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Can't believe I have had only one inquire on my bike for sale, am I asking to much? Maybe not enough which leads people to think there is something wrong with it. I know its hard times but for a steal I just cant believe I'm getting no bites. If I was looking I would be all over it since 2 years older are the same price. Oh well :confused24::confused24: I'm sure not going to give it away,not that I am already.



Posted (edited)

Your bike is very nice....lots of farkle, good mileage, etc, etc. The price is right in the middle of low and average NADA retail numbers. But....


This is late fall, and few riders (even if they're looking) are buying motorcycles. The economy in Michigan is still in the crapper and there are gobs of motorcycles for sale. I've been looking for a KLR 650 for the past year or so. There have been lots of KLR's for sale but nothing that really was a must have. Last weekend I happened across an old ad on CL and I was bored so I rode out to look at it just for fun.


This bike is an 08 and NADA showed $3200 to $4300 retail. This guy originally wanted $3700 and had come down to $3000.....while I was there he came down to $2900. I offered $2500, and with only some hesitation, he took it. This wasn't a must sell, but the seller knew that if he didn't take my offer he was going to sit on this thing and still be trying to sell it again in the spring.


My point is, if it is a "must sell" you probably will have to give it away. Anyone buying a motorcycle right now is expecting to steal it. I would NOT have given even $2800 for my KLR. Sellers don't set the price, buyers do. Any seller that is not willing to drop his price until his stuff finally sells, is likely going to have it for a while.


Yes, eventually some buyer may come along and take your first asking price, but how long are you willing to wait?



Edited by straycatt

It's always been my practice to ask for the the difference between tradein and retail. My bikes/vehicles are in perfect condition also.


No one is going to give you retail price even if you've got $5,000 worth of accessories.(least thats been my experience). The other thing thats going against you is the newer the bike the more you can expect to loose as they depreciate the most the first two years. Also the time of year and the economy.


Perhaps you could give them a price with and without the farkels.... you can easily sell the farkels on ebay and recoup 50% .


Contrary to popular actions...this "is" the time I year that I go shopping for a new bike. I try to make all of my bike purchases between mid January, and early February. Why?


I start looking at the bikes I want to buy...now. I keep a close eye on the few choices that I have narrowed it down to. If it is a dealership...then I wait until after Christmas, as they seem to believe that they will still get some bike sales for Christmas presents to people. After Christmas, the dealers are wanting to sell those remaining units before the end of the year, to close the books on bike sales, and show a good year of sales.

If bikes are still on the showroom after the first of the new year, then these dealers are really wanting to sell them...and by about the 15th of January, a good price can be had on most bikes. That is when I finally approach the dealer, and start talking prices. We haggle back and forth for a week or so, and by the time that the last days of January are here...this dealer is hurting to make month end sales numbers, and will do just about anything to make a sale. You see...bike sales in January are the second slowest month of the year. Buyers have just gotten through the financial mess of Christmas, and are now reading the crerdit card statements, and very few riders are willing to spend the money on a new bike in January.


If I get the dealer to agree to my price before January closes out, then I buy the bike in January. If they don't agree to my price, then I let them dangle...like a chad in Florida...until a week or two into February. But...you want to secure this deal before February 14th. Some love birds just have to buy a bike for their sweetheart...for Valentine's Day, and that ruins my leverage.


I would say that 90 % of my bikes are bought this way. And it works well, especially in the North, when dealers are hurting for sales due to cold weather.


If it is a private owner, then buy the bike when it is available, when you find the right bike. The same rules apply as to time of year, especially when the seller is reading his/her credit card statements from Christmas purchases, and they now need to sell that bike to pay other bills.


Lesson # 1...never use a credit card to buy Christmas items. Always pay cash or use a Debit Card.


Lesson # 2...if you live below the 35th parallel, forget all the above posted info. It never gets cold enough where you live, and the dealers have no additional incentive to sell in the Winter.:detective:

  captainjoe said:
It's always been my practice to ask for the the difference between tradein and retail. My bikes/vehicles are in perfect condition also.


No one is going to give you retail price even if you've got $5,000 worth of accessories.(least thats been my experience). The other thing thats going against you is the newer the bike the more you can expect to loose as they depreciate the most the first two years. Also the time of year and the economy.


Perhaps you could give them a price with and without the farkels.... you can easily sell the farkels on ebay and recoup 50% .


Well low retail by NADA is $7289 and average retail is $9591 I am at the low end just to move. Thats 2 grand below retail.

  Miles said:
Contrary to popular actions...this "is" the time I year that I go shopping for a new bike. I try to make all of my bike purchases between mid January, and early February. Why?


I start looking at the bikes I want to buy...now. I keep a close eye on the few choices that I have narrowed it down to. If it is a dealership...then I wait until after Christmas, as they seem to believe that they will still get some bike sales for Christmas presents to people. After Christmas, the dealers are wanting to sell those remaining units before the end of the year, to close the books on bike sales, and show a good year of sales.

If bikes are still on the showroom after the first of the new year, then these dealers are really wanting to sell them...and by about the 15th of January, a good price can be had on most bikes. That is when I finally approach the dealer, and start talking prices. We haggle back and forth for a week or so, and by the time that the last days of January are here...this dealer is hurting to make month end sales numbers, and will do just about anything to make a sale. You see...bike sales in January are the second slowest month of the year. Buyers have just gotten through the financial mess of Christmas, and are now reading the crerdit card statements, and very few riders are willing to spend the money on a new bike in January.


If I get the dealer to agree to my price before January closes out, then I buy the bike in January. If they don't agree to my price, then I let them dangle...like a chad in Florida...until a week or two into February. But...you want to secure this deal before February 14th. Some love birds just have to buy a bike for their sweetheart...for Valentine's Day, and that ruins my leverage.


I would say that 90 % of my bikes are bought this way. And it works well, especially in the North, when dealers are hurting for sales due to cold weather.


If it is a private owner, then buy the bike when it is available, when you find the right bike. The same rules apply as to time of year, especially when the seller is reading his/her credit card statements from Christmas purchases, and they now need to sell that bike to pay other bills.


Lesson # 1...never use a credit card to buy Christmas items. Always pay cash or use a Debit Card.


Lesson # 2...if you live below the 35th parallel, forget all the above posted info. It never gets cold enough where you live, and the dealers have no additional incentive to sell in the Winter.:detective:


Well I just might be below the 35th parallel so maybe I will just keep it if I goto Tombstone AZ. :fingers-crossed-emo

  captainjoe said:
It's always been my practice to ask for the the difference between tradein and retail. My bikes/vehicles are in perfect condition also.


No one is going to give you retail price even if you've got $5,000 worth of accessories.(least thats been my experience). The other thing thats going against you is the newer the bike the more you can expect to loose as they depreciate the most the first two years. Also the time of year and the economy.


Perhaps you could give them a price with and without the farkels.... you can easily sell the farkels on ebay and recoup 50% .


I'm not asking for retail if I was I would ask 9500 but I am at just a little over low retail of 7200. If I sold without any accessories I would ask $7000 so for 500 bucks you get alot of extra's. Heck I have more then that in the trunk and paint alone.




Strange as it sounds, sometimes raising the price will make it sell.

When I was trying to sell my camper I had a low price on it just to make it go. I think people figured that if it is that low then there is something wrong with it, as soon as I raised the price the phone started ringing and it sold for what I originally wanted. People have a price range tyhat they are looking at, if you are below their range they never see you.

  Flyinfool said:
Strange as it sounds, sometimes raising the price will make it sell.

When I was trying to sell my camper I had a low price on it just to make it go. I think people figured that if it is that low then there is something wrong with it, as soon as I raised the price the phone started ringing and it sold for what I originally wanted. People have a price range tyhat they are looking at, if you are below their range they never see you.


Yup that sounds like a plan will see how it goes and maybe advertise in a differant place at a higher price.



  Flyinfool said:
Strange as it sounds, sometimes raising the price will make it sell.

When I was trying to sell my camper I had a low price on it just to make it go. I think people figured that if it is that low then there is something wrong with it, as soon as I raised the price the phone started ringing and it sold for what I originally wanted. People have a price range tyhat they are looking at, if you are below their range they never see you.


My x-wife and I had a garage sale. First day nothing moved. At the end of the day she said the prices were too low, everyone thought she was selling junk. She jacked up the prices and stuff flew the next day. Apparently the only thing she was ever right about:confused24:.


eBay will let you run what they call a local ad (automobile) for free. The ad is good for a week and they show it in a 200 mile radius. They don't handle the transaction, that must be done face to face. I found out about it trying to help my father-in-law unload an old mini van. Sold it in 2 days to a family in Kalamazoo. Way better action, and better prospects than I got through CraigsList. I just listed a motorcycle for a customer yesterday.


If all else fails and you got to move it Rosenau is apparently aggressively buying used bikes right now. Doubt the price is great though.


I had the same problem when I traded my 06 RSTD MIDNITE. I tried selling it for six months or so on several difference websites and NEVER got a call or an offer and was asking around 6k. I finally gave up and traded it for $5300. The deal maker for me was the independent dealer sold me his mc on the low side of retail, so it didn't hurt quit as bad. Except your situation is different. But for whatever reason people just aren't interested in the RSTD like they are with the RSV.


WOW Star that is a gorgeous bike!!! I love what you did with that trunk!

We Michiganders all seem to be suffering the rotten economy syndrome - it is HORRID, plus it being the end of the season doesnt help.. You could try White Star Snowmobile Auction in Bronson, I have sold (and bought) a lot of stuff down there and did pretty good (dont let the name fool ya).. Their auction site is snowmobileauction dot com, they charge 25 bucks to run it across and rest of fees are paid by the buyer.. REALLY GOOD FOLKS TO DEAL WITH and they draw from many states and canada!

Another one that seems to produce is Repocast dot com, but they are way more expensive to deal with..

I feel for ya bro, stuff just aint worth what it once was, at least thats the way it seems around here..

Anyway, good luck with your sale!!


I am having the same problem, I have listed it on E Bay, Craigs list, and here and I have had exactly 2 inquiries about the bike. Its an 07 V Star 1300 Tour. I have it listed for $5800.00, and I would consider a reasonable offer. Its got plenty of extras, plus all the stock removals, with the exception of the saddlebags, there were bad, so got rid of them on E bay. I am not in a hurry to sell so I aint giving it away. Its still listed here and on CL, so it will find a good home sooner or later.

  DragonRider said:
I am having the same problem, I have listed it on E Bay, Craigs list, and here and I have had exactly 2 inquiries about the bike. Its an 07 V Star 1300 Tour. I have it listed for $5800.00, and I would consider a reasonable offer. Its got plenty of extras, plus all the stock removals, with the exception of the saddlebags, there were bad, so got rid of them on E bay. I am not in a hurry to sell so I aint giving it away. Its still listed here and on CL, so it will find a good home sooner or later.


Same way I feel here I am not going to give it away. Sooner or later someone will snatch it up and if not I will just keep it and take it to AZ.



  we2riders said:
WOW Star that is a gorgeous bike!!! I love what you did with that trunk!

We Michiganders all seem to be suffering the rotten economy syndrome - it is HORRID, plus it being the end of the season doesnt help.. You could try White Star Snowmobile Auction in Bronson, I have sold (and bought) a lot of stuff down there and did pretty good (dont let the name fool ya).. Their auction site is snowmobileauction dot com, they charge 25 bucks to run it across and rest of fees are paid by the buyer.. REALLY GOOD FOLKS TO DEAL WITH and they draw from many states and canada!

Another one that seems to produce is Repocast dot com, but they are way more expensive to deal with..

I feel for ya bro, stuff just aint worth what it once was, at least thats the way it seems around here..

Anyway, good luck with your sale!!


Hey thanks, glad you like what I did and thanks for the information. Yup Micigan and alot of other states are in the same boat. It just suck's tho.



  star4772 said:
Well I just might be below the 35th parallel so maybe I will just keep it if I goto Tombstone AZ. :fingers-crossed-emo


Well, that is what I suggested to you a month ago. I know you said you needed to sell the bike now, for the needed revenue, and you were going to buy another bike after you moved to AZ. But if you are possibly going to take a loss on this bike...a bike you have put a lot of love and work into to make it just right for you...you may want to rethink the sale, and keep it. From what I understand...the people in AZ. do allow blue bikes.:backinmyday:

  Miles said:
Well, that is what I suggested to you a month ago. I know you said you needed to sell the bike now, for the needed revenue, and you were going to buy another bike after you moved to AZ. But if you are possibly going to take a loss on this bike...a bike you have put a lot of love and work into to make it just right for you...you may want to rethink the sale, and keep it. From what I understand...the people in AZ. do allow blue bikes.:backinmyday:


Do they really? Well shiver me timbers maybe I will just keep it and move la Te DA. I have been leaning toward that way more and more here lately.




Well one thing about keeping the current bike is you know what ya got. Seriously if your going to replace it after you move will it be worth it to sell dirt cheap and1 then pay "good riding" area prices. If you replce it what would you get?

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