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As many know I was involved in an accident Last Sunday gedtting hiit boad side.While I still have a ways to go, still in the hospitle with more upcoming tests. Anyhow thnks to all who have called or offered help in any way.The bike is totaled.More later

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I've been waiting to see this :big-grin-emoticon: :thumbsup2: I'll be up to see you tomorrow, you want me to bring anything for you? If the doctors say no you ain't getting it ! Do as the docs say, I don't wanna have to kick your butt when I get there :whistling:


Just one more member saying it was good to see the picture of you sitting up and looking pretty good. Oh and a member here has a nice 2nd gen trike for sale. $17k will the insurance money cover that? LOL!


Get well soon, there will plenty of time to think about that later.:thumbsup2:


Hello Larry and Joyce,


Christine and I are praying for the two of you.


Hope you get better real soon.


If you need anything ask.




Great to hear from you Larry, hopefully you will have a full recovery. Just take it easy and listen to the Drs. and Joyce needs to take care of herself as well.


:080402gudl_prv: Craig:fingers-crossed-emo



Good to see you on here, praying for a speedy recovery. I before you you leave there will be all sorts of Carbon One hospital bed accessories.


Good to see you posting. Not always that it turns out this well, as some of our members can attest to. Take it easy for now, and get healed up. See you soon,,, and oh ya, say hello to Joyce, tell her we still love her. if it don't hurt too much, give her a hug.


Larry, so good to see you post. Hope everything is going well. Like everyone has said, listen to the doctors and nurses, and oh, Joyce also. We all are thinking of you every day. Prayer's being sent for a speedy recoverery.


Gil, Gail and Lance


Welcome back! it was nice meeting you, man! we were scared!!! last thing i remember was you wiping off your bike in the resturant parking lot. speedy recovery....keep the snoring to a minimum...there are sick people there that need their rest! :sick:


I haven't posted on the other threads Larry, but I knew Saturday night while we were having Gunboats birthday party as Heather called me. You have been in our prayers and I know that I couldn't have said anything that wasn't mentioned.


I am very happy to see your green light on and YOU letting us know that your doing better. Been down, know that, and it's a great feeling to be the one conveying how good one is doing. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts, a machine can be replaced, you, my friend, cannot. I will continue to keep good vibes coming your way and wish you all the best.


I'm so sorry you have to go through this bad time!..Please get well fast!! I'm greatful too, that you are able to make this post...


Take your time to heal.



Larry Good to see you posting. Well timing is not bad, you have all winter to relax and find a replacement then be alreasdy for spring. Seriously take it easy.




You don't know how glad Pat and I are that you are doing better. Wish I was there or at least closer so I could come and visit with you. Keep following doctor's orders so you can get out of there...unless you are really enjoying that GOURMET hospital food! Or maybe you got a cute nurse..???


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