weeks. I will draw the winning numbers two weeks from today at or around 6:00 PM.


There will be two prizes and two winners. First prize will be a set of custom engraved VentureRider carb covers for the Royal Star Venture or Royal Star Tour Deluxe. This prize was generously donated by AdChrome. You can visit his webiste here:




The second prize will be a brand new 4GB Ipod Shuffle. This prize was generously donated by BVinson. Here is a link to one just like it.


[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Apple-shuffle-Black-Generation-MODEL/dp/B001FA1NZA?tag=citofgamonlco-20]Amazon.com: Apple iPod shuffle 4 GB Black (3rd Generation) OLD MODEL: MP3 Players & Accessories@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31gS8%2BEjMqL.@@AMEPARAM@@31gS8%2BEjMqL[/ame]


So what is the contest? I'm going to make it very simple. In the spirit of the season, I will ask you to post to this thread about your most memorable Christmas. The one that you have the most joyous memories about. I like these kind of contests because I think they help us to get to know each other better and bring us closer as a family.


Now because I realize that we are a diverse group here and I don't want to leave anybody out, I'm going to allow any of you who may not celebrate Christmas to substitute a similar holiday of your choice and if you don't celebrate any holidays at all, then just the most joyous event of your life will certainly suffice.


Now I know that some folks are better writers than others so though I encourage you to take this seriously and write more than a two word post, the winner will again be chosen randomly from all the entries. Also, regardless of how many times you post to this thread, each person will receive only ONE chance.


OH...and one last thing. Contest is open to supporting members only. So if you are not a supporting member, you still have time to take care of that little issue. :)


So there you have it. On your mark, get set, GO. :) Good luck to all.

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One year I was not supposed to be able to come home for Christmas but at the last minute I was able to get leave and go home. I did not let my family know I was coming so they got a big surprise for Christmas. It was also one of the last Christmases that the whole family was around.


I've had in my lifetime many memorable Christmases, both good and bad. For some strange reason, Christmas '69 comes to mind. I was stationed in Viet Nam with the 101st Airborne Division at Camp Eagle, and the Bob Hope USO show was coming to Camp. I worked in the (dis)Orderly House and someone had to be there at all times. I had seniority over several of the workers but I felt sorry for them and wanted to give rather than receive, so I volunteered to miss the show. I guess I must have impressed the Master Sargeant, as an hour or so later he came in and insisted I go and I better hurry up and get over there because the show was starting in a few minutes, and he would watch over things...


God has blessed me with a great life and loving parents. I have many memorable Christmas’s to choose from. I have also been blessed with my wife and son so by far the best Christmas was after my son was born. This picture was taken from his first Christmas and seeing his face light up is the best gift anyone could ever ask for.



OK so here goes nothing.My most memorable Christmas was in 1987. It was the last Christmas my father was alive for. My dad wasn't well off but he wasn't hurting for money either. This particular Christmas he and my uncle decided to adopt a family. Now in that day and time that was nothing unusual . But the family they adopted had a small son ( maybe 4 or 5 yrs old) . On the night before Christmas I helped deliver the gifts and such and while in the spirit of the season my dad decided to wear a red members only jacket and a pair of black jeans. Dad was short and very fat in the belly area anyways and had a grey to almost white beard. We thought the kids were all asleep and the youngest came around the corner and tugged on my shirt all sleepy eyed. He said excuse me but is he Santa. Well I just had to say yes little man he is. This kid ran up to my dad and gave him a hug, said I love you Santa and took off to bed. It was the only time I ever seen my dad cry.


Its a little sad but it was the best Christmas I've ever had




It was a few days before Christmas in 1971. I had arrived in Viet Nam in late October and for some reason I had not received any mail and had no contact with home since those were the days before internet and cell phones and there were no telephones on my artillery fire base. I longed for a word and knew that there had to be some mix up because I knew I should be receiving letters. I had been writing consistently but nothing in return. Mail call was always a disappointment but each day I would anxiously await the arrival of letters and packages hoping one would be for me but nothing came. I grew more disappointed as November passed into December. Then one day, a few days before Christmas, I pulled myself to mail call again and it was like manna from heaven! Mail call was all about me! My buddies on the hill even got a kick out of all the times the mail clerk called out "Kinsey" when handing out letters. I even received a box that I later learned had a real home baked chocolate cake in it. Many of those letters were from my young wife and other family members but also there had been a letter writing campaign from my little home town. I posted those letters and cards all over my bunker and low and behold the mail continued to come until I left Nam the next fall. I'll never forget that Christmas and that much needed contact with my family and little home town. Those cards and letters were some of the most precious gifts I could have received.


When my son moved to South Carolina to go to college and live with me, he brought a lot of old stuff. When I suggested he toss some, he gave me several large bags of stuff for the dump. I saw his " Cookie Monster" from when he was 2 in one of the bags.

I pulled it and Christmas wrapped it and sent it to New Hampshire so when he visited his mom for Christmas,,, he got his Cookie Monster under the tree.

You just can't throw Every Thing away.


Mike G in SC


I guess the most memorable one was when my In-Laws came to Scotland for a visit in 1982. boy what a TRIP! The thing I kept hearing from my F-I-L was if I get back to NC, I'll never leave again. He was true to his word.


MIKE aka Uturn



My best christmass ever was last year.

When 20 years after a very messy divorce.

Myself and my two sons ,now aged 33, and 40 years were reunited when they both came to live with me. As I was establishing a new home for myself after climing out the morass of a moneyless money pit.

The last twelve months has been a tremendous time and a very steep learning curve for me.and I would do it all again.

Cheers Winston66,

Northampton, Western Australia



My most memorable christmas was 2005 the year I got my first motorcycle. I was out waiting to meet my wife at Sams Club. And while waiting I wondered into a bike dealer he had 2 Goldwings a 81, and a 82. Later that evening I told my wife about them an how I was interested in the 81. I got the motorcycle are you crazy and yea right. Well I was still interested I was going to a Harley dealer for lunch with a friend and I drug him in to look at the bike and give me his thoughts on the bike but when we got there there was a sold sign on her. My heart broke and we left. On Christmas my wife's gift to me was a picture of the bike she told me we could go get it on the next day. If I would have looked at the tag when I was there my name was on the tag and would have spoiled my Christmas like most years.:big-grin-emoticon:


Wow, just one Christmas? I grew up in a family of 11 children with mom and dad in the same house for a total of 55 years. Last Christmas was the very first time in my life I was not in moms' (dad passed many years ago) home.

You have to close your eyes and just dream of what our house living room looked like loaded up for 11 children on any Christmas. Once, when I was about 6 or 7 I do remember waking up to very loud Classical music.... it may have been Jim Neighbours aka Gomer Pile. He was one of dads favorite singers. As of when I had gone to bed my family did not have a "stereo" just an old WWII ara radio that did not often receive anything. I went down stairs to find my dad and his brother had just carried in a HiFi Stereo unit and cranked it up. I recall my mom walking from the kitchen where she was baking into the living room and saying... Arthur you didn't! in a very stern voice.... I assumed he had asked and she had said no. I was told it was time to go back to bed and dad led me to the stairs to the bed rooms.... as we passed the windows to the front porch he tugged my shoulder and pulled the drapes apart... he showed me my first bicycle sitting there. How ever would I get back to sleep for Santa to show up?


A few pictures... first is add in an uncle and a few cousins, second is a Christmas dinner with me in highchair on left, third would have been my first Christmas Tree in 1959.


The first Christmas with out my father. My dad was a Korean and Vietnam vet. He served in the Army for 20 yrs and was a Police officer for 24 yrs.


He passed away on June 4th 2011, due to septic shock and some other problems.


He always gave neatest and wierdest gifts for Christmas, One year he gave a ball cap with a radio built into it, one year he gave all of the guys the razor knife that fold. Small tool screw driver set in a case. He would find stuff in magazines ads or stuff online and order 7 or 8 of them and send them to his Kids and grandkids.

You couldn't help go "WOW"this is a great gift. You knew it was a novilty gift.


But the "Best" thing about all the gifts was that they were from the heart of a very generous and loving Man named, William Earl Best.


Dad is with God and will aways be remembered with Love.

These are my happiest memories of Christmas. Typing my last few words with tears in my eyes.


John Best


I was a young soldier stationed in Vancouver. I decided to take the bus home to Manitoba for Christmas. What a miserable trip (one I would never do again). That year Mom decided to gift each of us a 1000. dollars! Wow, I knew just what I would do with part of that. I booked a flight back to Vancouver so I wouldnt have to ride the bus again. Plus this gave me a couple extra days home. This turned out to be our last Christmas with Mom as she passed away the following Rememberance Day.


I guess the most memorable one was when our Son was married. They had a 2 year engagement so all could save up who wanted to go we all had a 6 night 7 day cruise to the Caribbean and he and his bride was married on the island of St Maarten. Aside from the parents and family, bridesmaids and grooms they had almost 90 people show up for the wedding/ cruise. We had a great time and the wife and I got to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

This year on 12-12-12 we are celebrating another mile stone of wedding bliss. This one is the last sequential number to be had no more.

Posted (edited)

My most memorable Christmas when I was a kid was the year my Mom and Dad bought me a TI calculator. This thing was GINORMOUS and, back then, cost a fortune. Of course it didn't do half the stuff a $10 calculator you can get at Wal-Mart, these days, can do but it was the BOMB!!! But more than that, every year there was Grandma and all the things she blessed us with. The crispy Christmas cut-out cookies, you know, the ones with the red and green sugar sprinkled on top. The cinnamon rolls and the applesauce, red-hot jello salad that has since found it's way into our own traditional Christmas menu. The way she would hold us kids on her lap or, as we grew, beside her and read us all the Christmas classics (as well as the funny pages, but that's a different story ;)).


Every Christmas, now, is memorable!! My kids and son-in-law seem to make it that way, in one way or another. And, of course, there is our Granddaughter who is now, old enough, to react, with wide-eyed amazement, at all the glitter and glamor of the holiday season.


Each year is special and memorable in it's own way. Every year I get to re-live my childhood through my kids and Grand kids. Baking the usual treats, cooking the traditional meals, relaxing, stuffing yourself till you think you'll explode, watching the games or movies on TV, falling asleep while watching the games and movies on TV, playing board games, riding the bike on Christmas day (if you're lucky ;)) and just spending time with loved ones. Every year is memorable.

Edited by gibvel

Well my most memorable one may not have been the most joyous but I will never forget it. It was 1972 and was my senior year in high school and I had just been named Christmas Dance King. We all sat at a table with 4 people and the tables were all decorated up very nice for Christmas. I sat back down with my date after being Introduced . We were beside a very tall and pretty Christmas tree. All the table had these Christmas candles burning and I noticed the table next to us candle had gone out. Being the gentleman that I am I decided to light it for them. I didn't smoke so I lit a piece of napkin and stood up to light their candle and as I approached the table one of the young ladies raised her arm to motion for someone. When she did she hit my arm and the lit napkin was knocked out of my hand. It fell down the back of her low cut dress and being the gentleman I was without thinking I reached down her dress to try and put the napkin out. Well needless to say this startled her and she tried to stand up. The chain reaction that followed was.....well very memorable. When she stood up with my hand down the back of her dress it caused me to fall backwards into this 10 foot Christmas tree knocking it over and sent me to the floor. As I fell the Christmas tree caught fire from the candles on the 3 or 4 table it fell on. And if this wasn't enough the bottle of Southern Comfort I had in my suite coat pocket came flying out only to break all over the floor. This is a Christmas I will NEVER forgot


What a great thread - thanks to your contest Don. I sure can't compete with the many fabulous Christmas stories that have been posted but I will say that for me, my Christmas memories over the years (rekindled from many of the posts) focus around family. I think that has been a result of my many good memories when I was young thanks to my parents and grandparents and it is something I have tried to continue with my own kids and grandkids.

Rick that has to be the funniest Christmas remembrance I ever heard. Thanks man I really needed a good laugh today.



Ride Happy, Ride Safe


Kevin, Glad I could give you a laugh




I have had a lot of good Christmas myself, but my favorite was 2006 when my nephew was 2 and understood what was happening. He is my parents only grandson and it was a great joy to watch him open his own presents and he had plenty.


What the heck. Might as well throw my hat in the ring. If I get lucky, I can give away the carb covers at next years Pork in the Pines.

My best ever Christmas will be the one coming up. That will mean I have escaped retribution for my wild and wicked youth for another year.



My most memorable and the most joyous are not one in the same, but I will share the latter.


This is especially difficult though because when my family gets together we seem to almost always have a good time so there are lots of good memories.


As of now, I would say that my most joyous would be the winter of 2004. My family had an especially hard year that year, for reasons I will not go into. What happened in December of that year was quite amazing. Despite all of the hardships, my family was still able to get together and enjoy each others company, independent of all of the other crap that was going on.

I guess telling this as a 'story' is not really all that enlightening since there was nothing specific that happened that made it spectacular other than we were just able to get together and be a big happy family and I remember that rather vividly.... Maybe someday soon we will be able to do that again.


I thought we did this "best christmas" before (not necessarily as a contest) .... well, if we did, don't go lookin back on what I said last time coz it might not be the same as this time... :sign20:



Anyhoo .... I count each Christmas since meeting and marrying Nina and joining our kids together as a "family unit" as the most memorable. Actually, I can narrow that down a bit ... the last Christmas when Nina's mom was with us ... (RIP mom). Everyone was here at the house for Christmas day dinner.


Unfortunately, Nina's mom is no longer with us and this year one of the girls and her b/f are gone to the land of OZ .... this year might not be quite so "memorable".


I was just talking to my wife about a gift i got when i was real young, i was about 8 or 9 i think i got a put together cardboard spaceship that i could get inside. That was the coolest thing i got that year. I'm talking 1958 or 59. Imagine something as simple as that compared to what is out there today.


Where to begin. During the 80's when I was a civilian I always was laid off the end of November, so I found Christmas depressing.

A couple of years ago I convinced my wife we should do something completely diferent. I made all the arrangements, and we spent Christmas in Hawaii. The girl still talk about it, and Leslie said it was the best Christmas we have had in the 20 some odd years of marriage. We keep talking about doing it again, but we haven't.

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