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My wife and I rode from Georgia to Johnson City, Tennessee this past weekend. I had a lot of vibration in the front end so when we got to the motel I noticed that I had lost the weight that balanced the front tire. Saturday morning I noticed a Honda, Suzuki dealer so I stopped in and asked the lady at the service desk if they could balance my front tire. She was very nice and told me to go out to the service department and speak with the manager and tell him I was traveling from Georgia he would probably help. The service manager was Brent Mitchel and he said he could put the weight on where the old one came off and I could then ride down the street to see if the tire was balanced and if not he would remove the tire and rebalance it. He said for me to wait in the showroom and he would come get me when he was finished. He came back and told me to ride down the road and see if the tire was balanced. I aske him how much I owed and he said nothing. I tired to pay something for the trouble but he refused. I didn't go back because the tire was better. It would be a better world if every business had people the care like this one does.


That would have been Jim's Motorcycle shop and they are good people. I got my first motorcycle there in 1964. It was a Ducati 125 Bronco. I may stop by there and mention your post.

As far as houses for sale close by, both my sisters own real estate companies in Johnson City and I am sure they would love to help you.:cool10:



stories such as this. Helps regenerate a little faith in the foundational principles we should have been brought up with. I have also spent time in Johnson City/Jonesboro and agree this is an incredible part of the country. May be looking to retire in that neck of the woods myself one day soon!




This dealer bailed me out big time last June when my electrical system crapped out on me en route to White Sulphur Springs WV. I limped it in to Jim's, they put it on the rack and tested everything right away, determined it was a blown rectifier and not the stator, and pulled a new one off a Yamaha ATV on the showroom floor to replace it with. They would not take a dime from me, and said they would just submit it as a warranty claim on the ATV. Even fed us while we waited and gave us a few tee shirts with their logo on them to wear on our trip. These are great folks, and I would do business with them anytime. I've stopped in to see them just to say hi and thank you whenever we've been anywhere in that area, and also sent them a tin of gourmet cookies at Christmas.


Hey Venturous,

Please stop by Jim's and tell them I gave them a compliment on this site. I told Brent, the service manager, I was going to post on this site what a class act they are. I also told him I was going to write a letter to Honda letting them know they have a classy dealership representing them. I was going to contact you while we were there but we stayed so busy I didn't get to. Johnson City and Jonesborough are two great places with a lot to see. We really enjoyed our visit.


Hey AtlantaDragonslayer,

If I had been close to you I would have stopped but we rode to Commerce and then took 85 to Greenville, SC and then 26 to Ashville. If I'm ever around the Atlanta area I will give you a call. Keep sending those premiums in. A portion of everything I make goes to feed hungry children. They're my children but we are still feeding hungry children.

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