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The attorney has asked that all correspondence regarding this issue be routed through me at this time. I will be meeting with her on a VERY regular basis. She does not wish to have her name revealed at this time but just to show that this is a serious issue, she has granted me permission to share her picture.


Please wish us luck.




I'll testify!

Folks, I don't want to start a debate here over synthetic vs. dino based blinker fluid but I strongly recommend that if your bike is over about 5 years old or 40,000 miles that you NOT switch to synthetic blinker fluid. It can cause leaks in such cases. I had a very good friend that swapped to synthetic fluid at 45,000 miles and it caused the light from his blinkers to drip out onto the ground.


Wow...didn't even know it was available in synthetic! But does it work with older incandescent blinkers or do I have to change over to LEB's?


I personally think that all your Blinker Fluid vs speed problems would be reduced if not solved if you used this item that most ham radio guys keep with them all the time.


Macaroni Antenna Wax. It really helps the RF slide in and out of the antenna better and is a good fix all for just about anything else. I keep it in my trunk beside my wire stretcher. Never leave home without it.


This product is made and distributed by one of my friends in Columbia, SC. His background in radio, Ham for many years and was involved in the Clemson University Station way back around 1957, should give you enough info to know that this product sure does what it says.


My only questions are, do they have a summer weight and winter weight oil?


I have tried the antenna wax but not applying it in the sun or daytime hours or during a full moon can cause hazing or whip back part scares me. . .


So when the bike in front of you has their blinker on all the time, does that mean he is using too much or too little of this stuff?


Thanks a lot fellas! now that y'all started commenting on this thread there is a severe shortage of blinker fluid to be had. I have to wait a MONTH for anyone to get some in...a lot of help you are!



I can't stop laughing you people have waaaaaaaaaaay too much friggin time on your hands. Don you especially! Everyone knows there's no such thing as blinker fluid.


Its Blinker Gel! if you buy Blinker fluid your not very bright. Blinker gel holds the light and directs it in a forward fashion. It doesn't drip or pool Thats so silly.




But it is is excellent on mufflers bearing and transmission gear vanes.:big-grin-emoticon:


If you are behind a first gen with it's blinker on and it's heading south, it's fall and it's probably headed to Florida or Arizona or they put blinker gel in, that's for second gen's only. First gens didn't have flex fluid rating on the blinker. . .


Thanks a lot fellas! now that y'all started commenting on this thread there is a severe shortage of blinker fluid to be had. I have to wait a MONTH for anyone to get some in...a lot of help you are!



I have a gallon I'll sell you for $49.99 plus shipping...

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