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hello everyone my trobles still contuines i replaced the stater cover gaskit leaking real bad went to start bike will not start i did not disconect the wires to anything any ideals what to ck i pulled a plug no spark

bumble bee

1999 rsv


Are you sure pickup coil plugs are connected ?


6 pin connector - 5 wires, by air shock damper on left side.



i tryed to find the pick up coil plug how do i find it



It is one of the 2 wires (cables) that came out of stator housing.


Located back in that area near the damper selector.




the pick up cols are pluged in i will buy a meter to ck to see if when i put gastit on something happend to pick up coil

bumble bee



i bought a radioshack 29 - range digital mulitimeter the book says to set at 100 for restance the meter resistance is 400-4k-40k-400k-4.0m,40m i set it at the resistance setting no setting for 100 the reading was 00.3 i do not know if i am doing this correctly or if this is the wrong meter please help

bumble bee


I assume this is the meter


RadioShack® 29-Range Digital Multimeter





| Catalog #: 22-813

I downloaded this book, not the clearest :(

This is an auto ranging meter that should be in auto mode when turned on. Just select ohms and test. Be very sure of symbols in display during test. ohm=~0-500 ohms, Kohm=~.5k(500 ohms)-500k(500,000ohms), Mohm= simular in million ohms.

This meter also has option to lock into manual range mode. Again, watch the display. Looks like per book you would want to lock into 400ohm range for reading 0-400 ohms. Watch the symbols as above, as well as decmial point.

For very low expected readings (less than 10 ohms), short the leads together and note the reading. This is the lead resistance. Appears to be .3ohms per your post. Subtract .3ohms from test readings for actual values compared to books.

Tempature also frequently affects resistance. Usually books rated at~68F room temp. Meter should be stable at same temp.


yes brian that is the correct one i was tacying the wire to be sure i was cking the correct one and i was but what i found was when i put the stater cover back on. the wire to the coil pick up got pinched between the cover and the block i hope i can take it back apart repair the wire and be back running again

bumble bee

yes brian that is the correct one i was tacying the wire to be sure i was cking the correct one and i was but what i found was when i put the stater cover back on. the wire to the coil pick up got pinched between the cover and the block i hope i can take it back apart repair the wire and be back running again

bumble bee


At a minimum you have insulation damage to the wire, and it may be actually cut.

either way, go ahead and cut it at the damage.


Clean very well with degreaser, brake cleaner works well.


Slide on a piece of heat shrink tubing, can be bought at radio shack or harbor freight or electronics supply store.


Strip 1/4-1/2" insulation both sides of cut and solder splice the wires back together. Then slide the preinstalled heatshrink over the splice and heat to shrink.


hello brian

i just got in from taking sataor cover off both wires cut into i will clean splice and solder heatshrink tomorrow and order another gaskit and i bet i will not get wires in cover again thank you for your help it will be fri before i can put it back togeather

bumble bee


Atleast you got it figured out, the stator cover can be a bear to put back on without getting something in the wrong spot....I have done that too



Don't forget to clean wires at grommet, slide wires in and out thru grommet, and coat wires with black rtv to ensure oil tight seal around wires at grommet.

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