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Trouble starting when damp

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I work overnights and last week on two different mornings the bike turned over but would not start at first. I cranked it repeatedly and after awhile it was like flipping a light switch it started. Figured it was the plug wires from the morning dew. I changed the wires and the plug caps over the weekend and rode it to work Monday. Tuesday morning it would crank and occasionally pop but not fire up. I even pulled the top of the airbox off and gave it a good shot of starting fluid and it still would not start. I left it sit and caught a ride home from a coworker. Went to work last night when it was warm and dry out and it started with the touch of the button. The tci has been moved to the top of the airbox and is covered. I can ride in the rain without any issues. When it's popping and not starting it almost sounds like the timing is off, and will all of a sudden backfire through the exhaust. Could this be corrosion in the plug to the pick-up? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks, Ray

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Better question,did you inspect the coil ends for green deposits when you changed the coil wires? Yes, the connector plug from the pickup coils could be corroded as well. Now, the question being, when you relocated your TCI, did you pop the cover off and bake it in the oven for a while to remove any accumulated moisture? If so, when you reinstalled the cover did you coat the seam with vasoline or grease to waterproof it??

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