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Bun Burner Gold Attempt


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when the wind was pushing you around, did you try running in 4th gear instead of 5th?


I'm not sure about the 1st gen gear ratios, but on the 2nd gen where both 4th and 5th are overdrives, I would not be using 5th gear into a headwind or when running uphill.


Your mileage is poor. But I have heard of similarly poor mileage in a strong headwind.


just thinking aloud. I may try for a 1,000 mile run this year just to see how things go. I probably won't find interstates here in the southeast where I can average 70mph though.


I haven't tried running 4th gear, but I haven't felt the engine labouring either.


What I have found is that one of the cylinders is not firing correctly. It appears to be running only part of the time.


Plugs, caps, wires are all brand new. Plug is sparking, but that doesn't mean it is sparking under high compression .... and I am also beginning to think that the pilot circuit on that carb might not be functioning correctly.


:: sigh :: It never ends.


I'll swap the coils over and see if the problem moves to a different cylinder ... If not, then off with the carbs and I'll clean them properly this time.

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I use a 5 gal TourTank with the bung on the bottom - also T'd into the fuel line. I turn off the main tank petcock and run the TT until empty - it completely empties. Then turn on the main tank so my fuel gauge is operational. I believe I have the only TT that is accurate. Ordered a 5 gallon unit and it take right at 5 gallons to fill it. Not typical (as strange as that would seem).


I never tried to backfill the main tank. However, the petcock is easier to get at on the 2nd Gen than the first (IIRC).




Yes, I remember you telling me about that. I would be happier with the Tour Tank too.


I simply do it the other way round, and I figure both options are valid.


I run the main dry, then switch to the auxiliary. That way I get the benefit of the fuel gauge for the full amount.

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when the wind was pushing you around, did you try running in 4th gear instead of 5th?


I'm not sure about the 1st gen gear ratios, but on the 2nd gen where both 4th and 5th are overdrives, I would not be using 5th gear into a headwind or when running uphill.


Your mileage is poor. But I have heard of similarly poor mileage in a strong headwind.


just thinking aloud. I may try for a 1,000 mile run this year just to see how things go. I probably won't find interstates here in the southeast where I can average 70mph though.


I know that use of the word "easy" is probably not appropriate, but 1000 miles is actually routine, and doesn't require anything more than a 43 mph average speed.


So if you can run at 60 to 65 mph, you will cover the distance comfortably, and have time for substantial breaks.


Even with the delays I had, I managed the first 1080 miles in 17 hours.


By most people's standards, and that is your measure, a SaddleSore 1000 is a terrific achievement.

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So ... I may finally have found the answer.


I fired the bike up from cold ... let it run 15 seconds and got my hands around the header pipes.


Three were hot and one stone cold.


The cold one would begin to warm if I really revved the engine.


Time to think ...... Yup, blocked pilot jet. I was thinking that the cylinder was firing, but only when it got gas from the needle or main jet. That nicely explains a lot, including the awful gas mileage because even at highway speeds most of the gas is still coming through (or not) the pilot.


So it's off with the carbs to take a look.


The relevant pilot jet was completely sealed. It took a while, but it now has a perfectly circular hole where a hole should be, and all four headers warm up very nicely.


I have another Rally in a week, then none until July so in the interim I will fully refurbish all four jet blocks.

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when the wind was pushing you around, did you try running in 4th gear instead of 5th?


I'm not sure about the 1st gen gear ratios, but on the 2nd gen where both 4th and 5th are overdrives, I would not be using 5th gear into a headwind or when running uphill.


Your mileage is poor. But I have heard of similarly poor mileage in a strong headwind.


just thinking aloud. I may try for a 1,000 mile run this year just to see how things go. I probably won't find interstates here in the southeast where I can average 70mph though.



Hey Randy the SS1000 that several of us did a couple of years ago was all interstate. We started in Newnan, GA on I85 went up to Atlanta , took I20 over to Columbia, SC, north on I77 up to Statesville, NC, then west on I40 to Nashville, TN, then south on I24 to I75 south in Chattanooga, TN , then down to Atlanta, and back to the start at Newnan. Total mileage was somewhere around 1,050 miles. Just don't do it when it's raining like we did. It's all pretty good road.

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Well done Twigg.


You signed up for the MN1000 out of Minnehappiness? Mid-June. Be a great warmup for the BL6.




I am signed up for the April Fools Rally in 10 days. the "Hopeless Rally" in July which I am running on my XS750, and the NSR at the end of July.


That's it for now .... Oh, and there is a BBG in my future :)

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