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Another spring storm (tornados) on the way to Central KY The Lexington mayor asked businesses to close at 3:00 so workers could go home. Schools let out 2 hour early. They told everyone at my work to go home at 2:30. Just going to ride it out.


Be safe everyone.




Hey Dennis, The storms have passed us and are headed your way. We came out untouched as most of it went north of us. Lots of wind today. Take care. Bill

I was outside cleaning the gutters out on the west side of my house while it was hailing.



Youre sposed to come in outta the rain......:stickpoke::whistling:





The storm went over us a few minutes ago...car and truck have hail damage...I'm on the phone with the insurance company...I expect there will be a lot of claims here.


I'm thankful it wasn't worse.


It's clear here now. Seems the storms split and went north and south of us. We just had a little rain. The sky is clear now. Looks like eastern and southeastern Ky is getting hammered.



Forget about the gas and get in the basement.:080402gudl_prv:


I'm in a town with a weather alert siren so should have about 5 minutes or more warning.


I opened up my 'safe room' downstairs and put fresh batteries in a flashlight. Also got a dog leash for my 80lb puppy who goes nuts in moments when its least needed.


And have a large rum & coke to sip on while I'm waiting.


We have been lucky here in north east Tennessee so far, but there is nothing on the four local tv channels but weather. Right now it is north and south both of me and at this time, I am in the window between the storms.

This would be a good night not to sleep nekid.:depressed:



Gone from our area now. It has been a rough one though. Tornadoes close to us here. Watching some nasty stuff on TV now. West Liberty got hit again. I heard that Morehead, Ky got hit by a tornado . No damage here but sightings and pictures of tornadoes here next to the Carter Caves area. Take care folks and be careful. Called and checked on all my family, thank God everyone is OK and no real damage. The news is saying most severe weather over our area in 25 years.



We have been lucky here in north east Tennessee so far, but there is nothing on the four local tv channels but weather. Right now it is north and south both of me and at this time, I am in the window between the storms.

This would be a good night not to sleep nekid.:depressed:



Now that just ain't right, true, but that ain't right. Take care Randy, hope you all fair well. They are saying you are in for some bad weather. The storms are supposed to pick up some strength from the warmer air down that way. It has been rough here. We have Easter flowers already blooming here, unusual.



Now that just ain't right, true, but that ain't right. Take care Randy, hope you all fair well. They are saying you are in for some bad weather. The storms are supposed to pick up some strength from the warmer air down that way. It has been rough here. We have Easter flowers already blooming here, unusual.




I just had a new roof put on a couple of weeks ago.:confused24:

It is after 10 pm and still 68 degrees.



Just heard on the news that there were several deaths in West Liberty. Quite a bit of damage in Menifee and Laurel counties also. The UK medical center has been put on alert to expect quite a few casualties from eastern KY.


Just saw some video from Marysville IN and it appears that town has be wiped off the map. I hope our IN members are safe.




The alert siren went off at 11pm for about 30 minutes. I went down to the basement. But there doesn't appear to be any damage outside, not even the 'half-way normal' fallen pine tree.


The storm did stall right over my head for about 8 hours before it moved out. So it had plenty of opportunity.


Just checked the Atlanta paper website. It says an elementary school and local airport nw of Atlanta were detroyed early last nightand there was also some lightening damage reported locally. nothing about any people being hurt.


Skipped around us. Warden was scared to death. I think thats the most I ever seen anything worry her. She was ready to go climb in the old Coal Mine we have on our property. Good lightening display. Sunshine this morning!!


I'm ok as well. We got some hail about 8:30am est, nothing major, about like sleet. Other than that, was just a typical summer type storm for this part of Georgia. I hope everyone's ok and safe. And now my husband's getting ready to head to work (on the bike no less).


I was at one of my customers in Tellico Plains,TN yesterday and saw the tornado that went through town form. Zoom in to the left of the power poles straight above the nose of the truck. You can see the whisp of cloud as the tornado begins to form. Started raining hard after this so I went into the building.

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