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Having motorcycle withdrawals bad, started passing a 6MM kidney stone 3 weeks ago and still working at it and since then I have had a bad kidney infection, a allergic reaction to the antibiotics for the infection and now double vision doc says its a side effect of the meds for the nausea. Doc will not break it up because it is not blocking me up I don't think he has ever had a kidney stone or maybe I am just being a big baby. I can deal with the pain and the nausea but the double vision has me concerned so I am wondering if anyone else has had double vision due to a medication or should I get a third opinion? Thanks for letting me rant.




I have had a couple of Kidney Stones....Holy Sheot! :yikes: I have had some pain in my life, but that one sucked the most. Your not being a baby, and your Doc probably hasn't had them. I didn't experience your issues, but I had to let mine pass on their own. Those will bring any man to his knees. I wish you the best on getting it out, you'd be amazed how much that little stone hurts getting out :doh:


Sorry about all the bad things happening to you. The only time I ever saw my Dad cry was when he has kidney stones. I know the pain is very bad.

As far as the double vision, is it constant or does it come and go. It would seem like they could try you on a different medication so you do not suffer from that.


Yama Mama



I have had a couple of Kidney Stones....Holy Sheot! :yikes: I have had some pain in my life, but that one sucked the most. Your not being a baby, and your Doc probably hasn't had them. I didn't experience your issues, but I had to let mine pass on their own. Those will bring any man to his knees. I wish you the best on getting it out, you'd be amazed how much that little stone hurts getting out :doh:

Jeez Squidley. You need to man up. A little screaming, crying, wanting to really hit something, and sucking up the oxycodone is good for the sole. And as they say, what doesn't kill you (even though you swear you would need to die to feel better) makes you stronger. :rotfl:

And you really haven't lived until a stone blocks the urinary tract..... :crying:


Having motorcycle withdrawals bad, started passing a 6MM kidney stone 3 weeks ago and still working at it and since then I have had a bad kidney infection, a allergic reaction to the antibiotics for the infection and now double vision doc says its a side effect of the meds for the nausea. Doc will not break it up because it is not blocking me up I don't think he has ever had a kidney stone or maybe I am just being a big baby. I can deal with the pain and the nausea but the double vision has me concerned so I am wondering if anyone else has had double vision due to a medication or should I get a third opinion? Thanks for letting me rant.



Good to meet you today and hope you get better real fast so you can enjoy the trailer.Since you are seeing double I went back and recounted the money for the trailer to make sure you didn't pay double.LOL no pun intended.


When I was in the hospital a couple or so yrs ago for the so called pancreatitis episode (I really had the flu) The antinausea med I was given caused double vision as well. I'd demand the doc swap that med out, the double vision problem can become permanent in some people. I also suggest seeing another doc about breaking up the stone.


And you really haven't lived until a stone blocks the urinary tract..... :crying:





That's how I got the infection it was backing every thing up.


When I was in the hospital a couple or so yrs ago for the so called pancreatitis episode (I really had the flu) The antinausea med I was given caused double vision as well. I'd demand the doc swap that med out, the double vision problem can become permanent in some people. I also suggest seeing another doc about breaking up the stone.


Been 4 days since I stopped taking the meds and I am still seeing double, this being permanent would be a bad thing. Definitely seeing a new doc Monday.


I know your pain. I had one that kept me in pain for over a month before I had the lipotripsy procedure done. The lip procedure was almost painless. I hope you can get rid

of your stone and back to normal soon.



Guest scarylarry

I had 8 of them before they found the cause..


Best advice I can give you right now is change doctors..


I would have change after the first visit if he didn't or wouldn't remove it


Went and saw a different doc today and she is more concerned with finding out what is causing my double vison right now since I am not in pain have no fever or infection , she does not belive it is a reaction to the meds so I had an MRI tonight and an ophthalmologist appointment tomorrow once she gets the results and determines if it is anything major or not she will address the kidney stone.


I've had several bouts with kidney stones and gout in my big toes. Hereidty, I guess. My mother has had the same problems and she lived with 1 kidney for 50 plus years. Best solution that works for me, eat lots of cheeries, celery, cranberries and drink cranberrie juice. The best is cranberry juice mixed with vodka.

Can't help you with the double vision, hope your new doctor helps you with that.

cranberry juice mixed with vodka.

Can't help you with the double vision,..............


Neither will the vodka.


Well come to find out the double vision is not related to the kidney stones or the meds, seems like I had a small circulatory event that has damaged some nerves and muscles in my left eye. Doc said he is pretty sure i will recover in about 3 months but there is the possibility it is permanent. Guess time will tell but in the mean time I have two RSV's and a new to me trailer I cannot use.



I think I could use some of that vodka about now.


Oh and if you are a diabetic and have high blood pressure listen to what your doc says and crap like this may be prevented.


Guess time will tell but in the mean time I have two RSV's and a new to me trailer I cannot use.



You sure that's not 4 rsv's and 2 trailers :stickpoke:Hope you get straightened out.

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