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Eileen is a great photographer but she uses a 35mm camera and we haven't got the film developed yet. Here are a few pics that our son Dylan took with his little digital camera though. As you can see, Eileen and I found the fireplace at the lodge to be a great place to hang out. :) The first picture is of Round Lake shot through the screened window of our cabin.


I'M LUCKY????? But but but....what about HER????? :cool10:






ok...I admit it...yes...I KNOW I am a lucky guy. She is a wonderful lady also.


don! if being a "Popsicle"is your idea , of a vacation, no thanks i believe i'll pass!

snow is pretty to look at in pics, but it ain't the same , in "real life".


i'll just sit down here, and shiver, in this 70's + weather.



yessir! you are ONE LUCKY, guy.

she even "conceded ", to hug you in front of God , and everybody!

how are ya gonna beat a deal like that?????


welcome back! just jt


All the sleds are owned by the company and free to use while we are there. They are actually in pretty nice shape. They have several of the little sno scoots for the kids and about 8 Polaris 340s for the adults. They have miles of trails on the company property. I show very few of them in the pictures. There are also a lot of public trails nearby as well as the lake. We aren't allowed to take the company sleds off company property however. You can take your own if you have them. I don't though, sold ours a couple of years ago.


Nice pictures Don! Glad you had a chance to relax and have some fun. I really miss the snow!!!

By the way, received my bells....thank you very much!!!

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