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Wooohoo, we have the grand daughters for two weeks but there is one problem. I have been informed I can not "spoil" them. That being said I was able to get our daughter to "allow" me to get them something if they "need" it. So far I have figured out that they both "needed" new shoes because the shoes they had on when we picked them up didn't match their outfits they had on. I then determined that they "needed" sun dresses because it is hotter here than in CT. Oh, they also "needed" new sandals because they didn't have ones that matched the new sun dresses they "needed". Of course since it was so hot out and they had the new sun dresses they "needed" chairs that fit them so they could sit out side in their new sun dresses so I got them a canvas hippo chair and a canvas frog chair, but only because they "needed" them. Well as I thought about it some more I could clearly see that they "needed" a pool to put their chairs next to so I got them a 103 inch blow up pool. Now my brain was in a high awareness state and it was very apparent to me that their bathing suits did not match the color of the pool so I HAD to go get them the new bathing suits they "needed". Now as I was sitting there contemplating their needs there was no doubt in my mind that there was still one more thing they "needed". Now we all know that after a good day in the pool one needs to get their energy back up and what does that best? Why ice cream of course. Not being one to deprive Pappy's Girls of the things THEY need I of course had to stock up on ice cream bars in the freezer.


So you all are now my witnesses that I have not been "spoiling" them I have only been getting them things they need.


Right? Right?



Ride Happy, Ride Safe


Don't forget the chocolate bars that they "need" just before they go home.


Or the nice noisy toy that they "need" cuz mom would never get that for them.


Grand kids are so much more fun.


I can see that you have taken your solemn duty, as a grandparent, very seriously!:clap2:


The responsibilities of being a proper grandparent are not to be taken lightly. I think that we can all see that you are completely committed to live up to those very stringent guidelines.


Our daughter fully understands, when her daughters visit, that it is PAYBACK TIME! :big-grin-emoticon:


Enjoy them while they still think that you are not too old to know anything.


And they will "need" a Snickers bar and a Mountain Dew about 30 minutes before Mom is scheduled to pick them up...... :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:


And they will "need" a Snickers bar and a Mountain Dew about 30 minutes before Mom is scheduled to pick them up...... :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:



No! No! You give them the Snickers and Mt Dew when Mom shows up to pick them up in that "New" car....

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