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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t5f5AwkkiY&feature=share][sURVEILLANCE VIDEO] Shooting At Florida Internet Cafe - YouTube[/ame]



Thieves thoughts: "What was I thinking??" "Let's get the he77 out of Dodge, that old fart's got a gun!!!"




I read that they were hit and both arrested. Yeah, my only complaint was his aim and the fact that a hospital will probably absorb the cost of their medical care, and taxpayers will now have to pay to try, incarcerate and feed them. One ambulance trip to the morgue would have been a whole lot cheaper. Go Grandpa! But try to get some range time in too, hehe.


Not to defend the bad guys...but at what point does it stop being self defense?


They were falling all over themselves trying to get away, they ran out of the shop, one guy was on the ground and the old man was still shooting!

Not to defend the bad guys...but at what point does it stop being self defense?


They were falling all over themselves trying to get away, they ran out of the shop, one guy was on the ground and the old man was still shooting!


Like the story of the judge that asked a lady why she shot her attacker six times. Her answer; "Because when I pulled the trigger the seventh time, it went "click"!" :(

Not to defend the bad guys...but at what point does it stop being self defense?


They were falling all over themselves trying to get away, they ran out of the shop, one guy was on the ground and the old man was still shooting!


To me, as long as they were still in the building and still had a weapon, you keep firing, even if they are running in the other direction.:backinmyday:



Hey, they still had guns, and could have turned around and fired again. In his shoes I'd do the same thing. Shoot until they are gone or drop weapon and raise hands.


I believe he hit both, one in the arm and the other had one in the abdomen and one somewhere else. They were both 19 with no prior record. They are lucky they are still alive and I would have kept shooting until they were out of sight.

Not to defend the bad guys...but at what point does it stop being self defense?


They were falling all over themselves trying to get away, they ran out of the shop, one guy was on the ground and the old man was still shooting!



I agree, this went way beyond self defense. As was noted this guy was throwing lead all over the place, lucky he didn't hit a by stander.

Some states if not most would have a problem with the shooter.

Any thing the bad guys got they had coming though.



:sign outstanding:Heck yeah! If every non felony convicted adult in this country were allowed to carry concealed (if they chose to) crime would take a big down turn. I firmly believe the second amendment is clear and this is a good example for it to be there. Now if only some of our politicians would get some reading comprehension skills and take another look at that amendment things would improve.

Posted (edited)
:sign outstanding:Heck yeah! If every non felony convicted adult in this country were allowed to carry concealed (if they chose to) crime would take a big down turn. I firmly believe the second amendment is clear and this is a good example for it to be there. Now if only some of our politicians would get some reading comprehension skills and take another look at that amendment things would improve.


With the exception of Illinois, every state has some form of concealed carry permit.


The guy fired 6 times and had 2 hits. The last two shots out the door both missed. you can see the sparks as the bullets ricochet off the sidewalk. I wonder what WAS across the street, or driving down the street.


I don't know how I would have reacted in a situation like that.

My training is that once you fire the first shot you keep shooting till there is no longer a threat. Since the two crooks still had their guns, there was still a threat. But my training also says to be sure of your target and what is beyond.


This only happened a few days ago. It will be a month or so before the DA decides whether to press any charges against the old man. I would be curious to learn the outcome.




It appears the old guy may be in the clear.

Edited by Flyinfool

Most officer involved shooting take place within 6 ft and you would be surprised how many misses there are at that range.


I think it was the right thing to do and took a lot of courage ! The anti-gunners are going to find complaints about it, but the bad guys will always have guns and the power unless the good guys take it back. :happy65::happy65::happy65:


That is amazing! Honestly I'm shocked to find that he is on the national scene, given the anti-gun bias of much of our culture. I say we give him a medal:clap2:!!!


However, I do agree with those who suggest Grandpa get some range time, and I would add...a bigger gun! Remember, "Gun control" means being able to hit what you're aiming at!

Not to defend the bad guys...but at what point does it stop being self defense?


They were falling all over themselves trying to get away, they ran out of the shop, one guy was on the ground and the old man was still shooting!


It would have stopped being self defense


If the guy on the ground had stayed there and surrendered and he walked up and shot him. Him being on the ground had nothing to with it he still had a gun and was still in the fight. But remember there were two of them and just one person defending the lives of everyone in the cafe.


If both suspects had surrendered and he kept shooting.


If he had pursued them outside the cafe.


Kudos to the brave man anyone here ever tried shooting a moving target while moving yourself. Shot placement will be far more important than how big your gun is.


The gun you have with you is better than the gun you left at home.


back to my corner:whistling:


If some idiot was pointing a gun at me I think he wants to do two things. 1 - take my money 2- shoot me if I don't. These scumbags have no value for life. Think of all your friends and family. Your kids that need you, the responsibilities you have for them. If I had a gun in that situation I'd shoot until i knew the threat was eliminated. I'm going home to my family.

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