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total knee replacement?


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ok i just got approved for a total knee replacement for my very bad left knee. this will be done around the end of july. what i want to ask is? how many here had this done?

and how long did it take you to feel like you could ride a bike again?

also the right knee needs a partical replacement. most likely a year after the left.

i was told that after the left one is done i will be sent to a rehab place for 2 weeks because i live alone and i have MS as well so they want me working the new knee for 4 to 5 hours a day for that 2 weeks the lots of PT there after.

no driving for 6 weeks?

this sounds like a good plan and i hope it works.

not sure how much pain is invovled in healing ?

im prety good at handling pain.

and im sure they will dope me up.

bad news is no new bike this fall. but hopes are for a good recovery and a new to me bike in the summer of 2013

i will have about $3900 to $4200 for a bike.

wont be able to find one with the voyager trike kit for that amount.

but if i get a light bike and low in the seat hight i should be able to hold it up.

well let me know how you all did if you had this type of operation. and how long it took ya to get back on a bike



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I was back on my bike (2007 RSV) as soon as I could bend my knee enough to get my foot on the highway boards. I didn't go very far or for very long but then we only have one stop light in town and it's on the state highway so I could rider for 1/2 hour or so and not get on the highway.


Pain - he$$ YES !! lots of it and can be pretty intense at times. I'd bet there are some that say the pain is minimal and I've got some ocean front property just outside of Phoenix Az. I'll sell them.


APPROVED for a knee replacement ?? I always thought that replacement was an option of the patient. The Dr. told me my rt. knee needed to be replaced in 1978 and I kept saying no until 3 years ago when I relented and let them replace it.


btw - that 2 weeks in the assisted facility is called torture but it should prove to be worth it. I went straight home from the hospital and traveled to a therapy unit nearby.

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The wife had hers done 2-3 years ago. Hurt like he!! for 6 months, and she became addicted to the Vicodine pain pills. Everything's fine now and she no longer thinks about the replacement.... or has to pop a pill... :)

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My son works in the Ocupational theropy field. My BIL had this surgery done back in Dec. His advice to him was to keep working it. If you can stand it work it a bit more than they do at the sessions. The more you work it the more free all the muscles etc stay. Pain pills, yea thats a huge problem with any surgery. Good luck. :080402gudl_prv:

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The wife had hers done 2-3 years ago. Hurt like he!! for 6 months, and she became addicted to the Vicodine pain pills. Everything's fine now and she no longer thinks about the replacement.... or has to pop a pill... :)


The Dr gave me Oxycoton for pain - I took maybe 6 pills out of the bottle he gave me and went to Tramadol, it's non- narcotic and to my knowledge not addictive. The same Dr. gave me the Tramadol for pain 3 or 4 months before surgery. I'm still working on that same script 3 years later with no refills.

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Before the surgery find a therapist that has the proper machine to work your knee on. If they do not work the range of motion during therapy you will never have it. Yes it will be painful. There are two main areas you will need to work on. Leg extended and flat, you want 0 degrees. You may have to put your foot on a coffee table and hang weights from the knee. But do it. You really want 0 degrees. Push for it. With your knee bent you want 130 degrees or more. That's hard to get. At 90 sitting is hard. At 100 you can sit but getting up is still a problem. At 110 (the goal of many therapists) sitting and walking are ok but kneeling or squatting may not be possible. At 120 most activities are possible. At over 130 you will seldom be limited by your knee. So push for 0 to 130 range of motion. It's all a matter of how much pain can you tolerate.


Best of Luck


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Just my 2 cents

I have had both mine done and you will feel it for a year but its just enough to remind you its been done. First 3 to 4 weeks you will not be a happy camper.

I used the machine for my first knee but used a stationary bike for my second and that worked much faster to get my knee bending and is what I would recomend for anyone getting the replacement done.

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just got the call that the operation is set for july 9th.

wow lot,s of stuff to get done before this happens.

have to get a medical release from my regular doctor.

then a dentisit? something about if there is any bacteria in your system such as a tooth needing to be pulled you have to get it done before the knee operation?

i do suffer a little from bleeding gums not bad. and i m now on anti biotics for that so sure hope that,s not going to be a problem?

now i just kneed to get well after the operation.

thanks everyone




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James, check out this forum. It will provide answers to most of your questions as well as other valuable info. I had my right knee replaced in Feb and im returning to full duty at work tomorrow. It still lets me know its there from time to time but it is nowhere what it was before the surgery pain wise. Im actually walking upright instead of dragging my right knuckles every other step. :smile5: Best suggestion is to follow your doctors orders and do your therapy religiously. AND you need the drugs to get you through the first month of therapy. The biggest thing is to get your range of motion back. Mine is at 0 deg for the extension and 120 deg flex. 1st few days after surgery I had 0 deg extension which is perfect but it was hell getting my knee to bend more then 75 deg. Thats where the combination of therapy/drugs come in.

Good luck. It will be one of your better moves in life. I just cant wait till Jan when I get my left knee done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well i was all set for the 9th of july. when i went in to day for a pre op. check up with my docotor. he was not in? his niece is verry ill and might not make it. so i was handed off to a young doctor who looked at my records and saw i was haveing. black out problems due to blood pressure problems back in november of last year. so he call my ortho doc who said he will have to call it off untill my doctor comes back and my dilatin levels get stabble. kind of a set back for me as i can not take pain meds or anti infalmitory meds. so her i sit in pain. untill maybe the end of july. the good news is i settled my workers comp and the check is in the mail. had a bike lined up to buy but let it slip by due to the fact i was gong to have this operation. well next spring i will be looking. it sucks as the one i was looking at was a vstar 1100 for $3300.00 with 19500 miles on it and was owned by a 70 year old man who cant ride it no more and went on to a goldwing trike..im sure one will come along. im realy bummed about this knee. but it will get done before the snow hits the ground that was my main concern. as i dont want to slip and fall with a new knee. and felt i would heal up before the winter hit..

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I had both done at the same time (12-06) The pain is bad.Do what they tell you and do PT. By April I was back to cutting 32 Yards a week.I would do it again cause the end results is so much better than it was.I also was riding by May 1.Good luck

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