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Food for thought

Black Owl

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For those of us who are planning on attending the International VentureIn in Ontario this summer, a bit of fore planning may be in order.


Now I know that since we have matured, we are all of impecible moral character. However if, by chance, you may have had a minor lapse in your younger years, the following may be of particular importance,

Criminal inadmissibility


If you have committed or been convicted of a criminal offence, you may not be allowed to enter Canada.


Criminal offences include both minor and serious offences, such as theft, assault, manslaughter, dangerous driving and driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

For a complete list of criminal offences in Canada, consult the Canadian Criminal Code.


If you were convicted of a crime when you were under the age of 18, you can probably still enter Canada.


Our Canadian friends can clarify this more, but it is my understanding that on occassion (depending on the border agent), even a simple speeding ticket has resulted in denial of admission.


And, arriving on a scoot is going to give them more reason to look closely at you. Would hate to see anyone get all the way to the border and be turned away.

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Guest KitCarson

Are you talking about something like this? Bear in mind I would handle it differently now........maybe....might....might not!! I had just got out of the military......living in Oregon, working two jobs and my wife was doing day baby sitting to help out.....this fellow would not pay her....and I just happened to be coming around the corner when I saw him give her the one finger salute and she was standing at the door crying.......he took off.....I followed.....he ran into his apartment and would peek out the window......cool.....I just tied a rope to his door and yanked it off the hinges with my truck........cost me 700 dollars and a charge of assault. I was 24 years old........how long does stuff like that stay on your record?

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Mr. OWl I am not sure about the speeding tickets but it is possible to be turned away for the DUI, and other felony convictions.


One piece of advise that was discussed before, is watch what you say and be polite.


I have not heard of many people getting turned away. I know a few (co-workers) that had previous convictions and they were not turned away.




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What do you think they would say when I told them my good buddy 1911a1 was with me?



That's always a concern for me. I like to be fully dressed.


I've been to Canada maybe 100 times? Usually took the Ambassador bridge in Detroit [took the tunnel once on a scoot]....nasty.

Never had any problem.....Told the Border Boothers to "Stuff It" when they asked me some stupid questions. They gave me a slip of paper & told me to talk to the folks at the building........they always told me to make allowances for the Booth Babies & to have a nice visit.


That was all pre 9/11 though. Things might have changed since the last time I was there in '98. I know you now need a passport to fly in thesedays.

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I've crossed at Qubec and New Brunswick in a Big Truck ... it shouldn't be a problem...


BTW where and when is this gig?


It is being held in Kitchener, Ontario approx 50 miles West of Toronto. It is the July 7-10th.




More to come, hopefully next week when Reiny Rooster returns from Cuba.



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I got Vacation slip filled out for it but may as well pull that one. I have been arrested more than 20 times. Not very many convictions. Did I mention I like to fight?? Get arrested in WV for fighting in a bar and they just charge you with being drunk!! And a RUI (riding under influence) they claimed it was DUI. Wasn't driving I was RIDING. Even worse in my opinion now.One of the reasons I am a good Correctional Officer I know how the other side lives!!

Would have liked to see Canada though.

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I got Vacation slip filled out for it but may as well pull that one. I have been arrested more than 20 times. Not very many convictions. Did I mention I like to fight?? Get arrested in WV for fighting in a bar and they just charge you with being drunk!! And a RUI (riding under influence) they claimed it was DUI. Wasn't driving I was RIDING. Even worse in my opinion now.One of the reasons I am a good Correctional Officer I know how the other side lives!!

Would have liked to see Canada though.



Dang Dan!


Now who are we going to sit around the fire with and talk shop!.....



Hey Mike...you guys gonna be there?


We are coming to the meet folks.....

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Guest tx2sturgis

Food for thought huh? Nothing good to eat in Canada anyway....I mean, has anyone ever heard of eating Canadian food?


You got yer Mexican food, you got yer Italian food, you got Chinese and Greek, you got Taiwan and German food, you got American food of course...but, what the heck do Canucks eat? I mean, besides Canadian Bacon, which is best layered on an Italian Pizza, just what the heck do yall eat up there?


Ive been all over the USA, and I dont remember ever seeing one...not ONE...Canadian food restaurant.


So dont worry guys...you lawbreakers, gun-toting scofflaws, fighters, speeders, door-remodelers, thieves and wacky-tobacky types....stay here and enjoy some good old American food, beer, and roads....them folks up there dont like us Americans huh?


Hell we may not be perfect....but at least were damn-well fed.





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Brian it sounds to me that your just sore because the big meet is up here..in CANADA:canada::canada:I am sure 2009 International meet will be back in the good ole USA an all us skinny leaf,grass,and bark eatin' Canadians can come down and put on a few pounds of "American Food"

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Guest KitCarson

They ain't nothing to eat in Canada........it is too cold up there, nothing will grow, pigs will not get fat, so there is no Canadian food, what do they all eat anyway?:stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

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Food for thought huh? Nothing good to eat in Canada anyway....I mean, has anyone ever heard of eating Canadian food?


You got yer Mexican food, you got yer Italian food, you got Chinese and Greek, you got Taiwan and German food, you got American food of course...but, what the heck do Canucks eat? I mean, besides Canadian Bacon, which is best layered on an Italian Pizza, just what the heck do yall eat up there?


Ive been all over the USA, and I dont remember ever seeing one...not ONE...Canadian food restaurant.


Hell we may not be perfect....but at least were damn-well fed.






All the years I travel around the US, I go to Italian, German, Chinese, or Mexican food places, what is the American food.


Seems to me that this could be that home cooked meal that comes out of the Deep Fryer. When in Milwaukee I used to go to the local restaurant, and it was called "Beer and Brats". IS that American Food. ?? If so then I can see why you said your well fed. :stirthepot::rotf:



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I've been to Canada many times. Sometimes by motorcycle, by car and by plane. I've never had them do anything more than look at my drivers license and then in later years, my passport and wave me on through. Never had them stop me long enough to run my info for a criminal record. I know that it has happened but I think the chances are very slim. I know that a few years ago when I was with the MTA, we had a rally in High River and had one member turned back at the border. Don't know the details but he did have something in his past and they happened to check his record.

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Guest tx2sturgis
All the years I travel around the US, I go to Italian, German, Chinese, or Mexican food places, what is the American food.


Seems to me that this could be that home cooked meal that comes out of the Deep Fryer. When in Milwaukee I used to go to the local restaurant, and it was called "Beer and Brats". IS that American Food. ?? If so then I can see why you said your well fed. :stirthepot::rotf:




Oh c'mon, I thought this was obvious....What about Southern Fried Chicken? Chicken Fried Steak? Cajun cookin, Farm-raised Catfish, New York Strip, Kansas City Strip, FreedomFries! (ok...scratch that!) Texas Beef, Texas Toast, Texas Barbeque, New Mexico Chili, Maine Shrimp...(thats our ocean, dangit) Irish Stew, (ever been to NYC?) Florida oranges, Hawaiian pure cane sugar, Kansas wheat...Philly Sandwichs....man the list goes on and on....still nothing named after Canada...you know, I bet some of the food they DO eat up there might have even been invented, or maybe even COOKED, by some dude or dudette with a speeding ticket, or maybe even held a gun once upon a time.


Just amazes me that outlaws are the very people who settled OUR country, yet our nice neighbors to the north wont let a visitor in who even had a speeding ticket!




Who am I kidding, I dont have any plans on learning French, anyway.






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