Flyinfool Posted August 24, 2012 #1 Posted August 24, 2012 Yesterday on my way home from work there is a weird intersection that I go thru. It is a T intersection. I was heading across the top of the T and had my turn signal on to make the left turn to the base of the T. The rout I was traveling was the normal traffic route the other side of the T is a dead end. So there was no stop sign for me but there was a stop sign for the oncoming traffic. Well there was a oncoming car, she did stop at the stop sign. SOMETHING just yelled at me to watch this one close, somehow I just knew she was not going to wait for me to clear the intersection. My subconscious brain was already to stop or go straight WHEN she was going to run the stop sign. Yup the plan all came together, she came up to the sign, stopped, and then just as I was getting there she took off right in front of me. But since I somehow knew this was going to happen. So as I was coming into the intersection I had already downshifted to 1st, had the clutch pulled in, the throttle released and my right hand and foot already one the brakes. So I was able to be stopped in the middle of the intersection, at about a 45° angle but not across the center line, so that she knew where I was headed, while blasting on my dueling Bad Boy horns, about 3 feet from her OPEN drivers window and my HID headlight right in her face. Man she had some real big eyeballs at that point. Then it happened, I hit the holy grail. My very first one. She was so startled by the 2 Bad Boys screaming in her ear, she launched the cell phone that she was talking on right out the car window. :big-grin-emoticon: Unfortunately it landed behind me where I could not run it over. But I did see pieces parts when it hit the pavement. Never question that little voice in the back of your head.
BigLenny Posted August 24, 2012 #2 Posted August 24, 2012 Yep, you , my friend, experienced THE HOLY GRAIL! I only wish I could've been there trailing you to witness it. LOL. (I could've ran over the phone for ya)
RandyR Posted August 24, 2012 #3 Posted August 24, 2012 Really need rocket launchers for these situations.... Glad ya saw her coming. I almost got it walking my dog on Wednesday. I step off the curb at a corner. car coming from right that has stop sign; driver talking to passenger and not looking. Its a 1 way street I'm walking on so no cars coming. He stopped, but never looked up or to the left. I pulled my dog back and stepped back on curb. He did a left turn and saw me about 1/2 way thru his turn. funny look on his face. I just looked back at him.
Yammer Dan Posted August 24, 2012 #4 Posted August 24, 2012 :clap2:Almost as much fun as stomping it....
bongobobny Posted August 24, 2012 #5 Posted August 24, 2012 Nah! I would have picked up the cell phone and given it to a friendly police man and explain how the owner lost it!! I'm sure they would have made sure it was returned to it's rightful owner...
Flyinfool Posted August 24, 2012 Author #6 Posted August 24, 2012 Nah! I would have picked up the cell phone and given it to a friendly police man and explain how the owner lost it!! I'm sure they would have made sure it was returned to it's rightful owner... I am nowhere near athletic enough to pick something up off the road while sitting on the bike, and not about to become very vulnerable while getting off the bike. I just hope it was a really expensive smart phone.
GaryZ Posted August 24, 2012 #7 Posted August 24, 2012 Nah! I would have picked up the cell phone and given it to a friendly police man and explain how the owner lost it!! I'm sure they would have made sure it was returned to it's rightful owner...
Guest Swifty Posted August 24, 2012 #8 Posted August 24, 2012 THAT is a good story. Here is mine today... I realized this morning too how distracted some people can be while talking on a cell phone. This was in Starbucks. I'm waiting at the pickup counter for my latte, and the dizzy broad on her cell was waiting behind me for her drink. Her conversation became animated and suddenly she (subconsciously) started grabbing, swirling and pawing vigorously ALL the wooden stir sticks in the container. I looked at her and said, "please don't do that!" She was in a daze and looked at me like I was stupid for trying to talk to her. I quickly responded in a fashion that I knew would grab her attention. I grabbed the cell phone out her hand and yelled loudly into it and for the whole store to hear, "the low life b-tch you are talking to is contaminating all the product in this coffee shop by pawing all the stir sticks while she is talking to you, so from now on don't talk to her when she goes into a Starbucks!" At the same time I grab the stir stick container from her and hold them up high". Of course, she is shocked back to reality. Everyone in the store looks. I slide the cell phone down the counter of the bar slamming it against the wall at the far end. I suggest (still using my loud teacher voice!) that the baristas put all these stir sticks in the garbage and replace them with new ones. One of the baristas quickly walks over and takes the container from me. Everyone in the store is silent. I grab my latte and walk out. She apologizes quietly, grabs her drink and cell and walks out behind me. Coincidently, she goes in the same direction in the parking lot as I do, only my car and another one are in that area. I decide to continue to make my point by loudly coughing into my hand and grabbing her car door with the same hand saying facetiously, "please let me help you into your car...oops, it's locked...sorry, but I just contaminated ONE person's door handle...YOU would have contaminated hundreds of people's drinks if it wasn't for me and my action this morning. So please admit that you are too stupid to use a cell phone in public without risking the safety of others, and leave the phone at home!" She takes a few steps back, I get in my car and drive away. I'll let y'all decide if I'm just a little grumpy about the pending conclusion of my summer holidays, or whether I acted appropriately in a fashion it takes for some to get the message.
BigLenny Posted August 24, 2012 #10 Posted August 24, 2012 Swifty, Swifty, Swifty, Sounds like you hadn't had your morning coffee yet. See there, That's exactly why I don't drink coffee. You're not gonna get me to go into an establishment early in the morning where most people are grumpy, and NEEDING a caffein fix! It's a clear case of her not having enough caffein in her system yet to think clearly, and you not having enough in your system yet to not be on edge and agitated. LOL. Why else would she have put up with someone calling her a b-tch? I do love when people lose their cool and go all postal like you did. It makes for awesome office water cooler talk when I get to work. LOL.
Trader Posted August 24, 2012 #11 Posted August 24, 2012 I'm sure that she got the message. Mind you .....I think you could have got it across without the personal insults. But...that's just me....sometimes I'm just too nice!
Yamamike Posted August 24, 2012 #12 Posted August 24, 2012 Yep...I always listen to that little voice! When the other voices chime in and start arguing though...I ignore them:cool10:
Flyinfool Posted August 24, 2012 Author #13 Posted August 24, 2012 Until they die as a result of their actions they will not stop. The only possible way to stop people from using their phones while driving is to pass laws to make the phone manufacturers program the phones to stop working at anything over 5 mph. Except for 911. This would cost WAY less than 1 penny per phone to implement. Your talking at most one days pay for a software engineer. And he is probably in India or china.
Bubber Posted August 24, 2012 #14 Posted August 24, 2012 Now if more people would respond to people that were zoned out while talking on the phone maybe they would go outside and take in private. I know I don't want to hear them and their conversations.
Yammer Dan Posted August 24, 2012 #15 Posted August 24, 2012 Until they die as a result of their actions they will not stop. The only possible way to stop people from using their phones while driving is to pass laws to make the phone manufacturers program the phones to stop working at anything over 5 mph. Except for 911. This would cost WAY less than 1 penny per phone to implement. Your talking at most one days pay for a software engineer. And he is probably in India or china. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that: I can't believe this hasn't already happened. But then there would be that company that claims.."OUR PHONE WON'T CUT OFF AT ANY SPEED!!" Who is going to sell what??
Flyinfool Posted August 24, 2012 Author #16 Posted August 24, 2012 That is why it would have to be a law. There is no way the phone makers would do it on their own. You just have to watch for some hacker to come out with an app to disable it.
Venturous Randy Posted August 24, 2012 #17 Posted August 24, 2012 Interesting, I had a close encounter also yesterday. I took a street I had not taken in years that goes down a hill and you have to turn right or left. To the right the visibility was good, but to the left it was somewhat limited vision. But, with the speed limit being 30 mph, there is still plenty of room to get out safely. Unless, you have some woman in a SUV coming around the curve doing at least 50 mph and she just about nailed me. I made it out ok with her horn blaring, so I cranked up my air horns also. I almost turned around to let her know that if she had not been exceeding the speed limit, we would not have had a close call. So, I just let her go on thinking that some idiot on a motorcycle almost ruined her day. Sometimes you have to just accept that you can't fix stupid. RandyA
Dragonslayer Posted August 24, 2012 #18 Posted August 24, 2012 THAT is a good story. Here is mine today... I realized this morning too how distracted some people can be while talking on a cell phone. This was in Starbucks. I'm waiting at the pickup counter for my latte, and the dizzy broad on her cell was waiting behind me for her drink. Her conversation became animated and suddenly she (subconsciously) started grabbing, swirling and pawing vigorously ALL the wooden stir sticks in the container. I looked at her and said, "please don't do that!" She was in a daze and looked at me like I was stupid for trying to talk to her. I quickly responded in a fashion that I knew would grab her attention. I grabbed the cell phone out her hand and yelled loudly into it and for the whole store to hear, "the low life b-tch you are talking to is contaminating all the product in this coffee shop by pawing all the stir sticks while she is talking to you, so from now on don't talk to her when she goes into a Starbucks!" At the same time I grab the stir stick container from her and hold them up high". Of course, she is shocked back to reality. Everyone in the store looks. I slide the cell phone down the counter of the bar slamming it against the wall at the far end. I suggest (still using my loud teacher voice!) that the baristas put all these stir sticks in the garbage and replace them with new ones. One of the baristas quickly walks over and takes the container from me. Everyone in the store is silent. I grab my latte and walk out. She apologizes quietly, grabs her drink and cell and walks out behind me. Coincidently, she goes in the same direction in the parking lot as I do, only my car and another one are in that area. I decide to continue to make my point by loudly coughing into my hand and grabbing her car door with the same hand saying facetiously, "please let me help you into your car...oops, it's locked...sorry, but I just contaminated ONE person's door handle...YOU would have contaminated hundreds of people's drinks if it wasn't for me and my action this morning. So please admit that you are too stupid to use a cell phone in public without risking the safety of others, and leave the phone at home!" She takes a few steps back, I get in my car and drive away. I'll let y'all decide if I'm just a little grumpy about the pending conclusion of my summer holidays, or whether I acted appropriately in a fashion it takes for some to get the message. SWIFTY, I'm not saying your point was incorrect, I'm just saying you might want to try the De-caf Latte. I'm not saying, I'm just saying
TDunc Posted August 24, 2012 #19 Posted August 24, 2012 THAT is a good story. Here is mine today... ... I'll let y'all decide if I'm just a little grumpy about the pending conclusion of my summer holidays, or whether I acted appropriately in a fashion it takes for some to get the message. Yep, Kids come back to school Monday!
playboy Posted August 24, 2012 #20 Posted August 24, 2012 THAT is a good story. Here is mine today... I realized this morning too how distracted some people can be while talking on a cell phone. This was in Starbucks. I'm waiting at the pickup counter for my latte, and the dizzy broad on her cell was waiting behind me for her drink. Her conversation became animated and suddenly she (subconsciously) started grabbing, swirling and pawing vigorously ALL the wooden stir sticks in the container. I looked at her and said, "please don't do that!" She was in a daze and looked at me like I was stupid for trying to talk to her. I quickly responded in a fashion that I knew would grab her attention. I grabbed the cell phone out her hand and yelled loudly into it and for the whole store to hear, "the low life b-tch you are talking to is contaminating all the product in this coffee shop by pawing all the stir sticks while she is talking to you, so from now on don't talk to her when she goes into a Starbucks!" At the same time I grab the stir stick container from her and hold them up high". Of course, she is shocked back to reality. Everyone in the store looks. I slide the cell phone down the counter of the bar slamming it against the wall at the far end. I suggest (still using my loud teacher voice!) that the baristas put all these stir sticks in the garbage and replace them with new ones. One of the baristas quickly walks over and takes the container from me. Everyone in the store is silent. I grab my latte and walk out. She apologizes quietly, grabs her drink and cell and walks out behind me. Coincidently, she goes in the same direction in the parking lot as I do, only my car and another one are in that area. I decide to continue to make my point by loudly coughing into my hand and grabbing her car door with the same hand saying facetiously, "please let me help you into your car...oops, it's locked...sorry, but I just contaminated ONE person's door handle...YOU would have contaminated hundreds of people's drinks if it wasn't for me and my action this morning. So please admit that you are too stupid to use a cell phone in public without risking the safety of others, and leave the phone at home!" She takes a few steps back, I get in my car and drive away. I'll let y'all decide if I'm just a little grumpy about the pending conclusion of my summer holidays, or whether I acted appropriately in a fashion it takes for some to get the message. Regardless at some point you know everyone's wanted to do something similar.
Brake Pad Posted August 24, 2012 #22 Posted August 24, 2012 Now if more people would respond to people that were zoned out while talking on the phone maybe they would go outside and take in private. I know I don't want to hear them and their conversations. If I wasn't in my company truck, I would have bumped a mini van this after noon, driving in the fast lane, chatting on the phone doing 35 in a 50 zone. I sat on his bumper for 3 miles and he never looked back. (It's days like today were I wish I had those train horns on the truck.)
mraf Posted August 25, 2012 #23 Posted August 25, 2012 THAT is a good story. Here is mine today... I realized this morning too how distracted some people can be while talking on a cell phone. This was in Starbucks. I'm waiting at the pickup counter for my latte, and the dizzy broad on her cell was waiting behind me for her drink. Her conversation became animated and suddenly she (subconsciously) started grabbing, swirling and pawing vigorously ALL the wooden stir sticks in the container. I looked at her and said, "please don't do that!" She was in a daze and looked at me like I was stupid for trying to talk to her. I quickly responded in a fashion that I knew would grab her attention. I grabbed the cell phone out her hand and yelled loudly into it and for the whole store to hear, "the low life b-tch you are talking to is contaminating all the product in this coffee shop by pawing all the stir sticks while she is talking to you, so from now on don't talk to her when she goes into a Starbucks!" At the same time I grab the stir stick container from her and hold them up high". Of course, she is shocked back to reality. Everyone in the store looks. I slide the cell phone down the counter of the bar slamming it against the wall at the far end. I suggest (still using my loud teacher voice!) that the baristas put all these stir sticks in the garbage and replace them with new ones. One of the baristas quickly walks over and takes the container from me. Everyone in the store is silent. I grab my latte and walk out. She apologizes quietly, grabs her drink and cell and walks out behind me. Coincidently, she goes in the same direction in the parking lot as I do, only my car and another one are in that area. I decide to continue to make my point by loudly coughing into my hand and grabbing her car door with the same hand saying facetiously, "please let me help you into your car...oops, it's locked...sorry, but I just contaminated ONE person's door handle...YOU would have contaminated hundreds of people's drinks if it wasn't for me and my action this morning. So please admit that you are too stupid to use a cell phone in public without risking the safety of others, and leave the phone at home!" She takes a few steps back, I get in my car and drive away. I'll let y'all decide if I'm just a little grumpy about the pending conclusion of my summer holidays, or whether I acted appropriately in a fashion it takes for some to get the message. So if going back to work sucks. The alternative is ? I know, I know ,living in a van down by the river!
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