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We had some rain night before last and the bike sat out in it while I was working. Temps were in the low 40's. Bike would turn over and catch, just couldn't get it to continue running. Wound up letting it roll downhill to start. What's up with that??


Figure it's moisture some where, just no clue where.:rain2:


Hmmm, first thing comes to mind id electrical issue. Start with cleaning and appling bdielectric grease to the YCI connections, or could be those pesky plug wires...


Something else that agravates this is worn spark plugs. How old are your plugs? My 83 has the same problem. Also a weak battery makes this worse. The ignition system on my 83 was never extremely strong, even with good plug wires and plug caps.


I think that there are a few differences in the Ignition module besides where the vacuum advance is connected with the 84 and later Ventures. My 89 starts instantly no matter how wet it is, or how low the battery is (as long as it cranks that is).


Happened to me once on the 2 nd gen...wouldn't start after i washed it and gave it a good soaking, but did start up after a while after it dried up a bit. Am just more careful now where i direct the hose. :thumbsup2:

good thing you've got that long and steep driveway.


Probably moisture in the carbs is my thought.

Except that at home I park in the garage. Parking lot at work does have a slight slope but, it ain't much.


Something else that agravates this is worn spark plugs. How old are your plugs? My 83 has the same problem. Also a weak battery makes this worse. The ignition system on my 83 was never extremely strong, even with good plug wires and plug caps.

New battery and plugs in the last couple of months. No new caps though ....


Happened to me once on the 2 nd gen...wouldn't start after i washed it and gave it a good soaking, but did start up after a while after it dried up a bit. Am just more careful now where i direct the hose. :thumbsup2:

This is a first Gen though:stirthepot: and I mentioned rain, not a directed blast from a firehose. :stickpoke:


In fairness though I've done the same thing. :confused24:

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