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Pond monster resurfaces

Yama Mama

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attachment.php?attachmentid=68199&stc=1&d=1338862282attachment.php?attachmentid=68198&stc=1&d=1338862208Saturday, June 2, 2012

VentureRider MD, Oberlin, Ohio.

Another sighting of the POND MONSTER occurred in the pond at Don Nelson's. Although, the POND MONSTER has not been seen since last years event this reporter was witness to this years resurfacing of the infamous POND MONSTER.

Although, the identity of the POND MONSTER has not been disclosed, this reporter is sure the end is in sight.

This reporter will continue there efforts to keep up on all the poop concerning this important

annual event.

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wonder if some one could bring a paint ball gun next year? so we can shoot it and mark it to make sure there are not more of them?:rotf:

Now I'm gona have nightmares. Thanks Yama Mama.:eek:

I don't have a paint ball gun, but I do have an airsoft "ass"alt rifle. It would just about guaranty that pond monster would not return.

If I get to come to next years event, I'll make sure to pack it.

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Another good memory of going up to Dons, I saw the pond monster doing a whales jump up into the air!!


Good tracking Yama Mama, I knew you'd be up to the job!!


Might be more of them there next year......

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Was that the one eyed, one horned purple pond monster:yikes::confused24:

You know until that critter resurfaces we will never know exactly what the HOLE thing looks like. It sure is scarey though, isn't it?

Yama Mama:rotf::rotf::rotf:


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Thats nice shot Mamma. As you guys know Pond Monster of Loch Nelson apper only at fool moon to moonshine.

I guess Monster didnt surface to show, he was looking for strippers, not some old guy whit stady dand. I gues monster has stady hand with assitance of internet.


:1hotsht::sign killer dude::sign It wasnt me::sign brain fart::1hotsht:

Edited by stardbog
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Yes Dan, there were no strippers. I thought it was snipers. This story gets scarier and scarier. We better warn the pond monster next year about the sniper. This might be his last year to make a showing.:crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:


Yama Mama

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Pond Monster Legend By Swifty. 06/09/2008.


According to Wikipedia, a legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place during a motorcycle rally and to possess certain qualities that give the tale some sense of authenticity. These narratives are centered around pictures that are taken by attendees and explained in online posts to those who were not eye witnesses to the event but like to live their lives vicariously through those that did attend. Well, a legend has begun around a "life form" seen in a pond by only a few people who have attended at Maintenance Day celebrations in Oberlin, Ohio.


How it started...many, many, many, many moons ago, one Canadian (our now dearly departed, Charlie) had a camera during one sighting (maybe the first), and posted what he tagged as the pond monster, or was it the Nelson Ness Monster...I forget...but given that he had a reputation for photoshopping his pictures, and was considered by many native Canadians not to be of a sound mind, his posts lacked some credibility, and consequently many ventureriders didn't believe what they saw in his posts...and that's how legends get started. Since some rumours have circulated that I have a special connection to the monster, (likely because I am one of only a hand full of people who have dared the depths of the pond), and since I am one who lives his whole life in the pursuit of educating the masses, I have taken it upon myself to investigate these ULFs (unidentified life forms) and set the record straight once and for all. I am currently in the process of writing the TRUE story, I am gathering evidence, I am waiting for pictures to arrive, I am purchasing software to detect photoshopping, I am checking with my sources (only credible eye witnesses) and I will submit the final product when it is done. If you don't post anything under this post my story WILL be posted directly under this one and it will be bumped for all to readwhen I have determined the truth ; however, if you can't wait for my story and you start your own dribblings below about what you heard (or saw) as is already happening in other threads, then my story will be buried in subsequent pages (which may be best anyways) and the true story of the pond monster may end up being lost forever...

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