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I'm sure any of us that do some of own work on things, mechanical, woodworking etc have had a day when nothing goes right. Well I have had like 2 weeks of this. It started a couple weeks ago I was working on the bike wiring in a headlight modulator. Somehow I blew a fuse. Then putting the fairing back together, that took a couple times to get everything happy. Then a few days later I attemted teh lowering of the front end forks. When back together the handle bars seemed askew to the right. So a day or so later I took it all apart and redid it. The first time I couldnt get the forks to "slide" up so I had to take the wheel off. So you see where this is going right? Nothing is easy.

So today I decided to change the plugs in the wifes Durango. I mean heck it only has like 110K on the orginals. So left bank goes OK. First one on the right bank is really tight comming out. So I do the a little out, then back the other way. About 4 or 5 into this program and "snap" @!#$% I'm thinking I broke of the porclen no biggy right? WRONG it snapped off the bolt part of the plug. I have the entire insulator and electrode everything but the threads and the washer flat part that seats. HMM what now. So I calls a friend @ the Dodge house, his suggestion is an ez out. Well I thought of this but was hoping they had something.... well a little more refined. So I did thru the tool box find the ez outs but the dang things all have square drives. And of course all I have is mainly six point sockets. So off the the store to get 1ea 12 point 10mm. So now I tap the ez out in. I have sprayed several liberal shots of liquid wrench at it hoping to relive some of the corrision. I carefully wind out the troublesome piece. It was a bugger bear all the way out. Should I have expected anything else with the luck I have had lately? Certainly not. Finnaly get the bottom part out and look at the threads, argh the last couple on the plug look like crap. I blow out the hole and try to look but heck its a foot below in a hole. Well maybe the new one will thread in. I have the new plug in a piece of 8-10" long fule line to thread in. No go, should I be suprised? Well as luck would have it the spark plug chaser I have aint right, go figure. It probably went to a ford or something I had 20yr ago. lol So off to the store again for thread chaser. The rest of teh job goes OK and the job is done. But man I'm scared to ride with the way my luck has been the last couple weeks. I think I have put probably 100+ iles on the car/bike/truck in the last 2 weeks or so running up to Autozone or Sears or Advance. The to auto parts places aint but maybe 4 miles one way and Sears is maybe 7 one way. I sure hope I have used up my bad luck.


Yep been there before sometimes your the windshield some days your the bug. Sounds like a good time for a ride out in the middle of know where lot cheaper than paying a therapist and get your head cleared. For me sometimes I have to just step back and ponder. That's when my wife says are you ever going to fix that I just tell her I 'm working on it right now you just cant tell.


keep your chin up momma said there be days like this she just forgot to mention they sometimes come one right after the other.





Yes A few of them years turned into a few of them decades... lol.

Sometimes its nice to be able to escape to the garage when things go wrong at home. Sometimes its ok to shut the garage door and go for a ride when things go wrong in the garage.


Yup, been there done that.

Had those days, weeks, months, years.


That's not quite as bad as taking out the plug and not hearing the "crack" of the insulator.

Then as you are pulling away from the engine with the plug in the socket, the nut fall out of the socket followed by the ceramic. Yup the ceramic following a straight line, following its removal path and swish, right down the spark plug hole and into the cylinder.....:doh::crying:


I knew I wasnt alone. :cool10: I guess I just needed to vent a bit. Thanks for the opertunity to do so. When you have been in this case a mechanic as many years as I have you have had some 8 ball things go haywire. When you get past it you get to laugh about it. I started working in garages full time back around 75. Those that remember GM had just came out with HEI. Well prior to that spark plugs would zap you but it stung pretty good but remided you to not do that again. Well I was working for a fellow that had, had a broken arm and they had put a pin in it. Being "old school" he grabbed a hold of a wire on this car we were troubleshooting a miss on and it blew fire I swear out his elbow to the fender. Several expectives came out of his mouth, he banged his elbow, then his head, then the elbow again all trying to get away. I personnaly thought it was hilarious @ the time. To bad no you tube back then. We had a cold beer or two laughing about that a week later.

Thanks guys I'm likin it here.:bluesbrother:


And here I thought you were posting something about me............



When I read the title to this thread, I thought... what is being posted about me now....? :whistling:

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