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Well its for sure the head gasket I pulled the head today and found a gasket that was in bad shape. The heads looked good and the cylinders look good. But I am wondering about the bearings the engine still sounded good but I have no idea of how long it had been drove this way. I did find that they had put stop leak in it so I am sure the PO new about this and thats why he traded it off,

Is there a way to test the other head with out pulling it .



I still have the engine in I was able to get the rear head off with out pulling the motor.

I am not sure the front one will come off with it in.







I agree with Gary....If the bike overheated drastically, the front gasket would have been stressed also. I see that you have the engine in the bike, but.....it's a gamble if you don't change the front head gasket.




Frank D.


Orlin i agree with the others it will be cheaper to replace both now versus 1 now and 1 later and how much more damage it can and will cause only more money to shell out you may have caught it early enough :fingers-crossed-emo to not have any other damage other then blown head gaskets :fingers-crossed-emo :080402gudl_prv:


I will be putting in a diffrent motor I took out the 2 front plugs and I could tell that number 2 cylinder is now getting coolant in the oil so I have the motor out and now I have to get the other motor in. I had picked up a couple of parts bike a couple of years ago and the one had a good 1300 in it. So Im thinkinig by the weekend I will be riding down the road again.



Yes this is the one I just got, I called them when I first noticed something was wrong, I emailed them today and let them know what I found and what had to be done but I havent herd back from them yet so I am going to call them tomarrow. I have the feeling that I am on my own,



I talked with the place that I got the cycle from and told them what I found, and they told me to let them know what I will need for parts that they would like to help me out.

And that they would not have taken it in and sold it if they had any idea that it had been doctored up.

Nice to know that they are willing to help me out I told him I will send him some pics of the cycle and the head gaskets so that he knows that I am being truthfull with them.

The one good thing is I will know what I have once I get it put back together.


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