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The Adventure Starts Today


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Yes, we ended up leaving with 2 new necklasses and ear rings for her. Seems like every other store was a jewelery store!! Also we took pictures of what might be the poles you were talking about if they were the one that the tram uses to get to the top. There is also a communications tower at the top.


I ended up with a new camera that I'm really liking a lot!


Tomorreow is Nassau for one more historical bus tour and one last souviner shopping trip. I expect to buy a couple more shirts and we have one more gift to buy for theson in law. We have no idea what to get him but I'm sure we will find something appropriate.


"ANOTHER SHIRT" Geez bobby, you're gonna need another storage shed just for all your shirts :rotf::rotf::rotf: :sign20:

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Yah! Didn't have internet access yesterday. Got off the boat by 9:00 and found my old camera. Seems I left it on the trunk of the car in the parking lot!!! I am now calling it my miracle camrea as first it was a miracle it was still there and second it is still perfectly operational even though it got rained on several times!!


Had an absolutely wonderful dinner with M61A1MECH! It was great to meet Steve in person, and the food was great! We are nestled in just north of Datona Beach. The last couple of long days have been long and tiring! We had a Superbowl party last nite at a friend's house and didn't get to bed until 1AM and was up early today to get to Disney. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow before going to SC to visit Becky's olderr sister...

Edited by bongobobny
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After a fantastic dinner mini M&E in Johnson City TN we have to hit the trail home tomorrow morning. We are going to try to make it home all the way tomorrow or as close as we can make it as we need to hit the post office to pick up the mail before noon Saturday. This vacation has been a sheer blast, and meeting up with VR members along the way has been the icing on the cake!!!


In the next few days I'll try to post a few of the highlights of the trip. Today we spent the entire day at the Biltmore before coming up to TN.


Back to work Monday to serve the last 6 months of my sentence...

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Home again, home again, jig-a-jig jig!!


There's no place like home but I have to admit we had a blast!! It was super to have some face time with all of you and many many thanks to you all!!!


In a couple of days I'll sort thru the thousand or so pictures and post a few...

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Home again, home again, jig-a-jig jig!!


There's no place like home but I have to admit we had a blast!! It was super to have some face time with all of you and many many thanks to you all!!!


In a couple of days I'll sort thru the thousand or so pictures and post a few...


Thanks for letting us know that you and Becky made it home ok. Just glad I could be a little part of your trip.


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