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I am looking for how others have mounted Driving Lights on their 2nd Gen RSVs...


Also how you routed the wiring?


I am looking at purchasing some inexpensive Driving lights for my bike and am curious as to my mounting options...


You can take a look at my photo gallery and see how I mounted mine.

The light bar is O.K. but others here have done some nice looking inexpensive alternatives.


I made the lower light brackets and they where easy and cheep, the lights that are in the picture are not there now. I found some chrome one's that are 50 watts and I think look pretty good and for $15.00 is even better.


I will snap a pic and post the new lights later....................Ron


Here are the pictures............Ron


5th pic is of the VENTURE BELL I could not resist its so cool looking.......Ron




Thanks for the photos, they are very...illuminating (pun intended)


Please correct me if I a wrong, but it looks like you put a strap under your highway peg's bolt.


It also looks like you have used a set of QH-7CC Driving lights from Optronics. have you thought about changing the bulbs out for a different beam width or color of light?





Have any of you installed a pair of driving lights using a different method?


KiteSquid said:

Please correct me if I a wrong, but it looks like you put a strap under your highway peg's bolt.

It also looks like you have used a set of QH-7CC Driving lights from Optronics. have you thought about changing the bulbs out for a different beam width or color of light?




No strap it is a clam shell type highway peg holder for a 7/8 bar used for a Honda GW with a 7/8 bolt 3 in long.


The HW pegs may or may not work for you but I really like the comfort of them for me and it gives me 4 different foot positions.


The light bracket I made for the lower lights is a piece of 1"X 3/16th steel flat stock cut to 10 1/2 " then I drilled the bottom hole 1" from bottom centered to fit bolt and

put both pieces in a vise and bent to the desired angle I wanted and painted gloss black.


The bottom lights are QH-87CD Platinum Burners from WM 50 watt and have the replaceable bulbs that are easy to find. My last set of D-L the bulbs ( I found out after it went out ) where a special order and cost more then the lights.


The upper lights are the ones from YAMAHA with the 35 watt bulbs at $119.00 pr I should of looked around more for a better set.


I do want to replace them with a 50 or more watt bulb. The 35 watts just don't melt the pavement as fellow rider FreezyRider wrote. The bracket I bought from a VENTURERIDER here. It is also a Yamaha bracket for those lights.


The wiring was simple I have in line fuses to each set and a fused relay for all 3 (I have LED lights in and around engine)


The 3-way switch Throttle side reservoir I use is from Dennis Kirk (get the catalog there web page stinks).


JCWhitney also sells them, both places are same price. When I bought it Kirk was up the road from me so it was a nice ride.


The garage floor is semi gloss acrylic and it cleans up pretty good and you could eat off it PILOT.


Hope this helps out, here are some pics of the switch.

If you want something else ask away...............Ron

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