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yea... I uh... heh... just lost one of my screws, the top right one... it fell into this slot between the inner right panel, and the outer fairing. Sitting there... smiling at me, taunting at me :rasberry:, telling me any hopes of getting him was LOST... which was true.


I could not find our magnet, no matter where I looked, all I could find was our bleedin' (literally actually, it still, ahem, has some blood on it) Mop Magnet... so I went at it with pliers, and ended up knocking it SOMEWHERE. :255:


I don't know where, I took enough of the right side off to know, its gone (probably wedged somewhere else only to knocked free when I go ride to Madera today) -.-' I got three screws tho! and my K&N is NICE and CLEAN, but... yea.............................

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