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OK, Rode into town this morning, TD started and ran like a top, stopped to meet wife for coffee. When I went out to leave, TD started fine, but then died, when I attempted to re-start, nothing, , ,no light, no fire, nothing, , , ,

Am new to RSTDs, , , , , ,littel help for what I am looking for.

I am headed back into town in a little bit and will take tools/meter to check battery for power. Is there a master fuse and if so, where?

Any other suggestions of what to look for????

Have never had a monutes problem with this bike so far. Kinda perplexing, , ,


Make sure you didn't just hit the kill switch by mistake. It's on the top of right hand grip, and very easy to bump with a gloved hand and not know it.:080402gudl_prv:


There is a master fuse - it is behind the panel just rear of the main fuse box on the left side - you need to remove the passenger floor board to access it.


If the main fuse is good, then remove and clean the battery connections - scrape the mating surfaces of both the wire terminals and the battery posts with a knife to make sure they are clean - they can develop a hard glass-like coating that blocks the connection.


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