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I live out in the country just off US Hwy 290. It's not uncommon, especially with this lovely bike riding weather we're having, to see lots of bikes on the road. Seeing one pulling a trailer is also not that uncommon. The doubletake :eek: was the one this morning who was not only pulling one of the mini camping trailers but also the canoe/kayak he had tied to the top of it!!! It had to be a one person craft. Anything bigger and he'd either being hitting the rear of the bike, or himself, in the back!!


I'm in serious riding withdrawl. Between work and stuff going on at home [a visit from the Mum!], I've only gotten in a "quick" 40 mile run during the BIG MD just a couple weeks ago. Here's hoping I can get out this weekend and blow out some serious cobwebs!!


A few years back, on the way to the Ft Collins International, Irene and I saw a 'Wing with an attachment on the rear for carrying golf clubs heading up the Beartooth Highway. A canoe I can understand (well, maybe not going up the Beartooth), but golf clubs?


When I had my '84 VR I would remove the trunk and lay my golf bag across the rack. Bag had a hood, I put a bungy cord on the hood to make sure it wouldn't blow off, and bungied the bag onto the luggage rack. Many times travelling up to 35 miles to (hah!) "play golf".

Trust me, the riding was a lot more fun and more well performed than my attempts to play golf.

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