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Anybody ever have or raise a rat terrier?


This may be one of the greatest challenges I have ever taken on.


Full of energy and smart as a whip.

I am a labrador type guy. I like easy dogs to train. This one aint easy.


This one has a tendancy to nip. Not a bite yet. The growl comes before the nip. 8 months old.


I never hit a dog. the voice should command the dog.


This one must have missed that day in school. Here is some history on the devil spawn.


We got him at 8 weeks from the APL. His tail was docked. He chewed on me from the get go. He is chewing less from verbal repercussions.


I think he got pulled from mom too early. He is so smart. Just bad.


This pup will be a challenge.


Lets see a pic of this bad boy. I had a dog or two, that were thick headed...Rats are kind of rare. And wired, kind of different...lol:080402gudl_prv:

Posted (edited)
Anybody ever have or raise a rat terrier?


This may be one of the greatest challenges I have ever taken on.


Full of energy and smart as a whip.

I am a labrador type guy. I like easy dogs to train. This one aint easy.


This one has a tendancy to nip. Not a bite yet. The growl comes before the nip. 8 months old.


I never hit a dog. the voice should command the dog.


This one must have missed that day in school. Here is some history on the devil spawn.


We got him at 8 weeks from the APL. His tail was docked. He chewed on me from the get go. He is chewing less from verbal repercussions.


I think he got pulled from mom too early. He is so smart. Just bad.


This pup will be a challenge.


I have a rat terrior she is now almost 5 years old. Yes they are smart as a whip and tend to be a one person dog. Mine does not mind other people as long as I am there other wise she will let you know or if someone gets to close or acts like he or she is going to mess with you she will protect. She does have a mind of her own but all and all a very good dog. I got here when she was 4 months old from someone who was alergic to the fine hair she was scared to death of me at first. Now she cant get enough of me. She used to run from me when I tried to get her from outside but ever since she got hit by a minivan and cost me about 2 grand to get her fixed up she no longer runs or leaves my side for very long. She was about 2 when this happened. You will have to be firm with him and let him know who's boss. Plus they are full of energy to the max.


Anyway good luck with him he should turn out to be a good and loyal dog.




You could never tell she was like that now.

Edited by star4772

We have a rat terrier/bichon cross. Nice combination.....doesnt shed. Temperment is all rat terrier. she is very protective of the house/property and our family. She is also a barker, she looks out the window and barks at birds etc. When the neighbors come over, she barks when they arrive and while they are here she is fine. When they leave she barks and runs to the door behind them. When we go over to their place, she is the nicest dog though. she is finally slowing down, she is now 15 and hearing is going and she has developed cataracts. It will be a sad day when she leaves us.


Here is a picture of Tippy laying on the footrest of my recliner.


My Dad had a Rat Terrier / Pomeranian mix. She was given to us because at 3 months she didn't get along with her mother, so they needed her gone.

That dog had a mind of her own, and she was smarter than most people, but she knew Dad was boss. I swear, when Dad would speak to her, she understood much more than simple commands. My entire family loves dogs, I have three, but in my 50 years I've never seen a smarter dog. She was definitely Dad's dog, but she was always happy to see me, and would always spend a little time whenever I'd stop by to say "hello".

She died about 4 years ago, and it broke my Dad's heart. He still talks about her and grieves to this day. They were inseparable.

Here's to you Little Dog....that's right,...that's what Dad called her.


Here is a pic of Izzy. Eight weeks then, eight months now. The girlfreind named him. I thought Rambo was more appropriate. That his pal Buddy with him.




My father in law has one and I despise him. He's got the personality of the young jailer from the movie "Green Mile" that tried to kill the mouse.

I have a rat terrior she is now almost 5 years old. Yes they are smart as a whip and tend to be a one person dog. Mine does not mind other people as long as I am there other wise she will let you know or if someone gets to close or acts like he or she is going to mess with you she will protect. She does have a mind of her own but all and all a very good dog. I got here when she was 4 months old from someone who was alergic to the fine hair she was scared to death of me at first. Now she cant get enough of me. She used to run from me when I tried to get her from outside but ever since she got hit by a minivan and cost me about 2 grand to get her fixed up she no longer runs or leaves my side for very long. She was about 2 when this happened. You will have to be firm with him and let him know who's boss. Plus they are full of energy to the max.


Anyway good luck with him he should turn out to be a good and loyal dog.




You could never tell she was like that now.


Added couple more pic's.

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