SilvrT Posted June 27, 2012 #26 Posted June 27, 2012 Hey all, I had a quick question about membership dues. It would seem to me that, with 13,078 members, at $12 per member per year, that's $156,936 per year. WOW! Quite a lucrative business you've got here! I considered it was possible that, of the listed members, only a portion of them were actual paying members, and the rest were a rotating batch of trial members. I don't know how your member counter works. In any case, figuring on the extreme lean side, let's say that only 1% of that total, or 130 members, were paying crew. That would bring the annual funds to $1,570. Not bad for a gig that's essentially a hobby. Granted, that's not accounting for expenses (webhosting, cost of software, upkeep, etc), which, for your average vBulletin board (which are generally FREE access) should amount to about $50/month. That takes but a sliver out of the potential pot of dues coming in. As for the rest... where does it all go? My response to you would be to go to some other "non-free" site where the membership fee is double or triple and do your calculation ... and then pose the same question. If you ride a Venture or even a Wing, $12/yr is a drop in a barrel for what you'll get in return.
Venturous Randy Posted June 27, 2012 #27 Posted June 27, 2012 I was on this site for several years before Don had to make the decision to start having a membership fee and I know he agonized over it. It had always been his intent to keep this a free site, but it became something he had to do. So, what he did was to initiate a very low membership due that is lower than any that I know of that are not loaded with advertisements. As has already been noted several times, this is a family and we might fuss a little at times, but there is a tremendous respect shown between these family members, especially when they disagree on something. I do occasionally look at other sites, such as for my Maxima and to tell you the truth, it is not worth reading through all the crap and snide remarks to get any useful information. People that come on here with that attitude either change real quick, or don't last long. I feel very blessed that I found this site and at that time I was a member of another similar site that I was not happy with, which, by the way, had a lot higher membership dues than this one years ago. As has been said, welcome to the group if you chose to join. If you feel you are being scammed, then I suggest you go on about your business. And, if you do pay your dues and don't like it, I am sure you will get your money back. RandyA
eusa1 Posted June 27, 2012 #28 Posted June 27, 2012 Go easy folks! I remember a fellow that asked the same question several years ago, on another venture site. he's a great guy that started a club of his own that we all enjoy very much. let him answer in his own words, and don't chase anyone away. mike
dingy Posted June 27, 2012 #29 Posted June 27, 2012 :mo money: :mo money: :mo money: Who the hell is this 'Don" guy and why am I paying him a $1 a month just so I can spend hours a day on here with some of the most interesting & entertaining freinds I have. :mo money: :mo money: :mo money: And poster listed a 350 Honda, mommy must not be watching his internet usage as well as she should. :mo money: :mo money: :mo money: Gary
BigLenny Posted June 27, 2012 #30 Posted June 27, 2012 Twelve dollars, smelve dollars, who cares how much it is, I'll pay it! I don't know who Don is, but I hope he gets filthy rich off this site, because he is providing an extremely valuable product that I now feel like I can't do without as long as I own my RSTD. BTW, has anyone noticed that this guy hasn't responded to any of the posts since he posed his rude question? What's up with that?
CalhounWV Posted June 27, 2012 #31 Posted June 27, 2012 (edited) Best $1.00 I spend a month!! There are good people on this site, most are willing to go out of their way to help another member. Don had a great idea when starting this site, I doubt he actually makes much profit for it.... but if he is making a hefty profit, good for him. If you stay around you will also meet good people, who are willing to help keep you on the road, offer a place for you to stay, loan you tools give you a tow if you need one. OR if you want to pay $12. and Lurk around for some time, start your own site, charge a fee and make millions... I am sure Don would share his knowledge to help you start a site for the Honda CB's. Best of Luck, KC8KFL Edited June 27, 2012 by CalhounWV typo
GAWildKat Posted June 27, 2012 #32 Posted June 27, 2012 I'm one of the ladies on the forum. However, I've also been a webmistress to a site that has absolutely nothing to do with motorcycles. A lot of work goes into the design and build of websites, VRO uses a "canned forum build" that is popular on forum sites, but is tweaked and customized to fit Don's desires for looks and such. Webhosting a site as big as this also costs money. Average starting expense is over $200/yr and then the site owner often has to pay for the data usage the site has with the traffic that comes to it. That could cost thousands of dollars a year. If I wanted to hire out a contract to build and manage a site as large as this one I could end up paying in excess of $50,000/yr to a web designer/programmer on top of webhosting and traffic usage. I know because I'm married to one. What started as a hobby for Don to use as a means to bring Venture fans together in an online forum that eventually went far beyond that scope has become an expensive hobby to maintain alone. While Mike and I are amongst the poorest members of the forums, our lives have become enriched through the forums, through meeting other members and making it to different events. $12/yr is a very small price to pay for technical knowledge and occasionally assistance from other members. There are days the humor shared on the site has made me laugh when I needed it. One day Mike hopes to have a good Venture, until then we are riding that Volusia lol. It should also be pointed out while the site says it has X members, not all of those have currently active paid accounts. I'm not sure the percentage of current paid accounts on the site, but I'm sure if Don wants to share that he's able. Hope this helps.
KIC Posted June 27, 2012 #33 Posted June 27, 2012 WOW... I didn't know we had "web-mistresses" too ! And all for only $12.00 per year...gets better everyday !
SilvrT Posted June 27, 2012 #34 Posted June 27, 2012 WOW... I didn't know we had "web-mistresses" too ! And all for only $12.00 per year...gets better everyday ! heck, I've never heard of a "web mistress" before ... now, I've had a few "mistresses" in my day but never a "web" one ... makes me wonder what I been missing and worse than that, now I'm too old to do anything about it .... :whistling:
buddy Posted June 27, 2012 #35 Posted June 27, 2012 Nope I will be nice not going to say anything nasty. nope I be nice:rotfl: Dumb as dumb can be asking something like that. ever I see someone grabbing the Bull by the tail your it..
mini-muffin Posted June 27, 2012 #36 Posted June 27, 2012 That's ok boys I'm sure the web mistress will be cracking her whip on you later. So ya better behave. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
GAWildKat Posted June 27, 2012 #37 Posted June 27, 2012 heck, I've never heard of a "web mistress" before ... now, I've had a few "mistresses" in my day but never a "web" one ... makes me wonder what I been missing and worse than that, now I'm too old to do anything about it .... :whistling: I can see KIC not knowing what a webmaster or webmistress is. But SilvrT, you're an IT guy! Before y'all start with the naughty comments a webmaster or webmistress is a site owner/operator, ie Don/Freebird. sheesh! MEN! :rotf:
SilvrT Posted June 27, 2012 #40 Posted June 27, 2012 I can see KIC not knowing what a webmaster or webmistress is. But SilvrT, you're an IT guy! Before y'all start with the naughty comments a webmaster or webmistress is a site owner/operator, ie Don/Freebird. sheesh! MEN! :rotf: heh ... too funny! Frankly, I didn't realize there was a gender differentiation ... thought all who did websites were "masters" (as in "professionals" or the "master of the web") regardless if they are male or female. I've also never been to a website where it says "click here to contact the Web MISTRESS" ... etc.
rickardracing Posted June 27, 2012 #41 Posted June 27, 2012 I would like to say thank you Don for providing this forum for only $12 per year. I get waaay more enjoyment and info from this site than what you charge. No complaints from me. And for the originator of this thread . MYOB!
bags529 Posted June 27, 2012 #42 Posted June 27, 2012 All I'm going to say is that I have gathered more info on taking a $300 project bike to cycle I would feel comfortable riding across country. (With a few extra spare parts.) I hope Don does make more than a few bucks, he deserves it. I won't get into the capitalism debate, but I own my own business. So thanks to Don for doing what he does. And hopefully someday I will get to an event and meet some of the fine people on the board..
Pernese Posted June 27, 2012 #43 Posted June 27, 2012 Being a fellow rider from the great state of Miser y...uh, Missouri...I can truly say that I am surprised that the folks responsible for your rearin didn't teach you better manners. As a fellow trial member I can vouch for the value of the site. I have found more information, both technical and wise advise from other venture riders. I have saved hundreds of dollars in repair cost due to these fine folks knowledge that they so freely share. And I have saved all this money without being required to pay dues first. I will be paying my dues before my trial membership expires. I am looking forward to meeting and thanking all these folk as time permits. Most of the posts that I have read from the members leads me to believe that they are all stark raving mad loonies. My kind of people. The short version? Pipe down, crank up the jams, kick back, and enjoy the ride. Quitcherbellyachin. You're not the lead dog anyway.
pmelah Posted June 27, 2012 #44 Posted June 27, 2012 Twelve dollars, smelve dollars, who cares how much it is, I'll pay it! I don't know who Don is, but I hope he gets filthy rich off this site, because he is providing an extremely valuable product that I now feel like I can't do without as long as I own my RSTD. BTW, has anyone noticed that this guy hasn't responded to any of the posts since he posed his rude question? What's up with that? he got scared when he found out we got a web mistress:rotf::rotf: :crackup:
SilvrT Posted June 27, 2012 #45 Posted June 27, 2012 Do a search for whips, naked chat... you'll find 'em ! oh... and you know this how?? :rotfl:
SilvrT Posted June 27, 2012 #47 Posted June 27, 2012 Do a search for whips, naked chat... you'll find 'em ! ... and now I wait for GAWildkat's response ... surely she know nothing about such things .... being a Web Mistress and all...
irbk Posted June 27, 2012 #48 Posted June 27, 2012 I know I'm just the new guy and all so I'm going to try real hard not to ruffle any more feathers, but there seems to be a bit of a hornets nest that was kicked here so I don't know if it's possible not too. My $.02 worth, I think it's unwise to attack the dude. Yes, it's only $12/year. Seems like a reasonable price to pay. I've only been a member for 2 days but have already made a friend and been invited (repeatedly) to the maintenance day that's near me (which unfortunately I can't make). I've been offered PDF's of the service manual saving me from having to buy one and aside from this thread which seems to have gotten a little hostel, seems like a friendly group of guys. If Don makes $1.56/year, $15.60/year, $156/year off the site, great for him. If he makes $156,000 off the site, even better for him. Now that being said, and this is the part where feathers are gonna get ruffled, when I make a donation to UNICEF, ASPCA, United Way or any other charitable organization, I like to know where my money is going (IE if 80% of my donation is going to overhead costs while only 20% is going to the actual cause, I may choose to donate my money elsewhere). When I pay membership dues for any organization, I like to know where my money is going. When I buy something from a business, I know the money is going to buy somewhere between groceries and a 2nd house in the Bahamas for the owner of that business. I don't think that the OP wants to see "the books" or anything but is just kind of curious to know where the money goes, IE into Don's pocket, into a charitable fund for members down on their luck, into meet & greet or maintenance days, or whatever else. I apologize in advance if I've ruffled any more feathers.
gscbertrand Posted June 27, 2012 #49 Posted June 27, 2012 I paid $20.00 a year for three years on the other Venture site. $60.00 total. I got very little or no knowledge passed on, no offers to help in any way, no links and help searching for parts and definitely no warm fuzzy feeling on that site. Ask any question then wait a few sconds for the answers to come rolling in. This site is addicting and will use up time I should be doing other things with but it's the best place to visit every day. I hope you catch on and stay for awhile as you will feel part of the family in time.
GAWildKat Posted June 27, 2012 #50 Posted June 27, 2012 ... well my site wasn't about those things....not even close:no-no-no: However, being a redhead and all I have been invited to parties involving similar topics to whips, chains and other fetishes....some people just think the worst of me! Now here's my husband's site (I don't admin this one at all....
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