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Installing new countertops along with sink, faucet, waterlines, and waste lines under the kitchen sink....Have you ever seen a 330 lb man GET STUCK in that little space under the sink.....NOT FUNNY......not funny at all....almost had to call the fire department to get me out....... My back is killing me....I should have called "THE GUYS". I'm getting to old for this...:doh:

Hmmmm I think this is an example why we should lock the ice cream away from Tom :)



Now thats not funny ......!!! get out the tar and feathers..........:buttkick:

Installing new countertops along with sink, faucet, waterlines, and waste lines under the kitchen sink....Have you ever seen a 330 lb man GET STUCK in that little space under the sink.....NOT FUNNY......not funny at all....almost had to call the fire department to get me out....... My back is killing me....I should have called "THE GUYS". I'm getting to old for this...:doh:
I have to agree it certianly :rotfl:sorry is not :rotfl::rotfl: f :rotfl:un :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:ny :rotf: :rotfl: :rotf::rotf::crying::rotf::rotfl::rotf:
Have you ever seen a 330 lb man GET STUCK in that little space under the sink.....NOT FUNNY......not funny at all....


No, but while my wife was helping me tighten the hinges, I DID lock my tag along trailer box WITH HER IN IT!


Now THAT was funny! (until I let her out) lol

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I needed that. The mental picture. :rotf::rotfl:


So glad I amuse you....I'm all cut up from trying to squeeze out of that space not to mention that I cant stand up straight or walk .....Enjoy yourself on my account...go ahead......FRIENDS...who needs them...!!!

Here, maybe I can help.



Thanks for your concern Don....You guys and gals from NY could learn a little something about hurting other members feelings...I am soooooooooooo sad and to think all I want to do is improve my home for my annual venturiders pizza party thats comming up.....:bawling:

Thanks for your concern Don....You guys and gals from NY could learn a little something about hurting other members feelings...I am soooooooooooo sad and to think all I want to do is improve my home for my annual venturiders pizza party thats comming up.....:bawling:

Now you tell us. So what's the scoop,, you lookin' to see who not to invite this time around??

And just when is this supposed to be happening?????

Is there going to be ice cream???????

Now you tell us. So what's the scoop,, you lookin' to see who not to invite this time around??

And just when is this supposed to be happening?????

Is there going to be ice cream???????

yep....Feburary as always......of course silly man..make sure you bring it with you


You know i love you. I hope you heal up real soon. :bighug:


I know that.......send ice cream and I'll forget how sad you made me.....


Thats what we call "rubbing salt into the wound".....:sick:


And it really burns...send ice cream


Okay... so friendly advice... renovate the kitchen and put in bigger cupboards !


I just did...now that hurt...send ice cream and I'll forget that you said that......


So being on your back, stuck in a cupboard....look on the positive side....at least you didn't expose the world to your plumber's Butt!



Now thats funny....send ice cream anyway..!!!:fatsmiley:



Someone posted pics on here of some items they had gotten at a garage sale or something and was trying to figure out what the items were - some little coin size discs and some edge pieces AND there were some little hinges in some other drawers in the pics!!!

You guys,,,, dahhhhhhhh, those were parts to make snap together cabinetry for people like Tom,,, and me,,, and maybe others on here who dont fit under sinks anymore... Unsnap it, fix it, snap it back together,,, dahhhhhh...

I am sooo sorry Tom,, if only I could have figured this out earlier,, oh well,, at least you can now resume eating that frozen stuff we all love!!!

but convert those cabinets over to snap together style BEFORE you do cause murphys law dictates more plumbing troubles are not to far down the road... :lightbulb:

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