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Update on dropping my bike in Nov.

Steve S

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Just when I thought things were going my way after the accident in Nov, things went south again.:crying:


I was able to find some good used parts at a good price and was about ready to start the winter tear down to do my service and replace the plastic so it will be ready for spring. But to my amazement it was not to be.


It started with a "headache from Hell" that lasted for 3 weeks. I went to the doctor and he found a whopping sinus infection and both ears infected. I though OK, that would explain my balance being off a bit. I was called out the next day to cover on a boat that had had a man quit unexpectedly. Once I got on I found I was having trouble staying awake and concentrating. Then I started having trouble getting my left foot to raise up high enough to walk up a flight of stairs. As my balance was getting worse I requested that I be relieved so I could seek medical attention. My wife picked me up at the airport the next day and took me to the ER at home. I was sent in for a CT scan of the brain, yes there IS one, and they found a VERY large blood clot compressing my brain.


It seemed like within the hour I was shoved into a helicopter and air flighted to Nashville Tn. A surgeon was standing by and at 0140 Friday morning I was taken into surgery. He removed a chunk of my skull, took out 150 cc, about 6 ounces, of blood, then super glued the skull back together and went on his way. I woke up around 0400 Friday morning minus a headache and really feeling great.:dancefool: I had regained the strength in my left side and looked like I will have a full recovery. Of course I do have a scar that makes me look like Frankenstien but I will some how milk that for all of the sympathy I can get.


I realize I could have told this story in about half the words, but then where would have been the drama of all of the pain and suffering. Hey,,if you're gonna get a flip-top skull, you might as well brag about it.:dancefool:







I'm glad you and Lona are doing OK. I did find time to say a prayer for you.

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Glad to hear everything worked out for the better. That was close....thank goodness they got you help as fast as they did.

As for the bike, too bad you don't have a 99 bordeaux. I still have some new plastic from mine. Had a gas tank but gave that away. Anyway, good luck and we'll say a prayer for you!!

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Glad they got that thing outa there! Sure hope they didn't take more than the blood clot! Of course, you're fixing up the 2nd gen instead of looking around for a 1st gen, so the doc might have dug some brain cells out to! :rotf:


Get out and ride as soon as you can Steve! :thumbsup: Just don't forget to put the "top" up!


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Quite a story there my friend! kinda tops Lonna and my crash as we didn't have our skull pulled apart :shock3:

I'm glad that they found the cause and you can get on with your recovery. Were still doing baby steps with ours, but very grateful to be alive. We have to get healed up and do the victory lap somewhere in celebration of getting another chance. Be safe and we too send back the prayers for you bro :happy34:

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As our family grows, so does the suffering and accidents that go along with life, now there are that many more of us to have afflictions and problems...........


So glad they were able to find it quickly and get it rectified...............Prayers for a swift and full recovery.............


Hey folks, its a New Year, so lets keep our eyes and ears open and fine tune those senses to keep us safe..............



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WOW - that is absoulutly incredible!! Not only are you a walking/talking miracle in the flesh,, you also get the fantastic scar head to boot (that is sooooooo cool!!).. Indeed, you better be thanking God that all turned out like it did,, that could have been a REAL bad deal!!!!!

Prayers up for a speedy and full recovery!!


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Glad to hear you made it through that one . I know how serious that can be as i almost lost my father to a simillar thing .In his case they drilled 6 holes in his skull and attached drain tubes to drain away the blood pools.I would have to say you had a very close call and and its great that you got through it. Stay Healthy and keep smilling.

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Glad you came through it and are now on the road to recovery. It could have been much worse. I had a childhood friend that came home from work one day with a really bad headache, took a few asprin and laid down on the couch to rest...........He never woke up. They found a blood clot and that's what did him in. It was a good thing you went to the ER when you did. :thumbsup:


Now get back to work on the bike.:smash2:

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