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Posted (edited)

Ohio Crossbow 6 pointer. My hunting area was flooded and it was a tough hunt there this year. Crossbow hunting here this week end. It will be my first time out here in KY this year. I usually bow hunt only, have for the last 15 yrs. I had shoulder surgery that has almost completely stopped my compound bow hunting. Maybe I can pull it back next year, just have to wait and see. I do like the Crossbow alternative though. But the Crossbow is not as a lot of people think. They are tough to tune and they loose there punch after a short distance. Unlike a compound that is good for longer distances. The crossbow is very cumbersome in a tree stand to.






Here are a few other hunting pictures from my bow hunts. Sorry, I could not help it. You got me started. I promise no more after these. Until I get that big one this year here in KY.








Fuzzy :thumbsup2::thumbsup2: :usa:

Edited by FuzzyRSTD

Ive seen a bunch. Two fawn still in spots and a nice bucket rack but it was at 150 yrds and all I had was a crossbow. Then when the next one came out my black powder scope was off ( long story). ANd just yesterday I had the compound with me when two crossed behind me. I came down and pushed them to my buddy and he bagged the doe.




I haven't been out yet, maybe this coming weekend I can drag myself out. My son killed a pretty nice 8" spike yesterday morning on our farm, boned out about 75#'s of meat. One of the spikes was broken off, and he said it's head and neck was scratched up from fighting. There were 2 other 8 pointers killed there opening weekend, dressed about 140#'s each. The deer have taken over since we don't run any cattle on it now, my son said he found 5 active scrapes over the weekend. I've been running up I-65 to Louisville for the last week, and there are deer scattered everywhere along there. I guess the State Hwy dept. stopped picking them up, a couple have been laying in the emergency lanes well over a week.


My nephew took a nice 5x5 on opening day. My sons havent seen much, and we have prime habitat. Numbers are down here in northern SD.


We only took a small buck and a yearling doe, the deer were hit with an hemorrhagic disease because of the mild winter and wet spring so the heard is down about 30%. I have bow tags, 2nd season shotgun and muzzleloader to fill yet.


I quit deer hunting about 10 years ago. I have a cabin in North Central Pennsylvania where I started hunting in '77, when there were deer EVERYWHERE. It was a lotta fun back then. It wasn't a matter of whether you got a deer, but how long you'd wait hopin' for a big-un.

Back then big-uns weren't that common. Lots of 6 points and down.

Then, in their infinite wisdom the Game Commission started handing out doe permits en masse. It was cool for a while, everyone had meat on the pole, but we didn't realize what we were doing to the deer heard, until, one season we looked around, and there were no more deer. I saw one buck up there two years ago,....he looked lost.

Now there's barely any deer in these pristine Pennsylvania woods, and I'm so happy to see one that the last thing I want to do is kill it.

The Game Commission is still "managing" the doe herd by increasing the doe permits this year????? They appear to want to kill the last few left standing in the county where I used to hunt.....I still go up, but now I just hunt with a camera. Not much to take pics of though....:headache:

Posted (edited)

Here's Pennys 7 point.

She got it yesterday around 5 PM.

We had a deal not to shoot anything with less than 6 points.

Here in WV a person can get up to 9 deer legally(county specific).

In places after dusk they get tgether in the bottoms and resemble cattle herds.

Edited by CaptainJoe

I was sitting in one of my box blinds on Wednesday morning Nov 7. At 9 AM something caught my eye out of the right window. It is pretty thick on that side so I was looking intensly to see if it was a deer. After a couple of minutes could not see anything so I looked back out the front window and there was a deer facing away with his head down and could not see if a buck or doe. Head was behind some weeds. Finally turned his head and had a nice thick wide rack. went to raise my rifle and a Finch flew in the left window right by my ear, they do that sometimes and usually land on the window but this time it flew inside the stand. Startled me and I jumped and banged the rifle on the side of the stand. The buck hauled arse into the thick stuff where I could not get a shot. I did get a good look at his rack, nice thick 6 point about 17 in wide.


Dang bird saved his life. Only deer I saw in 5 days. Going back tomorrow to hunt for 4 days. Maybe hav better luck.


I got a doe and a 7 pt last week. Saw this one at a convenience store when coming home. It is still in full velvet. The hunter said it was a hermaphrodite. It didn't have the full sex organs of either gender. It's an 8 pt that is very symmetrical. The rack was still pliable. I read that these dear don't have the testosterone to harden the rack and never loose the velvet. They don't drop the racks, either.


I used to hunt...killed deer...not sure why I stopped except as I got older, I valued my sleep a little more...


However, Last weekend was opening deer - gun season here in NW Tennessee:

Don (B2dad) got a 7 pt buck

Daniel (oldest son) got an 11 pt buck

Caiden (grandson) got his FIRST buck...4 pt. He's 7 yrs old.

3 generations, 3 bucks, opening morning...had to take pics! I think we have enough meat for awhile...


A man goes deer hunting for the first time and shoots a deer.

He decides to clean and serve the deer meat for supper.

But, knowing his children are fussy eaters and sentimental about animals, he doesn't tell them what they're getting.

His little boy, Jimmy, keeps asking "What's for supper dad?"

"You'll see", he replies.

That evening his daughter continues to badger him about the delicious meat they're all eating.

"Ok", says her father, "Here's a hint. It's what your mother sometimes calls me."

The daughter screams... "Don't eat it Jimmy! It's an arsehole!"




Haven't been out yet ,still trying to decide is it worth it really.The game and parks here in good ole Nebraska is slowly making hunting a rich mans sport and so much land is leased to rich hunters that finding a spot to hunt is getting harder to find.A real shame cause I raised my son getting him interested in hunting and fishing so that he would have more things to do other than sit around playing video games or going out drinking and drugging as a lot of kids do.It worked as we have hunted together since he was 12 years old.It is like a ritual for him and I to go out to the timber every year and hunt deer.Game and parks has added more to the price of hunting you have to pay 30.00 for a permit then another 20.00 for a habitat stamp.I don't get a firearm permit because of too many idiots out there shooting everywhere,(just about got shot a few years back,bullet hit the tree a foot above my head) plus having two tree stands stolen from the timber a few years back.Black powder season is coming up and I really hate to not get permits to go cause it would be the first time in 12 years that the son and I do not go.I am sure I will go cause when I think about it 50.00 for a permit is worth it for the time we spend together just him and I.Plus it is a lot cheaper than all the bikes we have owned through the years so that him and I would have some common interests.It is just frustrating to see what good ole uncle sam is doing to make it more difficult to lifelong traditions such as hunting and fishing.So thanks for letting me vent and I will put up pics if we happen to be lucky enough to get deer this year.Population is down due to some disease the deer got.

  hog said:
Haven't been out yet ,still trying to decide is it worth it really.The game and parks here in good ole Nebraska is slowly making hunting a rich mans sport and so much land is leased to rich hunters that finding a spot to hunt is getting harder to find.A real shame cause I raised my son getting him interested in hunting and fishing so that he would have more things to do other than sit around playing video games or going out drinking and drugging as a lot of kids do.It worked as we have hunted together since he was 12 years old.It is like a ritual for him and I to go out to the timber every year and hunt deer.Game and parks has added more to the price of hunting you have to pay 30.00 for a permit then another 20.00 for a habitat stamp.I don't get a firearm permit because of too many idiots out there shooting everywhere,(just about got shot a few years back,bullet hit the tree a foot above my head) plus having two tree stands stolen from the timber a few years back.Black powder season is coming up and I really hate to not get permits to go cause it would be the first time in 12 years that the son and I do not go.I am sure I will go cause when I think about it 50.00 for a permit is worth it for the time we spend together just him and I.Plus it is a lot cheaper than all the bikes we have owned through the years so that him and I would have some common interests.It is just frustrating to see what good ole uncle sam is doing to make it more difficult to lifelong traditions such as hunting and fishing.So thanks for letting me vent and I will put up pics if we happen to be lucky enough to get deer this year.Population is down due to some disease the deer got.


I can relate.I started hunting in CA when I was 12 with my dad. I hunted with him every year except the 3 yrs I was in the Army until his death in 92. The main reason I moved to Missouri in 02 was to buy my own place just so I could hunt. In CA it was getting expensive and they were issuing 50,000 plus tags for the area I hunted all my life. Now I have 85 acres of my own to hunt. I get free land owner tags and between the wife and I we can get up to 10 deer. This year I got a Doe opening day. Yesterday morning I scored a little 6 pointer.

  captainjoe said:
Here's Pennys 7 point.

She got it yesterday around 5 PM.

We had a deal not to shoot anything with less than 6 points.

Here in WV a person can get up to 9 deer legally(county specific).

In places after dusk they get tgether in the bottoms and resemble cattle herds.


And it looks like there was not too much damage to the ATV..... :stirthepot: :rotfl:


  captainjoe said:
Here's Pennys 7 point.

She got it yesterday around 5 PM.

We had a deal not to shoot anything with less than 6 points.

Here in WV a person can get up to 9 deer legally(county specific).

In places after dusk they get tgether in the bottoms and resemble cattle herds.


Congratulations Penny, nice buck.


:clap2: :thumbsup2: :usa:

  Black Owl said:
And it looks like there was not too much damage to the ATV..... :stirthepot: :rotfl:




LOL... Actually she's the better shot. She loves to go up to our rifle range and shoot for hours.


FuzzyRSTD... Thanks, I'll pass the congrats along to her. we would also like to see crossbows in WV.


I saw probably the most pitiful sight today that I think I've ever seen. I was on I-64 on the east side of Louisville and saw a small SUV that had hit a deer, and it looked like it was totaled. I looked over in a soybean field and saw it, a pretty nice buck. He'd somehow gotten over the fence next to the road and was belly-crawling probably 50 feet or so out in the field, and it appeared that all 4 legs were broken. There was a couple of guys headed toward him as we passed. We came back by in a couple of hours and they had field dressed him, so at least he did'nt go to waste like I've been seeing a lot road kills do lately.

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