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Have a few questions on this whine. I always understood there was two sounds the drive train made. One fairly high pitched sound that changes with RPM and goes away or can’t always be heard. Also I understand there was a deeper sound as well, which you hear about the same times as the higher pitch sound.

The high pitched sound does not bother me but this deeper sound just started and has gotten louder in the past 500 miles. I have an 08 RSV with 21,500 miles, upgraded the clutch with PCW kit, 1,500 miles ago, new tires.

I hear the deeper sound at about 30 miles an hour in 3rd and as long as you are maintaining speed. Let of the throttle, or pull the clutch sound disappears. This sound is also there in 4th gear at 40 mph, and stays there all the way to about 60 mph. 5th Gear the sound is louder but at 65 it is very loud. I can still hear it at 75 but the wind noise is starting to drown out the sound.

Does this bike have the basket issue ?

Why did it just start or started shortly after I upgraded the clutch ?

Does it get worse with more miles on the bike ?

Any comments or suggestions.





Tunes are turned up pretty good like always.


Same oil I have used for past 60,000+ miles Castro 20W-50 and has about 1,800 miles on since it was changed. Always gets changed before the 3,000 mile mark.



I have some whine but not enough to bother me.


Is this noise fairly high pitched or a deeper low grumble type sound ?




Mine is mostly high pitch and changes with speed. I need to go ride it and refresh my memory I have been riding the bmw for the last month and it sounds like a sewing machine. I will go ride the venture tomorrow and get back to you.


I always use yamalube, When I did my last they did not have 10w40 they had 20w40. I always change the crush washer and filter.


I am just curious what your rear tire looks like, have you changed it or is it coming to it's end of life??

I always use yamalube, When I did my last they did not have 10w40 they had 20w40. I always change the crush washer and filter.


I am just curious what your rear tire looks like, have you changed it or is it coming to it's end of life??


Mine has never had the crush washer, Should I add one? It doesn't leak or anything.


i don't know if oil has anything to do with it or not. But at about the same miles my 08 developed a gear scream soon after I changed my oil to Amsoil synthetic. Very loud and very irritating. I changed the oil back to Yamalube and the scream subsided after about 800 miles. Coincidence? Maybe but I will stick with the Yamalube for now. Could your clutch upgrade do it. Maybe but I don't see how. Probably just a coincidence.


Mike :cool10:

Try living with him, I hear the whine every day :rotf: :rotf:

Naugh-T :bighug:


Brutal,really brutal,but funny as he77...........LMAO :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:




Thanks for the laugh Rhonda......:thumbsup2:


Okay just maybe I deserved that one :innocent: but seriously the issue I doubt is oil. The high pitched whine I am okay with. But there is a lower pitched growl which sounds like gears. When the clutch is pulled in or let off throttle it goes away.


Don't like the noise, will have too look into it a bit more.




Brad, I may be wrong, but I think that the drive shaft and rearend gears will still be turning when the clutch is pulled in, so not thinking it is the rear gears, but have heard of the seal and bearing going out in the rear end, just seams that the sound would always be there.... Hope it nothing to serious.. what year is your bike?? Warranty???


Later and good luck,






Okay just maybe I deserved that one :innocent: but seriously the issue I doubt is oil. The high pitched whine I am okay with. But there is a lower pitched growl which sounds like gears. When the clutch is pulled in or let off throttle it goes away.


Don't like the noise, will have too look into it a bit more.



Posted (edited)

Kreg bike is an 08, and has warranty until some where around Feb 2013. It will need to go Stateside to see the dealer though.


New York is relatively close by



Edited by BradT

I tried castrol 20w50 on my old '06 rstd and immediately noticed the whine was horrible. I went back to rotella 15w30 within a 100 miles.

  • 1 month later...

I have my bike in the shop for the same reason .know body seems to be able to give me a straight answer .there goin to try the cluch basket.guess we will find out next weekT][/left]Em

Have a few questions on this whine. I always understood there was two sounds the drive train made. One fairly high pitched sound that changes with RPM and goes away or can’t always be heard. Also I understand there was a deeper sound as well, which you hear about the same times as the higher pitch sound.

The high pitched sound does not bother me but this deeper sound just started and has gotten louder in the past 500 miles. I have an 08 RSV with 21,500 miles, upgraded the clutch with PCW kit, 1,500 miles ago, new tires.

I hear the deeper sound at about 30 miles an hour in 3rdl and as long as you are maintaining speed. Let of the throttle, or pull the clutch sound disappears. This sound is also there in 4th gear at 40 mph, and stays there all the way to about 60 mph. 5th Gear the sound is louder but at 65 it is very loud. I can still hear it at 75 but the wind noise is starting to drown out the sound.

Does this bike have the basket issue ?

Why did it just start or started shortly after I upgraded the clutch ?

Does it get worse with more miles on the bike ?

Any comments or suggestions.





Brad....My 06 had the whine issue until I started using the Rotella Synthetic oil. I also run loud pipes and loud tunes which helps a lot too....:whistling:

Boomer....who sez to Rhonda....The "personal whine" issue can best be resolved by several hard slaps to de head.....:rotf: :whistling:


Neal. Mine was suppose to go in a few weeks back as well but did not want to give it up for the week. It is suppose to go in next week.


They are going to replace the clutch basket.




I had the same question about the noise when I bought my first one in '06. I did a search of old posts and found this from Aug. '06 by Freebird. I took mine back for the dry spline issue, but the whine has been mentioned by every Venture owner I've talked to since then. It reminds me of the sound a gear-drive timing set makes in a V-8. I changed to Yamalube 20w50 and that quieted it down significantly. I did'nt have the clutch basket checked, but since it is a wet clutch, the oil probably helps the noise to an extent there too. Here is the original post in it's entirety, sorry, I just used quotation marks. Hope this will help. I've already addressed a couple of the issues at the bottom of the list this weekend with mine.


"A list of known problems on the Second Gen Venture by Freebird"

"Please add to this list if you think of something that I have missed.


Chirp. There has been a lot of discussion on the "chirping" sound on the second gen Venture and Royal Stars. There is often some confusion about this sound. These bikes use straight cut gears which create a whine that is best described as the sound made by an old granny gear truck when you are letting it coast. That is a normal sound that is characteristic of the straight cut gears. The sound that is NOT normal is a high pitched chirping sound. This is a result of improper clutch basket clearances. Yamaha has replaced many clutch baskets under warranty and many people have reported that this has greatly reduced or eliminated this noise.


Dry drive splines. Yamaha seems to be very stingy with the grease that they use on the rear drive spines on these bikes. There have been many reports of noise from the drive area. Yamaha has lubed some of these as a warranty issue but many of us have done the job at home. It requires a lift to remove the rear tire and then pulling the drive shaft to lube the front splines and also removing the rear drive from the wheel hub to grease the "fingers".


Trunk Cracks. The 1999 model RSV had an issue with the trunk bottoms cracking. Yamaha came out with a support kit to address this problem and installed it under warranty.


Audio Problems. Many people have had problems with the audio system due to back connections of the 5 din plugs inside the fairing. The fix is to split the fairing, unplug the connectors and apply a bit of dielectric grease to the pins.


CB Antennas. The 1999 model RSV came with very poor CB Antennas. Many were replaced under warranty. The design was changed with the 2000 models. Many have replace the '99 antennas with aftermarket units.


Backfiring. Upon deceleration, many have experienced a loud backfire. This actually sounds like a cannon going off. Some have corrected the problem by syncing the carbs but many of us have plugged the AIS system to stop this problem completely. There is a tech article here on plugging the AIS."

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