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windshield writing


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I finally picked up my next project bike on Saturday. It is a 2003 RSV. Im building a custom bike out of it. It came with a scratch free widshield that i want to put on my 2005 RSV. The only problem is there is writing on it from the salvag yard. It appears like a wax pen or something like that. I am wondering if anyone has had any experience removing the writing without damaging the screen. I have tried soapy water with no luck. I have been using BON AMI glass cleaner and it is slowly removing the yellow marks but has little effect on the orange writing. Any thoughts?

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you probably shouldnt use anything with ammonia in it on the plastic as ammonia will attack and yellow the plastic. I would just use a very mild hand soap and water solution and finsh it with pledge. for me,the pledge cleans the windshield well and doesnt yellow anything.



Edited by friesman
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My apologizes I'm out of WD 40 I did write on the shield with a permanent marker and a yellow tire crayon. Used a citrus based penetrating oil and removed the crayon. Goop removed the crayon and the permanent marker.


Be sure the hand cleaner is the one WITHOUT the pumice.


hope this helps

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If you use the go-jo or any of the hand cleaner be sure it dont have the pumace (grit) in it. If its the "good stuff" we use to get in a can that stuff is great. Did you pay for the windshield? Call the salvage yard and see what they suggest to get it off with and still be able to use it. There are some of the plastic specific windshield cleaners too. Plexus, navus (something like that) I was just reading a thread the other night I looked up on here by searching "windshiled cleaning" or something close to that and it was actually dicussion about removing the salvage yard markers. Hmmm now where was that......

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I've got an old windshield down in the garage... I'll use acetone on it in the morning... will let ya know...




actually come to think about it, Wallmart sells those windshields markers in all different colors. Just read the directions on one to find out what disolves it... Hopefully it didnt permanently mark the shield... as they are ment to be used on Glass...

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Most salvage yards use "paint pens" to mark their parts, and are oil based paint. If the salvage yard will tell you what brand and type they used you could look it up on the products web site to see how to remove it. We always used WD-40 and it didn't harm the finish on painted parts or GLASS windshields but never had to remove it from motorcycle windshields before. But if you can find out what they used it could help.

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I wonder how a single edged razor blade would work. If the paint is raised it just might work?? I use one on our range top to clean off the carbon (read burnt) deposits and it works great. Doesn't scratch the surface. Using chemicals around plastics always makes me leary...

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OK. I tried sunlight and hot water in the shower and a sponge with no luck, pledge-no luck, hydrogen peroxide- no luck, glass cleaner would slowly take it off, WD40 would slowly take it off, but the WINNER IS .... Isoprpyl alcohol. The IA took the writing off real well except on the orange I can still see a faint outline. I think it has stained the shield permanetly. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Rob

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I don't know what is available in Canada, but here in the states there is a product called

Scratch Out by Kit. It is in a bright yellow bottle and only 3 or 4 bucks. it will help hide swirls and scratches and not hurt the coating on the shield.It is in the car wash and wax sections of most auto parts stores here. I believe this will get the remainder of what you have left on the shield and make it look like new. I had some scratches on mine and after using this, they are barely visible.

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