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You all make very good points. The problem is not with my vest. My vest has only Star patches on it. It has a VentureRiser, Venturer and a PGR pin on it but with his statement. I don't think any other motorcycle club patches, ****s, etc should be worn on this chapter rides. My jacket was the big problem this time. He did not want me riding to the STAR FTC event with a VentureRider patch on my jacket. I covered it with my STAR vest.


As Chip mentioned earlier VentureRiders is not a motorcycle club but is a motorcycle forum.

I will wear what I have always worn and it will be club related to whichever club I am riding with but I will probably have something on that shows I am a member of the other motorcycle organizations also.


I just could not believe I was hearing this from a Yamaha organization.


I would have two words for them , See Ya...... I have lots of patches from different groups. The Combat Vets do however ask that you not wear club colors on a CVMA ride. Im good with this. I don't belong to any MC's anyway.


Sounds like an issue I had a few years ago with a now-defunct local Southern Cruisers chapter. I have a friend that is involved pretty heavily with them and she suggested that I look into them, so I called the chapter president and asked for some info. The first question he asked, before allowing me any info, was what brand of bike I rode. At the time I had a Suzuki, to which he replied, not so subtlely, "ain't no way in h#!l a piece of Jap trash is gonna ride with us, we only allow AMERICAN IRON"!! So I thanked him, called my friend, she inquired about it to the national organization, and in a short while they had their charter pulled. A little while after that he and his "Harley boys" as he called them, started a local chapter of the Outlaws. Funny thing was that my bro-in-law was allowed to join them, and he rode a Goldwing. They made an "exception" because he was a bike mechanic and kept their "AMERICAN IRON" running. I've had a couple of guys I know that are members of the Black Pistons, which is the metric version of the Outlaws, ask me to join. I have no desire whatsoever to be a member of a "club", especially one that acts as "childish" as these do.


I think this is a new Pres. issue and not a STAR issue. Ask him to show you in the laws and/or by laws where it says this. He can't because It doesn't. The association that everyone keeps referring to is for example an m/c which we obviously are not.


eusa1. I wonder if we have an issue with the same person. He still has our chapter money too. Well I really can't say that anymore the chapter folded.


Past Pres., charter member and no longer in STAR.

I belong to a lot of motorcycle organizations. My jacket and vest have a mixture of all these organizations on them. I view these patches as a billboard showing what organizations I belong to or support.


One of my STAR chapter President's has told me his position on patches is when we are on a chapter ride he does not want anyone to wear any patch other than STAR and chapter patches.


My jacket I wear all the time has a VentureRider patch on the back. He does not think I should wear that where people can see it on a chapter ride. I think this is ridiculous. This reminds me of what we have been fighting as Yamaha riders when other clubs say you have to ride this type of motorcycle if you want to ride with us.


STAR says you can ride anything you like. My President says you can ride any ride you like but when you are on a chapter ride you can not wear any other patch.


Does this make any since to any of you?:confused24:



Just Another reason I let my membership expire with star

I think this is a new Pres. issue and not a STAR issue. Ask him to show you in the laws and/or by laws where it says this. He can't because It doesn't. The association that everyone keeps referring to is for example an m/c which we obviously are not.


eusa1. I wonder if we have an issue with the same person. He still has our chapter money too. Well I really can't say that anymore the chapter folded.


Past Pres., charter member and no longer in STAR.


Allen Cease is and was president then, and the rules are available for anyone to read, and if your chapter sent money to Allen, you can kiss it goodbye.


But you can say that about anything you pay for. You pay a membership to anything you can kiss it goodbye. You buy gas, kiss the money goodbye.


I am not going to mix words with you. We have better things to do. When you said a director I thought you were talking about an IL state director. When I 1st became Pres. Our IL/IN director was all chummy with us. Later we entered into a business agreement for him to do some work for the chapter which he failed to uphold on our deadline. He got an attitude with me and decided he was going to charge us a b.s. fee that he never told us about previously. After a few months we finally got the difference back. While I was still Pres. I thought STAR kicked him out because they saw the person who he really was. I am still on a couple STAR sites and received correspondence with him talking about join my chapter for such and such event.


At least as far as national goes I fault them for not at least mediating the issue because it involves STAR members but they said it is a personal business issue and we had to work it out on our own. I never got that because we used chapter money which could have gone to Feed The Children.


Speaking of Allen Cease I saw him for the first time today at the FTC truck in Ga. today with his wife. I was instantly turned off by his demeanor and the way (I perceived) his better than you I am head of this organization look about him. I had never seen him before and I got this opinion of him before they announced who he was. He may be the nieces guy in the world. IMHO.


Late commer to this thread but it caught my eye. So you have probably already fixed this problem no doubt. But here is my take. You wear what you want, Ipersonnaly spent 20yr defending our constitution and its part of your right my friend. Its not vulgar or anything of the like. My other $mart a$$ idea is to show up with your vest and masking tape or duct tape covering up the other patches. Then when someone asks you whats up you tell them this guys obsurd rule.

Posted (edited)

I would not ride with him. If he and Star are that anal, they can keep their chapters and their rides. My vest has a large Star patch on the back, it also has other patches and if anyone told me I could not wear it on a ride things would get heated real quick. I have heard too many issues with "organized" clubs. I personally do not need the drama. I rode a few times with the local Chapter out of Ann Arbor and the few times I did, I heard some bickering and saw some tension with some of the "Officers" and the members. Turned me off. I am happy to ride all by my lonesome if need be.

Edited by rickardracing
Late commer to this thread but it caught my eye. So you have probably already fixed this problem no doubt. But here is my take. You wear what you want, Ipersonnaly spent 20yr defending our constitution and its part of your right my friend. Its not vulgar or anything of the like. My other $mart a$$ idea is to show up with your vest and masking tape or duct tape covering up the other patches. Then when someone asks you whats up you tell them this guys obsurd rule.


I actually did cover one of my other organizations pin with black electrical tape but no one noticed.

You wear what you want, Ipersonnaly spent 20yr defending our constitution and its part of your right my friend.


And thank you sir, for your service.


I think, having read all the posts... I would ask if anyone else present would like to be a part of a riding group that exemplifies the values of this country and not those of the KKK. Ask any who say yes to take wheel their bikes forward, climb on, and join you for a new ride.


There're so many ways to be connected with people today, you don't really need a formal club. Get a nucleus and then start a twitter account, etc., and tweet, chirp, burp, fart, or whatever and get yourself buds to ride with. :rotf:


I can't believe what I am reading here. This sounds like little kids saying you can't play with me and my group because you have the wrong or too many patches on your jacket.


I ride my motorcycle to feel the wind in my face, To relieve the tensions of the day. To feel the power of the engine between my legs. I ride to explore new places, to visit my friends and fellow motorcycle riders. I ride to share the adventure of the open road with my wife Jean, who also chooses to ride for the above reasons. I wear a jacket and/or a vest to keep me warm and dry, and to protect me in the event of an accident.

I am an adult, I paid for my motorcycle with my own, hard earned money. If I have chosen to join a STAR motorcycle club, or ANY other riding club for that matter, and you don't particularly care for the patches or stickers on my vest, jacket or helmet, then please feel free to ride ahead of me, (if you can) or ride behind me, but DON'T TREAD ON ME! I have been around long enough to know that there will be elitist snobs everywhere you go that will screw up a good thing. If this means I will ride with a smaller group, or alone, then so be it. I ride for the personal pleasure riding gives ME. I wear the patches and stickers on my vest that please ME. It's not my job to please YOU. I'm not your mother, and I'm certainly not your wife, so if the president of any club I joined told me I could only wear HIS patch, then I would be taking my scoot, (and a dues refund) to a road where I could feel the wind on my face, and the power of the engine between my legs......I'm sure you get my point.:confused24:



Perhaps I wasn't blunt enough in my earlier post:


There is no STAR Touring rule that would prevent you from wearing anything you want on a ride. Your chapter president is out of line. STAR does have a requirement that patches from other motorcycle organizations not be displayed on a STAR vest, but that's not the issue in your case.


Most of the complaints I see have to do with individual chapter leadership. It's not fair to tar the whole organization with what a few people do at the local level.


I had complaints with my chapter. The way I saw it is I could leave or I could work to change it. With the help of some like minded people, we've changed it. Our rules are pretty simple: Ride safe and sober, be considerate of your fellow riders. While not a requirement, we do encourage consumption of lots of ice cream.


Good answer Earl. Probally covers reasons I'll be scratching my head when dues come up here again.




HEY Star before I get there KMA and no thanks.... I've been kicked out of better places.

Guest tx2sturgis
I still have the handbook, and that IS star policy , not your presidents

You can find it in the guidlines that are availible to all members


Another good reason to not join or ride with Star...or HOG...or any other club.



;722211]Perhaps I wasn't blunt enough in my earlier post:

There is no STAR Touring rule that would prevent you from wearing anything you want on a ride.



I'm going to request in a very polite way... that you go directly to the regulations section of the members guide before posting remarks such as this.


or call allan cease @ 520-572-8367 he remembers me!!


remind him that he still owes chapter 307 $2600.00 for patches and dues that were never recieved when he pulled the plug on our chapter after a conversation with me, didn't go his way.


please remember as i have stated before... i have several life long friends because of star, and don't hate star members, just the guy that runs the show.and his rules.

Posted (edited)

We are a 'one patch' riding Association - a riding focused group. The patch is meant to show pride in membership and camaraderie with fellow STAR members.


While many of us are supporters of other groups and associations only with prior approval from the Chapter President (and STAR Touring) can they even be considered.



The STAR back patch should be placed in the center of the back of the vest. The Chapter rocker should be placed


flush to the bottom

of the back patch leaving no gap, which will give the appearance of a one-piece design. You


cannot wear two lower rockers. You cannot wear a Chapter rocker with out a Back Patch. Wing patches (Vet

Wing, LOS Wing, Tin Star Wing or Starfire Wing) may be placed either above or below the back patch and

rocker. No other bike association patch can be worn on a STAR vest.


No rocker or upper patch will


be designed to fit flush at the top of the back patch. NO EXCEPTIONS.

The small STAR arm/vest patch should be placed on the left side of the chest in line with the center of the arm.

The patch should be placed at a slight angle while lying flat. It is designed to be straight while the vest is on.

Small rockers (bike name, chapter position or custom design) should be placed flush to the bottom of this patch,

again leaving no gap. The arm/vest patch may also be put on the left sleeve of your jacket.

STAR Vets patch should be placed on the right side of the chest directly across from the arm/vest patch, and must

also be put on at a slight angle. The Branch of Service is laser-cut to fit against the bottom of the patch. The bottom

of this rocker should hang in line with the bottom of the vest.

Chapter patches can be placed on the right if you are not a STAR Vet; we have additional patches that may also be

placed here. If you have the STAR Vet patch you may place the Chapter patch in a location of your choice keeping

in mind the guidelines above.










February 2011


direct from star website.

Edited by eusa1

And this is where I challenge them (as i have on other issues) on this regulation if they said I couldn't wear a vr.org patch. This isn't a group, club or association. It is a website/forum. If you are going to say I can't wear a forum patch then it better be in the regs. It it doesn't, then I don't need permission from anyone.


They tried to tell me once that by me posting an eBay auction that had already ended I was breaking some rule. I sent them a quite lengthy report as to why they were wrong. Never heard back.


Had another issue that there was a topic about tattoo's so I posted a picture of mine from the artists web-site and also typed the hyperlink. Next thing I know I am on super secret probation for breaking some other rule. My guess is someone clicked on the link and saw some pics of "body parts". Folks tattoo artist tattoo in all places. Now keep in mind the picture I posted also had the web address. They didn't complain about that, only about the hyperlink. I again sent them a very lengthy response as to why they were wrong. They wanted me to call one of the big wigs up there. I declined telling them everything so far has been written communication and that is how I wanted it to remain. Again didn't hear back.


Before I left STAR I started to hear they were going to loosen up on the rules because they recognized it is partially to blame for membership loss and chapters folding.


If I had this much free time on my hands, I think I would go for a ride on my bike! Instead of sitting around thinking up ridiculous rules about how many patches of what kind I am allowed to wear on my jacket!?!?:think: This is the very reason I ride my bike in the first place! To get away from the rules, and the silly rule makers. Out on the road, there are only two rules,

#1-twist right hand until grin appears,

#2-lift left foot to engage next gear.

REPEAT! :crackup:

Motorcycle riding is a way of life, NOT a fashion statement. Perhaps we should change the name of the riding club from STAR Touring to:


Trying to



Now there's a S.T.A.R. Patch I would gladly wear on my jacket!

If STAR spent as much time and money on figuring out how to put a fuel injected engine in their touring bike, or getting rid of the antique cassette deck in the dash, as they did compiling this pile of dung, perhaps they wouldn't be loosing so many members.

After all, how many people do they think they're going to be able to sell a "BRAND NEW"

14 year old motorcycle to? :confused24: I don't care WHAT color you paint it?

And just for the record, when Yamaha built the First Gen. MKI in 1983, by 1986, they came out with the MKII version, with a larger engine and Carbs. and many other improvements. That bike was built for ten years. The Second Gen. has been produced since 1999, (14 years) NO MKII version produced, unless you want to count the reversing of the battery terminals on the post 06' models as the "MKII" version. Which in this case would mean that the "MK" would stand for MaKe it harder to buy a decent battery for your bike! I'm not making this stuff up folks, just reminding you that this is NOT the first bung that "Yamaha, In all Their Wisdom", has humped.:doh: I just hope that Yamaha still remembers how to build a decent Piano if they expect to keep selling the Second Gen. RSV unchanged for another 10 years. :no-no-no:


We are a 'one patch' riding Association - a riding focused group. The patch is meant to show pride in membership and camaraderie with fellow STAR members.


While many of us are supporters of other groups and associations only with prior approval from the Chapter President (and STAR Touring) can they even be considered.



The STAR back patch should be placed in the center of the back of the vest. The Chapter rocker should be placed


flush to the bottom

of the back patch leaving no gap, which will give the appearance of a one-piece design. You


cannot wear two lower rockers. You cannot wear a Chapter rocker with out a Back Patch. Wing patches (Vet

Wing, LOS Wing, Tin Star Wing or Starfire Wing) may be placed either above or below the back patch and

rocker. No other bike association patch can be worn on a STAR vest.


No rocker or upper patch will


be designed to fit flush at the top of the back patch. NO EXCEPTIONS.

The small STAR arm/vest patch should be placed on the left side of the chest in line with the center of the arm.

The patch should be placed at a slight angle while lying flat. It is designed to be straight while the vest is on.

Small rockers (bike name, chapter position or custom design) should be placed flush to the bottom of this patch,

again leaving no gap. The arm/vest patch may also be put on the left sleeve of your jacket.

STAR Vets patch should be placed on the right side of the chest directly across from the arm/vest patch, and must

also be put on at a slight angle. The Branch of Service is laser-cut to fit against the bottom of the patch. The bottom

of this rocker should hang in line with the bottom of the vest.

Chapter patches can be placed on the right if you are not a STAR Vet; we have additional patches that may also be

placed here. If you have the STAR Vet patch you may place the Chapter patch in a location of your choice keeping

in mind the guidelines above.










February 2011


direct from star website.


Thanks for saving me the time, but I am familiar with it and referred to my copy before my previous posts.


Those are the instructions for a "STAR" vest.


I'm not aware of any rule that requires the ownership or wearing of a STAR vest, or any rule that prohibits wearing any other vest or jacket on a ride.


In my opinion, a jacket with a VR patch on back is not a STAR vest, and the president is mistaken for trying to disallow it.

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