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My phone & wallet went through the wash Sunday, The Phone was also dried. It didn't make it. so for the few of you that actually talks to me buy phone. can you please send me your numbers again. Thanks.


  Brake Pad said:
My phone & wallet went through the wash Sunday, The Phone was also dried. It didn't make it. so for the few of you that actually talks to me buy phone. can you please send me your numbers again. Thanks.



Why the Eck did you do that???:soapbox::bawling:


Depending on service and type of previous phone, the service should be able to sync your phone numbers and e-mail addresses you had stored. Also there may be a micro SD card in the phone they can get the info off of.


Noop... Toast... I have a Iphone 3G the wife already tried to switch phones with me, I told her no way.... I also got the Credit card swipe for the business "the cube"


The wife was told the night before to leave the pants on the dresser. I was planing on wearing them to ride the following morning. sure enough, she got up early and grabbed the pants and dropped them in the washer without checking the pockets. Now when I was growing up, my mom said if your doing the wash, check the pockets. If you find money, is yours. I really think she washed they out of spike.

Yesterday she lost her reading glasses, and can't turn the light on during the night, to read her books. **** happens !!!!


First, your wife may have just wanted you to get the new Iphone 5. Since you had an Iphone your data may be backed up to your pc if you ever did a backup or IOS upgrade.




my last phone was a Nokia 1 cent phone. As I used it solely for work and had it for 4 years. no TXTing, e-mail or pictures, just a phone. But I was able to buy a new upgrade 4 months ago. I got this one so i can use the cube for credit cards

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