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Arkansas to Utah trip completed - Lessons learned


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I and seven other of my mortorcycle friends have completed and now recooperated from a 7 day 3,100+ mile trip from Central Arkansas to southern Utah. The trip took us through Denver, Grand Junction, Moab, Mexican Hat, the "canyon lands", Four Corners, Alamosa and Dodge City. It was a great trip with no major mishaps.


During the trip I learned some very valuable lessons and tips. Most lessons/tips are "common sense" but they are things we tend to overlook. So here goes;


1. Sunscreen and skin moisturizer are your friend. The sun was bad enough but the low humidity along with the dry winds was tough on the face :shock3:. In arid environements may sure to hydrate and stay hydrated.

2. When you see a dust/sand storm in the distance it's better to stop and wait it out than proceed :no-no-no:. Don't worry about "getting behind schedule", to proceed is just not worth it trust me!!

3. During a sand storm sand will accumulate in the fins on your motor, air filters and your ears. A half helmet is not recommended in this situation. Make sure to check those air filter and clean/replace if needed.

4. Make sure you have some simple replacement parts (air filters, fuel filter, etc.) with you. If you have to purchase them "on the road" the cost can get excessive, if you can find them.

5. Riding 74 miles in a 30-35 mph cross wind is a heck of a workout. I may suggest it to the P90X people to include in their program.

6. On soft road shoulders and in strong winds your motorcycle will fall over more easily and very quickly :(. Thankfully no damage was done.

7. Before embarking on a trip pack your motorcycle and do a trial ride to insure the weight distribution is correct and what effects the extra weight may have. Remember the more "surface area" your luggage has the greater potential of wind effects. Also added weight and the height of the weight changes your center of gravity.


I was a very good trip but we tried to do too much in a short amount of time. If you have never been to southern Utah I suggest you put it on your "to do" list and do it.


Good riding friends!!!!!!!!!!

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I agree with your advice. We made a very similar trip from central KY in 2008 and I agree, 7 days isn't enough to see southern Utah. We made the trip in about 12 days and even that wasn't enough. Everyone that tours by bike needs to have southern Utah on their bucket list. Here's a link to a few of our photos.





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