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It's not too early to start discussing where we should hold the 2013 International. I even thought about not having one at all as it seems that many prefer the regional meet and eats but I got a good bit of feedback in NY and everybody I talked to would like to see it continue.


So, where should we have it? Now remember, there may be a lot of great ideas but the final decision has to take a lot of things into consideration. Primarily, WHO in the area wants to head it up and has people close by to lend a hand. It is a lot of work.


I will start it. I have thought about going back to the Hub in Arkansas because it was a great location and Randall and Debbie did a wonderful job for us.


I also thought about the Texas Hill Country. Very nice area but it can be VERY hot down there in the summer.


I considered having it here in Ohio but I think it is too close to where we had it this year. Maybe I'll think about Ohio in another year of two.


The floor is open. Let's hear your ideas.

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The location is always a challenge....too far east or west and the members on the coasts have a hard time attending because of the time to and from the Rally. Being I don't know that many areas in the middle of the states.... two areas come to mind:


1 - Million Dollar Highway (Silverton, CO) I suspect that cost would be a little higher and don't know if we have any members that live in the area to work on the arrangements.


2- St. George, UT - Close to Zions Nat'l Park and some other great riding areas. Las Vegas or Mesquite, NV are close. Tuacahn has great shows they do in an outdoor theater along with dinner.




Just "throwing it out there"....


Don's MD is always a highlight of the year....and time-wise the International is not too far behind.

Money and time is always a factor and many of us can't do both

Unfortunately I couldn't make either one this year.


Don said the MD attendance was a bit lower this year...and although I haven't seen any numbers, looking at the pictures, it doesn't look like all that many folks made it to the international.


So.....why not combine both? (you don't mind me volunteering you do you Don?:stickpoke:)


Or do an "INTERNATIONAL" every second year...so it is a bit more "special"


OK...let the abuse begin!:225:


How about Wisconsin? Its central to most everyone. There are some great members up there that allready hold annual events. The Temps are usually lower up that way then the rest of the country.

How about Wisconsin? Its central to most everyone. There are some great members up there that allready hold annual events. The Temps are usually lower up that way then the rest of the country.


I like that idea.

It would end up within riding range of my marshmallow butt......:whistling:


I do not have the time, knowledge, or expertise to spearhead it but I would certainly be willing to help out whomever did take it on.


I will start it. I have thought about going back to the Hub in Arkansas because it was a great location and Randall and Debbie did a wonderful job for us.



My wife and I rode by the Hub just this past weekend. Neat little place, and right smack dab in the middle of miles of fabulous motorcycle roads. Just down the road from the Ozark Grand Canyon.


Only hitch is it can get pretty hot here in Arkansas during this time. We're in the middle of a span of 18 days over 100, and everyday next week is forecasted to be 100+.

Posted (edited)

I would think northwestern Illinois would be a good place. Lots of members within a couple hundred miles to help out. There is a Motel in Savanna, Il that the lady that owns it caters to bikes and I am sure would be willing to host it for us. Covered parking, bonfires at night and she will shuttle us around if we are drinking. Also in the same town is a place called Poopy's it is a motorcycle bar, grill, tattoo parlor, store, live music on Friday and Saturday nights. Also has free camping out back. There is also a really nice campgrounds just a couple miles from all of this. There is a place called Ball town Iowa that is a nice ride for supper or lunch. About 45 miles away is JP Cycles store and the Motorcycle museum in Anamosa, Iowa. . This is just to name a few places. Also Galena, Il is a short ride and Dubuque Iowa for the dog track.


Poopy's http://poopys.com/


Galena, IL http://www.galena.org/


L&M http://www.l-mmotel.com/


I added a couple of Pictures from when we stayed there after the SE Iowa M&E

Edited by Rick Haywood

I guess a big question is about how many people should one have to plan for for the international? That will determine what kind of facility is needed.


There were 23 RSVPs, about how many actually showed up this year?


That would be my question too...how many actually attended this year?


While I can propose places like...South Lake Tahoe for 1000 reasons, and Glacier National Park area in Montana, in an attempt to be reasonable I can see the value of having it in a place like Wisconsin. There are many great places in Wisconsin, like the Dells.


The International needs to be in a locale where the Canadian riders can also get to it easily. I think it needs to be held north of the 45th parallel. Just about anyplace south of there is too darn hot at this time of year.


As has already been said, if you hold it on one coast of the other, it eliminates half the riders that don't want to ride 3000 miles to get to the rally, and another 3000 miles back home.


So it needs to be centralized...like...say...Wisconsin or Minnesota.


I will personally volunteer to be all of the help you folks will allow me to be, for next year's International Rally, as long as it is not south of the 45th parallel, and is somewhat centralized in the country.


While I love the idea of southern Utah, for the Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon (great riding), and the idea of central Colorado, (and wow does that all work for me even though they are south of ther 45th parallel), I fear it would be too far west, and too far south, for most riders.


Hey...hey...HEY...what about (wait for it)...International Falls, MN. ?????


My vote is for...International Falls, Minnesota, for the 2013 International Rally.:cool10:


I live just south of memphis. I have never done anything like this so would need ALOT of help but would be willing. BTW Elvis is dead. I seen the grave and the toe tag.:stickpoke::rotf:


Ohhhh...that few, eh?


Okay, an idea. What if there is a member in each state, and in each province, that is willing to be the (hypothetical) road captain for each state, and do their very best to get as many members from their state to ride to the International Rally?


As a rider from the unbelievably beautiful state of Washington, I will personally take charge of assuring that at least 6 riders from our state will attend the next International Rally.


Especially if it is held in International Falls, Minnesota.


What say ye...Texans...and Floridians, and Virginians ???

That would be my question too...how many actually attended this year?


While I can propose places like...South Lake Tahoe for 1000 reasons, and Glacier National Park area in Montana, in an attempt to be reasonable I can see the value of having it in a place like Wisconsin. There are many great places in Wisconsin, like the Dells.


The International needs to be in a locale where the Canadian riders can also get to it easily. I think it needs to be held north of the 45th parallel. Just about anyplace south of there is too darn hot at this time of year.


As has already been said, if you hold it on one coast of the other, it eliminates half the riders that don't want to ride 3000 miles to get to the rally, and another 3000 miles back home.


So it needs to be centralized...like...say...Wisconsin or Minnesota.


I will personally volunteer to be all of the help you folks will allow me to be, for next year's International Rally, as long as it is not south of the 45th parallel, and is somewhat centralized in the country.


While I love the idea of southern Utah, for the Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon (great riding), and the idea of central Colorado, (and wow does that all work for me even though they are south of ther 45th parallel), I fear it would be too far west, and too far south, for most riders.


Hey...hey...HEY...what about (wait for it)...International Falls, MN. ?????


My vote is for...International Falls, Minnesota, for the 2013 International Rally.:cool10:



I am in agreement with this, south of the 45th parallel is just to hot, it needs to stay north.

Also, there are a lot of regional M&E in the south, like Vogel next year in August.

Then you have the St Jude ride in October to Memphis.

The Texas Hill Country (Leakey ride) I believe is in April

Don's Maintenance Day in June

Ashville in August opposite year of Vogel (usually).


Most of these are getting to be 3 to 4 day affairs.


So I still vote for the International being North.


I could suggest Brantford Ontario, it's nice and close to home, the weather is awesome, Pioneer MS is not that far away in case we have problems, Marca is real good at telling me what to do, although we don't have hill country, we got some real nice riding, I'll be fully retired by then so I'll forget all about everything as soon as I'm told,, heck, that happens already so I have good practise.


How about Wisconsin? Its central to most everyone. There are some great members up there that allready hold annual events. The Temps are usually lower up that way then the rest of the country.


Southwestern Wisconsin has some very nice roads, too.


And Flyingfool and Orlin and Straka and Bryan and maybe Bubber and ? could contribute to the International. :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:

I would think northeastern Illinois would be a good place.

I assume you meant NorthWESTERN Illinois? And that is right along with my recommendation of Southwestern Wisconsin. I vote for Galena or Prairie Du Chien!


I really wanted to make it this year and things ain't going good. Leg ain't coperating for one thing but last couple days of International this year I was sitting doing nothing.Where probally don't make much difference.


QUOTE=Million Mile Rider

"Okay, an idea. What if there is a member in each state, and in each province, that is willing to be the (hypothetical) road captain for each state, and do their very best to get as many members from their state to ride to the International Rally?"



I like the idea of trying to have members from each state travel together....great idea...

Besides that WI, IL or somewhere in Canada sounds cool... (pun intended)

I assume you meant NorthWESTERN Illinois? And that is right along with my recommendation of Southwestern Wisconsin. I vote for Galena or Prairie Du Chien!


yes off course that is what I meant:starz::bang head:


I would also entertain the idea of hosting the thing with the proper help from my friends.


I talked with Sharon I will throw my hat into the ring. We could use my place for a meeting area and camping we have a area to set up a band and have a bonfire. And there are motels 6 miles away along with some other nice places to stay.

There a few places with very good food and banquet halls at reasonable rates.

And we are also in the middle of some of Wisconsins best riding roads and I know a few of them along with some other Venture riders that come to the area to ride.


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