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OK guys, I have spent all evening researching how to convert our member list to a Point of Interest (POI) file that could be imported to a Zumo or similar GPS. I have installed all of the Yamaha dealers into my GPS as POI's. What I have discovered is this it should be possible to do this but it is beyond my ability to do it. I think one needs XML programming skills or something like that. The POI loader can read a CSV file if it is in the proper format and I don't know what that is. If anyone would like to attempt this task you can read more about it from the forums on www.zumoforums.com. Also, in the process I found another site, http://www.poi-factory.com which has numerous POI lists that can be downloaded and installed. For example, you can download a list of all Krispy Kreme locations. Even if you don't want to take up this task and you have a GPS, especially a Zumo, you should check out these sites. There is a lot of information there. Sorry I couldn't be more help.



Excel will export .csv files. I will look tomorrow at the website. Should be easy.



I experimented with a small set our members list from the excel file which I downloaded from the site. I was able to export a csv file but it was not the correct format. You may have to provide the location coordinates. I looked at several csv files which I downloaded and all has the coordinates. To get this to work we may have to create a registry where members provide their location data including coordinates in the proper format. I have no idea how the lists on the POI factory were created.



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