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If this is at all inappropriate to post this here, please let me know.


Okay all my VentureRider buddies. I got an email from my niece asking me to help her with a fundraiser for class activities and field trips as well as prize(s) for herself. It would seem she didn't think about asking me until the fundraising was almost over. The fundraising ends on the 15th I guess. But I thought I would give it a shot and see how much I could help her out at the last minute. I'm just gonna cut and paste my email so you all get the info needed if ya wanna help me help my lovely little niece out. Thanks in advance from both my niece and myself.


Please Support McKenzie Driscoll and SPERRY ELEMENTARY


Dear Bummer


My school is conducting a Fund Raiser. I am e-mailing you to ask if you will help in this very important effort. Just click on the link below and it will take you to our on-line store. You can browse and order directly on-line and your order will be shipped directly to you. Oh yeah, when you order, they will ask for my STUDENT CODE (719225). Please enter it in correctly after you check out of the store so that I will earn credit for your on-line purchases.


Thanks For Helping My School!


McKenzie Driscoll




Student Email: Kellyflower76@yahoo.com


Click on the link below to begin shopping...or cut and paste the following into your browser's address bar if you can't click on it. http://www.charlestonwrap.com/shop_now.php


When you purchase items, you will be allowed to assign 1 point per item purchased to me after you check out.


Thanks again for helping my school and me on our fundraising campaign.



Personal Message: Mckenzies school fundraiser :) kinda got cool stuff!!





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