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Thinking about taking off tomorrow and just riding all weekend, however Mr. Weather Man is saying it's going to top 100 degrees even in the mountains. Have not rode in 100 degree temps since last summer so I ask is anyone else planning on riding this weekend in the heat or is everyone going to just chill out indoors?


Just chill out indoors (yep) I myself do not think is is very fun

or pleasant riding in that kind of heat. the young one's seem

to handle it OK tho. not for me though.



Joe they are calling for 105deg all weekend and over 100 into middle of next week here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow record heat in NC inside for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just chill out indoors (yep) I myself do not think is is very fun

or pleasant riding in that kind of heat. the young one's seem

to handle it OK tho. not for me though.



its hell getting old ain't it Couger


I will ride this weekend and we are due 100 or close. Make sure if you do drink lots of water or 50/50 blend of water and a sports drink. Also it works really nice to wet down the shirt.


Just tie a frozen chicken to the luggage rack. Pour some BBQ sauce on it, and go for a ride. Dinner will be ready when you get home.


I went to Columbia yesterday and it was still hot in SC.

I'm kinda in limbo about riding this weekend too. I know I would be too hot till I got some altitude and then would not want to come down. I checked a few of the spots I normally go to in the mtns. and it still showed 96ish.... Pits!

Just chill out indoors (yep) I myself do not think is is very fun

or pleasant riding in that kind of heat. the young one's seem

to handle it OK tho. not for me though.



So your not riding up to WI MD, Its cooler up nort. Only in the mid 90s with 70s dew point.:scorched: But I will do my best to make it rain. :depressed:

I have relays and lights and stuff to install.


I'm just goona take my time and planned the route with no longer than a 1 hour leg. Stops for food, gas, shade, drinks.


we're parked for the heat wave. Full face helmets and Oklahoma heat don't mix.

Riding at night is like heading full speed into a hail storm. There's creatures flying that I've never seen before!!


Just be careful when riding in the heat. You wont realize that you are feeling faint/fatigued until its too late. I did that in 105 degree heat with a black helmet and a black 1st gen and by the time I decided to stop I was pretty far gone. I sat in a Wendy's for 2 hours to cool down. Stay very hydrated and be aware of your feelings. If you feel funny then its time to stop and cool off.


Why miss out on a good days ride.100 is great riding weather.Supposed to be 103 here in the mountains saturday but I will be in full leathers out enjoying the scenery.I do my best riding in the heat.Doesn't your bike have AC?

For those who ride in 100 + temps ..... what gear do you use to protect you from the sun and heat ?



Usally a light colored long sleve Mesh Jacket or a long sleeve white shirt.

Why miss out on a good days ride.100 is great riding weather.Supposed to be 103 here in the mountains saturday but I will be in full leathers out enjoying the scenery.I do my best riding in the heat.Doesn't your bike have AC?



If I left at 0600 tomorrow I could be in the mountains by 1000 and off course I have AC I pull the zipper down on the jacket.


I just started riding with the cooling vest I bought my daughter when she was over in Afghanistan. Weird feeling having your core body area cool and your arms and legs hotter than H3!!.


We manufacture some of the best heat around here in Southern Arizona. I rode my KLR650 several times when it was so hot that the gas actually boiled in the tank. That was a really weird sight to see, and hear. :shock3:


I just purchased a neck cooler and a head cooler from WallyWorld. Haven't used the head cooler yet, used the neck coolers in the past. Wet your jacket and pants to cool down too.


And drink LOTS and LOTS of water.


Ride safe.


I ride to work in Dallas, and last few days this week it has been 102-105F on way home. I see a lot of near-nekked bikers on the Interstate. :)


Anyway, I wear a "Phase-Change" cooling vest. It basically has popsicles in the front and back, that will last for about 3+ hours in the 100+ heat.

The vest will keep your core at a resonable temp. You don't feel like you have icecubes hanging off you, you feel 'not hot'. Heheh.

When it was 116F last summer, I remember riding in the rush hour traffic at 5mph, thinking "Dang, my FEET are hot!"


HIGHLY recommend you spend the money to get this if you are in high heat all the time.


Have not tried the soakable neck & dew rags yet.


HA! KIC was posting the same thing.


Also I just added one of these: Kuryakyn Handlebar Mug.

It is a stainless steel insulated cup that rides on the handlebar holder.

Fill it with icewater, and you are good to go. I gotta say, taking a sip of cool icewater while in the heat is fantastic.


Phase-change vest: Got mine at Motoliberty. They guarantee the cooling inserts for life.


Light colored long sleve shirt. Sunscreen applied every 2 hours. Cooling neck wraps, soak in water and resoak every couple of hours. They retain water and help keep you cooler. You can search online for suppliers or instructions for making them yourself. A cooling dorag works the same as the neck wraps. Got at Wal-Mart in the camping section. Tried out the dorag last weekend with my shorty helmet and made a huge difference.

Do these vest and neck things work with high humidity as well??



The vests that The Marshall and i have work with frozen inserts. See Picts below.


Mine also works as a cooling vest when soaked in water. The material, not beads like those neck coolers, absorbs the water and lasts for several hours.


The frozen cooling packs also re-freeze in ice water. They don't need to be "frozen" Just submerged in ice water.


The head cooler is like the neck coolers but cover your head under the helmet. I haven't tried mine yet...maybe today.. should be interesting....and probably causes a real bad hair day.

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