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Post Retirement September Trip To Mt. Rushmore


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Let me know when you are meeting with Dave as I am also very near Sioux Falls and could meet up with a little notice!


Have just got back from the Hills, spent 4 days riding, stayed at creekside campground just south of deadwood.



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OK so believe it or not, Becky is not real excited about the Mall Of America so we will be taking I90 straight across Minnesota so sorry Bubber, no Sunday shopping trip!! I'm thinking next year for the PIP maybe spending a day there instead either before or after going.


Things are shaping up quite nicely, just have to go into work Tuesday to officially retire then hit the road Wednesday morning probably around 10:00. First stop Bloomfield Hills Michigan...

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OK so believe it or not, Becky is not real excited about the Mall Of America so we will be taking I90 straight across Minnesota so sorry Bubber, no Sunday shopping trip!! I'm thinking next year for the PIP maybe spending a day there instead either before or after going.


Things are shaping up quite nicely, just have to go into work Tuesday to officially retire then hit the road Wednesday morning probably around 10:00. First stop Bloomfield Hills Michigan...


So we should see you about 5-6pm then, I'll have the grill hot and the Beer cold :thumbsup2:

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I'm devistated!!! The bike has developed a disabling electrical issue!!! Looks like we are caging it instead!!

I tool the bike over to get it inspected and on the way both the oil and coolant lights came on!! I could understand the coolant light as I lost a little fixing the damage to the wires from the stator when the charging system went haywire at the international. Also a secondary problem that showed up a few weeks ago with the turn signals appeared. The turn signals will blink really fast!! (Must be the synthetic blinker fluid) The first time it happened it magically fixed itself, only to reappear again during inspection.

Anyway, we topped off the coolant and I noticed the oil just about 1/4 up the site glass so we added some to it. Well, upon leaving turned the key on and the bike started without hitting the start switch!! Both red lights back on too!!


Th make a long story even longer, got home and started troubleshooting. After splitting the fairing (noticed the audio system doing strange things too) the problem went away and the turn signals are normal again. So did a few extra things, and put the bike back together and went to get gas. Got halfway to the gas station and the same problem reappeared!!. Came home, removed the side cover where the turn signal relay is and the problem went away. Took another ride and within 1 minute the problem reappeared! Let the bike set and it goes away!! I think the problem is a shorted diode (thermally shorting) in the starter cut off relay box. Going to troubleshoot it further today but doubt I can get parts in time to leave Wednesday morning. So it looks like we are caging it!


Bottom line, we are still following the same plans but in the car instead! We still want to meet up with all the people we were planning on meeting up with. Those that were going to ride along with us for a while, we can still do that too but we will not be on the trike!

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I agree except for the idiot lights being on! No, there is a ground appearing across that diode to the relay contact that comes from the start switch. It is making ground appear on the B/R, B/W, L, and L/W wires I believe. If the start switch was sticking the headlight would also be killed, but it stasys on. I'm thinking that is what originally killed my charging system at the International as the starter moror is continually running as long as that condition exists. The audio system anomoly is a really cool one, squeeze the clutch and the sound comes on!!! Haven't quite figured that one either but it is all related, and very repeatable. The same symptom happens as long as the bike runs for a couple of minutes, and the problem goes away after it cools off.


Last night I bought a set of used relays for a 2nd gen off fleabay if nothing else to have as spares but they won't get here until Thursday or Friday.

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Guest tx2sturgis

Sounds like a bad or corroded ground somewhere...maybe a ground wire/connector in the fairing? Check, clean, and cycle every multiconnector you can find.

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99 44/100% sure we are going to cage it. I checked and yup, the part I need is in the pack of 4 I bought off of Fleabay that won't get here until Thursday or Friday. No sense spending a ton of money on a new one...


You could also look at it this way, What it would cost at the dealer will still be less than the cost of additional gas in the cage.


:think: Or you could go to Pioneer on bended knee and plead for the relay off the RSV sitting on the showroom floor.

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