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Posted (edited)

Check out the current Rider magazine, July 2012 edition. It has an interesting article as to why you should not use car tires on motorcycles. It also has a quote from John Mosby, a representative of Kumho tires, "Kumho passenger car tires are not made to absorb the reduced contact patch of high camber angles that motorcycle tires frequently experience. Because of this durability can be affected by operating at such high camber angles, which can lead to tire failure. We strongly discourage anyone from using Kumho passenger car tires on their motorcycle."


It's a very informative article including detailed pictures and talks about in the event of a crash... will he be the target of a costly lawsuit because he fit his motorcycle with tires not designed or intented for motorcycle use and may have contributed to the crash. "Are the few dollars saved by turning to a car tire outweighed by the potential loss of a house and whatever dollars may be squirreled away for retirement?"


I thought this was a very interesting read... i couldn't find it on their website, but please try to find it and read it.


i know this probably won't sway the darkside believers... because.. well..

Edited by Freebird
Posted (edited)

This article has certainly sparked a lot of discussion on the goldwing forum.


Since I haven't read the article, I hesitate to comment on it specifically. What I can (and will) say though is;


I now run a Kumho Run-flat and am very impressed.

There are numerous Wing riders running various brands of CTs that cumulatively have logged millions of miles without incident (not including those who have as a result of tire negligence)

Any representative (such as the guy from Kumho) making public or otherwise such statements will certainly not say anything that will jeopardize their career or themselves.


CT's IMO have their "place" on an MC and definately not appropriate for all MCs. One would not run a CT on a sport bike, for example, nor would one want to run a CT on a touring bike when the majority of use is riding it hard thru twisties. That said though, there are a few who do without issues.

Edited by SilvrT

I read the article and it does bring up things that I thought as well. Like SilvrT said anyone that works for a company that doesn't specifically make products for motorcycles has to say that they don't recommend it. Because if they don't say it they open the door to lawsuits and much more issues.


I run a Khumo on the back of my 07 MRSV and have to say I really enjoy it and have many miles on it. It rides better in rain and much better in gravel/sand. Yes there will be the occasional incidents but then again they are with motorcycle tires as well if you don't pay attention to them and check pressure and tread throughout the wear.


I say do as you please and ride your ride. I like mine and yall like what you ride. Just ride safe and be aware of your surroundings.


I run a car tire because I got tired of replacing while in the middle of a long tour. It is cheaper than a motorcycle tire, but that is not my reason for running one. One cross country ride and the rear tire would be shot.

  wizard said:
I run a car tire because I got tired of replacing while in the middle of a long tour. It is cheaper than a motorcycle tire, but that is not my reason for running one. One cross country ride and the rear tire would be shot.


not to have a disagreement... but i run Metzeler ME880's and get 16,000 miles regularly.


it's around 3,000 miles coast to coast. that's 2 and half round trips across the U.S. traveling at least 15,000 miles. i couldn't ask any better than that and be on a motorcycle tire designed for my bike.

  hi 05 silver said:
not to have a disagreement... but i run Metzeler ME880's and get 16,000 miles regularly.


it's around 3,000 miles coast to coast. that's 2 and half round trips across the U.S. traveling at least 15,000 miles. i couldn't ask any better than that and be on a motorcycle tire designed for my bike.


Wow that is good mileage. Are you riding 75, pulling a trailer, 2-up or are you riding 55 back 2-lanes, 1 up?


It all depends on how you ride, when you ride, how long you ride at times, etc.


I have almost 25K on my CT and still have plenty of tread to probably finish this season of 15K.


lets not do the cost savings as well.


Like i said earlier. U ride your ride I ride mine.


Oh yea on the retard picture, I will ignore it LOL. I am a pretty smart retard having three degrees and one being a masters.


I have done a lot of analysis on running a CT. I will continue running it because I enjoy my ride.


Let's keep the discussion civil folks. I think that pointing out the article is a good thing. It's good for people to read opinions from the manufacturers but let's keep it nice.

  hi 05 silver said:
not to have a disagreement... but i run Metzeler ME880's and get 16,000 miles regularly.


it's around 3,000 miles coast to coast. that's 2 and half round trips across the U.S. traveling at least 15,000 miles. i couldn't ask any better than that and be on a motorcycle tire designed for my bike.



I agree with this. I am running Dunlop E3's and have over 10k miles on them. No signs of needing replaced as of yet. Just because a car tire fits and seals on the rim does not mean you should do this. All I can say is I hope I am not behind one when it decides to peel off the rim and send the rider to the ground.


I can see where a CT has its uses. Like the one fellow said he has a side hack, not much leaning going on there. Also the trikes and trike conversions that are like well for better lack of discription look like training wheels. I can see them getting use of one. If I see the article I'll read up on it. Information is a good thing.

  rickardracing said:
I agree with this. I am running Dunlop E3's and have over 10k miles on them. No signs of needing replaced as of yet. Just because a car tire fits and seals on the rim does not mean you should do this. All I can say is I hope I am not behind one when it decides to peel off the rim and send the rider to the ground.


I've never heard of that happening but I have heard of Metzlers coming apart .... just sayin. :whistling:

  SilvrT said:
I've never heard of that happening but I have heard of Metzlers coming apart .... just sayin. :whistling:


Avon pile apart and chunk rubber.


I ran Metzlers at 41 psi and got less than 8000 miles. They were the best milage tire for motorcycles I have tried. The Continental 2 adds state they will give twice the milage of the Metzlers. When my car tire wears, I will probably try them. We'll see. I do not know how you guys get that kinda milage on a Metzler, I have even read on these blogs of guys getting over 20000 miles. If I did, I'd still be on a Metzler.


This topic on other forums can get ugly pretty fast, some of the same people on both sides get fired up, and its the same people everytime.


When the time comes I might consider a CT on my RSV, been running a Michelin Hydroedge on my VTX1300 for a couple years now and I love it. Made my ride smoother, didn't feel every nut (fruit from a tree, not cagers on a cell phone) on the road I ran over. Seems to have better traction in the rain which was the main reason I wanted it. The extra miles I can get out of it is just bonus, I paid about the same for this tire as I did an Avon I had on it previously. The one negative I notice is bike will follow the crown of a road and make it harder to lean.


I don't know much about tires but I know what I like.:)

  meach said:
This topic on other forums can get ugly pretty fast, some of the same people on both sides get fired up, and its the same people everytime.



As I am on two forums, I can tell you that this one is much more civil than that one. We know better here coz if we step outta line, we get spanked! LOL


Out of curiosity, what's a insurance companies point of view? I mean heck I've heard and I've seen a insurance company NOT cover a rider when he wasn't wearing gear, what about tires on a motorcycle?


You get into a accident, would the insurance company raise a eye brow?


Nothing in the law that I have seen says car tires can not be used on motorcycles. Look at "motorcycle tires" from the 50s and 60s. there isnt much difference. I believe it is preference. I can speak for NC as far as inspection goes. All that is checked is that it is a DOT approved tire and has a minimum of 3/16ths tread. I'm not much of a peg scraper but I have done it on occasion with CT and MTs without any issue.... So with that said ride safe and DarkSide all the way for me.


I just replaced my Metzler ME880 that had 15200 miles on it. Could've rode it a little longer, but I discovered a cut in the tire on a pre-ride inspection. By the way, I got that many miles out of it and I'm 6'6", and 312 lbs. I also ride 2 up with my wife 90% of the time the bike is running. I hope I get that kind of performance out of the new ME880 that I just put on it.


This may inflame some but it's not meant to -


This year has been the best and earliest riding season in Ohio for many years and having said that, I have a total of 2 1/2 miles in my Venture so far this year. I put a Kumho on my Venture not for mileage or not for expense but because I wanted to try it. I'm happy with the results it has given me thus far.


Just to clarify my train of thought, I also have several hand guns, the one I like most is the Kimber with a hand grip laser. It probably doesn't shoot any better than the Glock or Keltec that I have but I wanted it.


In the same vein, I have an arsenal of fishing poles, a boat, a building lot on a private 500 acre lake and we seldom eat fish. It's something we enjoy and wanted to do.


The point is that when something comes up that spikes my interest and I can afford to do it without eminent harm, I will probably try it. Hence the Kumho on a bike that I don't even ride enough to wear it out.


I just bought an "I' basket to try to eliminate the whine in my bike and I'll probably pay a local mechanic to replace it even tho my bike is still under warranty. WHY :think: because I want to. It's my choice, my decision


Refering back to the original posting, the discouragement came from factory or company rep's correct? Keeping that in mind it is fairly easy to understand the position, world wide I doubt you will find a "factory rep" for anything that would encourage their product be utilized for anything other than what it was made for. However we all can attest to using things for other than their intended purpose. Case in point, I was at a Honda Hoot years ago and sat in on a Dunlop tire rep for a short seminar. One question came up regarding trailers and MC tires, as you might imagine the rep totally discouraged trailer use on MC's even trying to cite numerous 'potential' issues that could arise safety wise. Of course he made no headway with any of those who were already trailering and knew the in's and out's of the practice. The point here is that no matter how good or bad an idea is, due to litigation and lawsuits, rarely will we find encouragement through manufacturers. The reality of th situation is this, as long as we maintain the premise that we are a free society and as long as we continue sites like these that consist mainly of down to earth, common sense type of folks, we will be able to still adapt, modify and make things happen dispite the worry warts of the world. Life is not a "safe" journey but one to be challanged and played hard. Lets keep working on better ideas.


All the best,



Funny how times have changed..

My father-in-law had an Indian when he was dating my Mother-in-Law and it had car tires on it front and back but thats been many years ago.

I asked a insurance rep. about this few years back when I had my GL1800 and he said as long they are D.O.T. there was no issue

Remember when motorcycle tires use to have arrows stating front or back on the sidewall now all you see is rear or front only

  wizard said:
I ran Metzlers at 41 psi and got less than 8000 miles. They were the best milage tire for motorcycles I have tried. The Continental 2 adds state they will give twice the milage of the Metzlers. When my car tire wears, I will probably try them. We'll see. I do not know how you guys get that kinda milage on a Metzler, I have even read on these blogs of guys getting over 20000 miles. If I did, I'd still be on a Metzler.

Metzeler fitment guide reads for our bikes, front, psi min.36/42 max. rear, min.44/50 max. I run 40 in front ,50 in rear. Two up most of the time, trailer alot, 50/50 mix of highway and back roads. If you will run what Metzeler say's to run in their tires , you to would see these higher miles. Incorrect air pressure ruins tires.


Every decision has pros and cons. Honda does not want us to pull trailers, yet many of us do just that. The decision to try a c/t is not one to be taken lightly...I have struggled with it for several months. So many have tried it with very positive results...why the motorcycle community doesn't develop a feasible answer to the tire situation escapes me...I guess they are content with the relatively expensive and short-lived tires available to us. I get five times the mileage on my cages than what I get on the bike. We recently took a 2500 mile trip...two up, pulling a trailer...tires were on my mind throughout the entire trip. A tire blowout with my wife on the bike is not something I want to happen. All that being said, I am going to try the c/t...will put it on this Friday. Will it be any better?...that remains to be seen. Do I recommend it to anyone else?...no, you all are big boys and girls and can make your own decisions. Just, please, don't down talk those of us who do check it out. I am 66 yrs old and do not need to be preached to about the dangers of the c/t...I have yet to hear of a c/t causing an accident...once I do, I will reevaluate my decision and act accordingly.

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