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Am I grumpy this morning or what??


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Are the rest of you as sick and tired of all these phone calls from one obscure organization or another trying to raise money some political or social cause. It seems like all they do is think up some 'cause' and start calling. What a rip. I tell them all to put their head in a very dark place.....

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They must have me on some list because I keep getting fewer and fewer calls. I do however take great joy in messing with their minds.


I got a lady at one credit card company fired because I was flirting with her and she gave me her number. Before the call ended there was a click and a supervisor came on the line and appologized for the girls conduct and said she would be disciplined I kinda felt sorry for her.


I had one lady call me up for a survey about phishing and I went on for 20 mins talking about fishing, boats the ocean etc....


I spent 15 mins one night calling the guy from a phone company a liar and telling him I really knew who he was and that they were not going to get any information from me and I had foil on all my windows.


I have found out that most telemarketers will not hang up if you yell at them unless you cuse so I will yell and shout sometime for 5-10 mins just for fun.


I am pretty good at messing with them but my Dad was King.

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And with the perpetual election cycle we have here in WI its all of the campaign calls on top of the telemarketers and scammers. NON of which are required to honor the "Do not call" lists.


They are even calling my cell phone now, so I have to pay for the call. :225:


If one should be so foolish to call when I am just sitting there bored, then it is a challenge to see how long I can keep them on the line. At least then they are not scamming someone else that might actually fall for it.

Edited by Flyinfool
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...I got a lady at one credit card company fired because I was flirting with her and she gave me her number. Before the call ended there was a click and a supervisor came on the line and appologized for the girls conduct and said she would be disciplined I kinda felt sorry for her.....


Question is... did you call her to make getting into trouble worth it for her?

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All I have is an answering machine. I let all calls go to the machine. The message on the machine is " You have reached the number you have dialed. If you are begging, borrowing or selling hang up now. Otherwise leave a message, I might even get back to you." It cuts out a lot of B.S.

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When we disconnected the land line I was worried that our cell phones would be ringing off the hook with solicitors and burn up all of our minutes. My wife found this web site and in the past two years I've only gotten a couple of calls. Guess it's working.




For those of you with smart phones another option is Google voice. It's a free phone # that works on VoIP and uses data rather that cellular service to make and receive calls. It is quite handy when you need to register for something, give out, etc. but you don't want to others to have your primary phone number. Perfect for club cards, salesmen... Did I mention it is FREE :cool10:




Happy calling! :080402gudl_prv:

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I got the Magic Jack four years ago and I don't get a single unsolicited call. My family has the number and some close friends. For $20.00/year it is great. Call anywhere in Canada or USA for no charge. I have my cell phone listed with NoCall and if they slip through I promise to report them.



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I am not the most gentile man around. I lack manners from time to time and it shows. Oh well.....

Citibank called me two, three times a week to upgrade my card. This went on for years. I should have just cancelled the card. The unfortunate young lady that called that day hit a nerve. I tore into her like a vulture on a fresh roadkill. She started crying. I kept it up. I had lost my mind and composure I think. I was an animal. I am not proud of how I ripped her apart but I also am not sorry I did it.

Then I slammed the phone down.

A minute later the phone rang. It was her supervisor asking what the hell the problem was. In most cases I would have explained the situation to him and apologized. I was still on full throttle.


I bet that guy still looks under his car with a mirror before he starts it.

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I am on the no call list and still get a few. The last one that kept coming was that I won a cruise trip, so I started a long conversation and acted plum stupid. I told my wife whiles on the phone with the lady this;


" Honey we have won one of them there cruise boat trips. They have a toilet on there and everything, You did say they had a toilet didn't you Mam, and you do know what a toilet is don't you, I ask." :whistling:


That was the end of the phone calls from them and the lady was laughing her head off as I hung up.



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I'm sure it might be personally satisfying to rip someone a new one or to mess with them, but these folks are just doing their job, and for the most part they are doing it politely and non-confrontational. If you don't want to talk to people, don't answer the damn phone, or if you do answer and decide you don't want to talk, lay the thing down and walk away, or heaven forbid, tell them you're not interested but thanks for asking and hang up.


I am not, nor have I ever worked as a telemarketer, hope I never have to either! Not that I would last very long 'cause I'm liable to throw your **** right back at you. Next time you get stopped for a traffic violation try ripping the LEO a new one for doing his job, let me know how that works for you ....



so now if you want to call me a self righteous chrotchety old bastard, knock yourself out, see if I care. And then tell me I am wrong .......

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I'm sure it might be personally satisfying to rip someone a new one or to mess with them, but these folks are just doing their job, and for the most part they are doing it politely and non-confrontational. If you don't want to talk to people, don't answer the damn phone, or if you do answer and decide you don't want to talk, lay the thing down and walk away, or heaven forbid, tell them you're not interested but thanks for asking and hang up.


I am not, nor have I ever worked as a telemarketer, hope I never have to either! Not that I would last very long 'cause I'm liable to throw your **** right back at you. Next time you get stopped for a traffic violation try ripping the LEO a new one for doing his job, let me know how that works for you ....



so now if you want to call me a self righteous chrotchety old bastard, knock yourself out, see if I care. And then tell me I am wrong .......


Your right, and it is the ones that will not take no that I usally mess with. Do I feel guilty about it? Sometimes but I am on the do not call list and I alsways ask to be removed but after that they are fair game in my opinion.

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To put this thread back on track, and get it away from what you'd do or what you'd say. I'm grumpy about the number of calls that we are getting wanting donations, and not whether or not your going to answer the phone, give the caller an earfull, or how you're going to mess with their minds..... Telemarketers have been part of our society for years now, and can't be avoided. It's the amount of sleeze bag oportunists that are jumping on the band wagon trying to scam honest folks out of their hard earned money under the guise of helping one trumped up organization or another that probably doesn't enev exist other than their bank account.... Still Grumpy....:backinmyday:

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To put this thread back on track, and get it away from what you'd do or what you'd say. I'm grumpy about the number of calls that we are getting wanting donations, and not whether or not your going to answer the phone, give the caller an earfull, or how you're going to mess with their minds..... Telemarketers have been part of our society for years now, and can't be avoided. It's the amount of sleeze bag oportunists that are jumping on the band wagon trying to scam honest folks out of their hard earned money under the guise of helping one trumped up organization or another that probably doesn't enev exist other than their bank account.... Still Grumpy....:backinmyday:


I understand Condor. I work for the Sate HWY Dept. and I get more than my share of those calls. I think that they think I will give because my job is with the State HWY. But I always talk to them and tell them ASAP that I work for the Sate and do not make enough money to donate to anything like that. Other donations maybe, but not that. Get off your rear and earn it just like the rest of us, I say.


Politics and opportunists is not my good side. I vote yes, but I do not push it and do not like to be pushed with the donation calls. Those that are living like this are like some of the perfectly healthy people stealing from our government. I always get aggravated when talking about this. I guess that is why I told the story about the phone call and cruise ship. I try to avoid the Rant On and keep it off. Although it really helps to vent on the site here sometimes. Thanks to all for listening.


I understand the Grumpy part. They need to get back to the real murals of life and work out there living. Do not look for a free ride from me. It does not even work with my kids. They work it out and I am proud of them both. They can, and I also can look back and say with dignity, look what we have done. I am proud of those whom understand this part of life. Do not like the stuff about, well, I am not getting started on the drug abuse. But we all need to make our minds up and don't let someone or something keep us from our goals in life. Even Freedom is not Free, it is earned. And some gave all.


Fuzzy :mo money: :325:

Edited by FuzzyRSTD
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