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In Memphis, Tenn., New Orleans, La., and Alabama, it's against the law for a woman to drive a car unless there is a man either running or walking in front of it waving a red flag to warn approaching motorists and pedestrians.


(This is not a bad idea in some cases..)


Although women in Saudi Arabia got the right to vote in 2009, they still aren't allowed to drive a car.


(I'll repeat the above... This is not a bad idea in some cases..)


In San Francisco, Calif., it is illegal to wipe one's car with used underwear.


(now that's downright sh*tty...)


To limit road kill in Pennsylvania, driving along a country road at night requires drivers to stop every mile, send up a rocket signal and wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, before continuing along the route.


(I heard livvin in Pennsylvania was a very "slow pace")


In Sarasota, Fla., drivers are discouraged not to hit pedestrians (or you'll be fined $78).


(heck, there's a few times I wouldn't mind payin...)


In California, it's against the law to shoot at wild game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.


(seriously...??? LOL)


In Wichita, Kansas, drivers are required to get out of their vehicle and fire three shot gun rounds into the air before proceeding through the intersection of Douglas and Broadway.


(just make sure you don't hit any wild game....unless it's an whale... oh, that's in California ... never mind!)


In Montreal, you may not park a car in such a way that it blocks your own driveway.


(.... and prevent your spouses lover from escaping...)


While some get a thrill from making out in cars, Massachusetts' law prohibits taxi drivers from having sexy time in the front row if they happen to be working


(dumbass driver forgot to book off shift....)


It's illegal to molest a car in Clinton, Okla.


(now ya gotta be some serious weirdo to get arrested for that!)


In California, no vehicle without a driver may exceed 96 km/h an hour.


(... or it will be sentenced to public molestation.)


If you have been convicted of driving while intoxicated in New Jersey, you'll no longer be eligible to apply for personalized license plates.


(now here's a law that should be everywhere ... it would immediately put an end to DUI's ... or personalized lic plates...)


Women can't wear a housecoat while behind the wheel in California.


(fine... dump the houscoat :smile5:)


In South Carolina it is illegal to display a replica of testicles on a vehicle.


(real ones are ok though...)

Wasn't this just posted a couple of days ago ?:whistling:


possibly ... but I guess I missed it ... and the comments in blue are my own.


Do you have a link?

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