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I suppose it was just a matter of time, but I have been laid off.


My company, despite having almost 50,000 employees across the world, cannot keep me busy. I'm not surprised, because despite looking for two months, I can't find a company hiring for my core job (airport planner).


My last day is next week some time. I get benefits through the end of the month.


I would like prayers for a successful job search. Clearly, this is more than I can do alone.


But mostly, I would like prayers for my wife, Jamie. She worries much, and I know this will tear her up. She is blameless in this, has faith in me, and is my support. She deserves the calming presence that prayers can provide. Keep her in your thoughts, please.


As I write this, my mind goes back yet again to the accident we recently had. She doesn't remember it--she has amnesia--but I cannot forget listening to her screams of fear and pain. I feel so much guilt for that, and now, this. I guess I need some prayers for peace of mind and perspective.


Thank you,




You got it Dave. Don't know of anything I can do except offer Prayer for you two. If y'all need to get away you are always welcome at the getaway in Blanco.


Tough times for you emotionally Dave, but many good things can come from what seems to be the lowest point in your life.


Hang tough and I will say a prayer for you and Jamie.


Thanks for asking for those prayers.


You got it my friend. Hate to see you all having to go thru this and prayers are sent for HIS grace, comfort and provisions for you both.


you are in our prayers at our home.....faith is what sees us thru difficult times and gives us confidence to believe all things are possible.


Dave all my positive thoughts go to you and Jamie. Youre having a rough spot right now but I am sure its all a very short and temporary situation.

Several years ago the company I was working for went into bankruptcy and I lost my job. At the time I thought it was a bad thing, and I was very stressed. As it ended up I was barely out of work for a week and my wage more than doubled when i caught on with a new situation.

There is always a door to open and now you have a chance to look for the right door that will fit your situation perfectly.




Sorry to hear that Dave. It takes a lot out of you even when you expect it to happen. I was in an industry for 26 years and had it walk out from under me. I've been on this job for the last 7 and with the restructuring going on...... ya never know.


Best of luck to you on your search and prayers are on the way for you and Jamie.




Hey Dave,


So sorry to hear of this. Val and I send our prayers. Hopefully you will find somthing soon. Just think of it as starting fresh.


Take Care,


Hal n Val :cool10::322:


And He said that not a hair would fall from our heads without Him knowing about it, and that if He made sure the sparrows got food,,, how much for us.

We will ask for guidance for you, and you will be looked after, maybe not the way you might expect, but He won't let you down.


Hello Dave: Sorry to hear of your additonal worries. Prayers sent on the job search and your and Jamie's recovery. It can happpen to anyone of us. Try to keep a positive attitude. Change is not always a bad thing. The uncertainy causes the most worry. Good luck with your search. Keep us posted. You are not going through this alone.


hi zip & jamie

sorry to now hear about this bad news. but as it's been said things happen for a reason. prayers sent.


don c.

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