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Food for thought

Black Owl

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Oh c'mon, I thought this was obvious....What about Southern Fried Chicken? Chicken Fried Steak? Cajun cookin, Farm-raised Catfish, New York Strip, Kansas City Strip, FreedomFries! (ok...scratch that!) Texas Beef, Texas Toast, Texas Barbeque, New Mexico Chili, Maine Shrimp...(thats our ocean, dangit) Irish Stew, (ever been to NYC?) Florida oranges, Hawaiian pure cane sugar, Kansas wheat...Philly Sandwichs....man the list goes on and on....still nothing named after Canada...you know, I bet some of the food they DO eat up there might have even been invented, or maybe even COOKED, by some dude or dudette with a speeding ticket, or maybe even held a gun once upon a time.


Just amazes me that outlaws are the very people who settled OUR country, yet our nice neighbors to the north wont let a visitor in who even had a speeding ticket!




Who am I kidding, I dont have any plans on learning French, anyway.







Man, i think you're out of the Line somewhere.


The same 'Outlaws' that founded the USA in 1776 also founded Canada.


And for coming to USA from foreign Countries, just in Case yu didn't know, US has the most Rules made real tough, Passports with biometric Data and so on ... There were a Lot of People, who even haven't had a Speeding Ticket in in their Leife, but have been rejected from the USA by DHS. Just because their ethnic Roots or for beeing born in a formerly 'eastern Country'.


I suggest to rethink and rewrite your above Statement.



And ... as for the Food ....


all the Food you quoted seems to be named locally ?? There is not one Dish that states "American". So is it in Canada also ...


2nd, as the USA are the 'new World', how can it be that all those People say it's american Food. The Food and everything which needs to make it a good Meal were brought to Amerika by the Folks from the 'old Countries'.


Only real 'american' Food would be the Food which the amercian Indians make. Well, i even do not know how they cook and how it would taste.



But we here eat canadian Salmon sometimes, i personally like a canadian special Honey.

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So sorry that some feel the way they do about Canada.


Here is a cut and pasted portion from the Canadian Border Services site.


Why some people cannot enter or remain in Canada


People can be denied a visa, refused admission or removed from Canada for a number of reasons.

Security They have engaged in, or there are reasonable grounds to believe they will engage in, spying, subversion or terrorism, or they belong to organizations that have engaged in, or will engage in, these activities. Human or international rights violations They have committed war crimes or crimes against humanity. They are or were senior members or officials of a government that has committed acts of terrorism, major human rights violations, genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity. Serious criminality They have, or there are reasonable grounds to believe they have, committed a crime punishable by a maximum of 10 years of incarceration. Other criminality They have, or there are reasonable grounds to believe they have, committed an indictable crime. They commit an offence such as possessing or importing narcotics, while seeking entry to Canada. Organized crime They belong to an organization that is believed to take part in organized criminal activity or to engage in transnational crimes such as people smuggling, trafficking in people or money laundering. Health They may be a danger to public health or cause excessive demands on Canada's health or social services. Financial They are unable or unwilling to support themselves and their dependants. Misrepresentation They provide officers with false information or withhold information that is directly relevant to a decision under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). Non-compliance They contravene the requirements of IRPA. Some examples include the following:

  • not having a valid passport or visa;
  • entering as visitors and remaining longer than authorized;
  • trying to re-enter without the written permission of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, after being deported;
  • working or attending school without the appropriate permit; and
  • breaching conditions imposed when they were first admitted to Canada.

Inadmissible family members They are the family members of someone who is inadmissible.


In addition, permanent residents are in breach of IRPA if they fail to meet the residency obligations set out in the Act. Permanent residents who are inadmissible for this reason may be issued removal orders.

Date Modified: 2007-01-26


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Canada also has laws against "outlaw" motorcycle clubs. Don't think Venture Riders is on their list of 1%'ers, but... behave when you get there.


If asked by Immigration, you're supposed to tell them if you've got convictions- DUI, felonies, etc. So you might be admitted, or not, depends if they ask. Since they can check it online, better be prepared to answer honestly. They probably shouldn't have let me in on my trip to Niagra Falls.


DHS doesn't much care where you're from (except...), but if you're on their list- you don't get in. If someone with the same name is on their list- you don't get in. Worse, you don't even get to see their list.


Some places, though, you also need a visa. Lots of countries have reciprocal agreements with the US to allow visas issued on the same day, others need visas in advance.


Times change. Too many people crossing borders for the wrong reasons. Open borders may come back.

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Guest tx2sturgis
OK What are we going to need if we take a chance?

If we get in they will let us back out won't they??

I might have to go to work with Rick..



That whole area, if you look at it on a map, is somewhat triangle shaped....Ever heard of the Bermuda Triangle?


Most are never heard from again...its the legend of the Ontario Triangle!!!


No. You will not be let back out again. Its the law.



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And ... as for the Food ....


all the Food you quoted seems to be named locally ?? There is not one Dish that states "American". So is it in Canada also ...


But we here eat canadian Salmon sometimes, i personally like a canadian special Honey.


Could not have answered this any better. :rotf:How about Canadian Maple syrup, Canadian Beer and of course Candian Whiskey. :thumbsup2: Yes it is a blend but still better than JD


The last two has you beat hands down and of course they are both worth attemping to cross the border, even with speeding tickets, on your record.



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SERIOUSLY do any of you think that a few speeding tickets, and we would not let you in. That is almost as foulish as the US closing the borders and not letting you go home.


So unless you have a real serious criminal record personally I would not worry about it.


My Brother in law had an assault charge back when he was 19 and the US would not allow him in untill he got a pardon (35 years later) he still does not have one. Even today he still cross' (not often) but he will try. In 20 years he was returned only once. Look decent, :innocent: talk nice and most of the time they let you go.



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OK What are we going to need if we take a chance?

If we get in they will let us back out won't they??

I might have to go to work with Rick..



I would welcome you Dan. But, if you are like me, the testing now is so arduous that it is unlikely that I would get hired these days!


They are trying to get rid of us dinosaurs!


But the pay is good!

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I would welcome you Dan. But, if you are like me, the testing now is so arduous that it is unlikely that I would get hired these days!


They are trying to get rid of us dinosaurs!


But the pay is good!



Convicts would hate us!! No wait a minute I think they already do!!!

I LOVE MY JOB!!! Where else can you get paid to have a attitude like mine??

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