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Clean and Sober


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You will find there are many Bible believing Christians on this site! As far as alcohol, and drugs, at our get togethers there ae those that like a beer or wine with our meals, and even a few beers around the perverbial campfire, but there is never any pressure for non drinkers to participate, and no explaination ever needed as to why! Very rare is there any excessive consumption by any individual. I can honestly say I have never witnessed any drug usage whatsoever at any event I've been to. We are an EATING club with a riding disorder, not a drinking club!


Congratulations on 22 years!! Your faith has serrved you well! Welcome back to the wonderful world of motorcycles and enjoy our company and feel free to attend our social gatherings worry free.


Bob, thanks, you said what I was feeling to.


For me, Christian 33 yrs, nice group here and no problems I have saw.



Probably the worst thing I ever experienced/saw was the pictures of those knuckle heads in the pond with their ends in the wrong direction. Probably killed all of Don's fish and run the POND MONSTER OFF :confused24: never did figure that one out. Other than somebody must have had to much of something. :confused24: :whistling: . What Pond Monster ?



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As for drinking:

Yes..I do drink...I enjoy my beer now and then..I can buy a 12 pack and two weeks later I still have 6 left, however, then again sometimes I dont.. All depends on what I am doing and who is there with me. I dont get drunk or see how much liquid strength or courage I have and I know when I had enough. I normally do not drink anything during the week days.. sometimes on Fri or Sat night but very seldom on a week day. Im 60 yrs old and have never missed a day of work due to drinking..Some weekends I never touch it yet it is right there in the fridge.

Now..Sitting in the garage on a saturday afternoon you can bet I will have a cold one (or 2, 3, 4 or more..) while I wash and wax my bike, car or truck.. listening to my radio..in my man cave....minding my own buisness. If someone dont like it they can leave. I work for what I have and I want to enjoy the things I enjoy. I enjoy a cold beer. Liquor is not totally out of the question, but I might have a shot once or twice a year.. I have bottles I have had for years and have never opened them. In fact, last time I had liquor was New Years eve two years ago..


Smoking.. No thanks ...not for me.. I have emphasema..I quit smoking years ago..and can not stand the smell of a cigg, pipe or a cigar..If someone ligths a cigar up, I have to walk away.. cannot breathe around a cigar for anything..heck no..


Clean.. After I work up a sweat I always shower.. Oh you mean drugs...

Not since 1970...the year I quit.... Few years later I lost my brother because of drugs..He got killed in a drug deal gone bad..some guy shot & killed him with a double barrel 12 gage..then he took him out in the desert and burried him.. we found him 8 months later after the killer was arrested for another crime then confessed to killing my brother.

Drugs kill...one way or the other they will kill..they may kill you or a loved one..but the do kill.


In my line of work, I cant (and never will) do drugs again.. Dr prescriptions only and most every time there are pills left over ..I seldom take all that are prescribed to me. A month or so later they end up flushed down the commode.. :thumbsup2:

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Fairly new here and just wondering how many on here are Clean and Sober?

May 8, 1979 for me. No meetings, did it on my own promises to my loved ones


Welcome back to riding! I too am clean and sober. Always have been clean, never seeing the need to be high. Now the next question, how many reformed smokers are out there? I quit in 1984, do not miss them at all.

Jan 7, 1993 at 11AM. Cold Turkey, no patch, no drugs

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Dr prescriptions only and most every time there are pills left over ..I seldom take all that are prescribed to me. A month or so later they end up flushed down the commode.. :thumbsup2:





Take em to a pharmacy and let them dispose of them. I don't know what they do with them but at least it won't lead to men growing breasts or other results of drinking water contaminated with hormones and other drugs!!!!

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Take em to a pharmacy and let them dispose of them. I don't know what they do with them but at least it won't lead to men growing breasts or other results of drinking water contaminated with hormones and other drugs!!!!



WOW..Trader...very good post.!!!!!!!


Your point is taken with up-most-respect...and I thank you...!!!


Will do from now on.. never thought (or heard) of that. .:thumbsup2:


Now I understand what happed to Dragonrider....:rotf:

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I guess I'm a sort of odd ball (there are many more like me of course). I have never done drugs, no marijuana, no cocaine, no meth....nothing. A 12 pack of Miller long necks will last me 2-3 weeks and a bottle of Gentleman Jack sometimes for 6 months! My vice is coffee. My father had an alcohol problem and I was a drug counselor in the Navy for a short while. I have been drunk a time or two when I was younger. I did not like it!

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