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was out on my morning coffee run. still dark,approaching my all time favorite stoplight, where i have had several close calls from people running it, like real close.anyway the light turns yellow i stop,then red and a jerk in a van blows by me and runs it. blue flashes all over the place ,scares the hell out of me before i realize he got his picture took. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:wanted to follow him and tell him, hey idiot, you just got a ticket. some times i just love to see big brother doing his job. :rotf::rotf::rotfl::rotf::2133:


Oh, I'm sure he saw the flashes, too. Was probably banging his fist on the steering wheel and kicking himself. Those cameras are sure getting common now. Maybe they will help make the intersections safer.

A friend of mine was mailed a ticket one time for blowing a light. His driving record was pretty shaky, but his wifes was good, so he wrote them back and said it was his wife driving, thinking that maybe his insurance wouldn't go up and his employment down (he drove a route) if she took the rap. They mailed him back a photo that he showed me. Very clear shot of him right through the windshield. And he had a beard, too. No way to argue that....................


we actually had a state rep.in st.charles, mo.. that was quoted in the news paper as saying the cameras are infringing on our rights.his reason being what if you have a person in your car that your not supposed to be seen with.:sign29: don't think i'll vote for him.at the stop sign i was at this morning i actually saw a guy make a right turn at a red light from the left turn lane picture this.state hwy. 94,he turns right in front of two lanes of stopped traffic from the left turn lane and almost hits me head on,on my bike making a left on to 94.it's amazing the suvival rate of bikers with these nuts on the road. :no-no-no::2133:


You should've heard the rants and complaints from the folks in Bakersfield when the cameras first went up. The courts decided to toss the first few months of tickets because there was no notification to the public they were going to be placed!!! Then, there were the arguments that the yellow lights were not displayed long enough!!! Come on people! You were caught running a red light! Its really a sad statement when extraordenary steps have to be taken to enforce common sense on our roadways.


You should've heard the rants and complaints from the folks in Bakersfield when the cameras first went up. The courts decided to toss the first few months of tickets because there was no notification to the public they were going to be placed!!! Then, there were the arguments that the yellow lights were not displayed long enough!!! Come on people! You were caught running a red light! Its really a sad statement when extraordenary steps have to be taken to enforce common sense on our roadways.


they did the same thing here.like we're not going to give you tickets cuz you did'nt know we were going to catch you for running the light.:sign29: stupid ,good thing politicians are stupid ,or we would really be in deep doo doo.

In Edmonton we have the red light cameras as well. Here they don't charge any one person, the send a ticket to the registered owner. The last I heard it is a $387 ticket. There is also talk now of turning all the red light cameras into photo radar as well. Someone is thinking and going to more than double their income with the same equipment.


They have them in various cities around Ontario as well. I'm all for them, let the bleeding heart liberals whine that it's an infringement on their rights, and freedoms. They don't seem to remember that driving is a privalage, not a right, and if you break the law, then you run the chance of having that privalage revoked. As a field service tech, I'm on the road all the time, and I see more people blow through lights, without a second glance, and having been involved in one bike/cager collision, where the women ran a red, I have no sympathy for those that run them and get ticketed.

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