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Just like the title says IS there a "safe" way to drive a bike through Chicago?


I did read this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50392


I have driven through Chicago in my truck many times, My truck is a full size, extended cab, 8' box with over sized cap, 4x4 Pickup painted bright red. On almost every trip through there, I nearly get hit at least one time by someone that either does not see me or just doesn't care. Now my bike with trailer is a whole lot smaller and a whole lot less intimidating. Heck even a Smart Car will win in an altercation with a bike.


While I don't think there is a good time of day to go through Chicago, is there a less bad time?


But seeing as I live near Milwaukee Wisconsin, anything that is south or east of me requires either a very long detour around Chicago, or taking the ferry (IF it is running and not broke down) for big :mo money:.

$294 round trip for me, the bike, and the trailer.


Like most large city's the best time is around 3-5am. Not many people on the road at that time. You will be between shift changes and all other sane people will be in bed.

  steamer said:
Like most large city's the best time is around 3-5am. Not many people on the road at that time. You will be between shift changes and all other sane people will be in bed.



Sane people?? In Chicago??? Good luck!!:whistling:


I find that mid-day on weekends usually moves well unless you're in construction season. LiL Beavers suggestions should work very well unless you want to go downtown for some reason. :080402gudl_prv:


I feel your pain, Jeff.

I live 80 miles or so west of Chicagoland near I-80 and I-39. There have been many times over the years when I wanted to go to Michigan's western shore and to parts East like, Niagara and Pennsylvania, New York, etc. and I always started puckering up around Hammond and Gary. An awful lot of traffic gets funneled through that I-80/94 corridor. I've gone so far as to take a route that goes through Kankakee into Indiana then veer north. But you know, being in Milwaukee area, if I despised Chicago traffic as much as I do, I would go clear out to I-39 and then east on I-80. Course you'll still have to contend with the Borman and that ilk.

Good luck and let me know what you figure out. I'm all ears.



Here is what you do:

From Milwaukee,

I-94 south to 294 to 55 to 355 to 80 and out to Don's.

It's 120mi to I-80 from Milwaukee and you will avoid the downtown traffic.

However, A bunch of the 355 is 55mph and the cops do patrol, so be carefull


The one thing that you CAN'T avoid is 80 through the armpit of the world, Gary area.

Lots of trucks, but it doesn't take long to get through. The last time I went that way on my bike, a deer was standing next to 80 waiting to cross--death wish for sure. To say nothing of who might hit him/her.




Or you could take a little extra traveling time and take the 43 to the 39 south to El Paso IL. pick up state rte 24 and head east till you are in Indiana. then you will be clear to go any direction you want. The more distance I can put between me and any city is the only way to go. I hate diving in traffic.


I live near Joliet, and yes, there is no 'good' way. What day of the week are you planning on? I'd take I-94 down to I-294. Yes, 294 is a Tollway, but I-94 through downtown and the south side is a lot more hazzardous. Of course, after you get to Indiana, you've still got the Borman to deal with. Sometimes traffic moves @ 80 MPH, and remember, with a trailer you need to stay in the right 2 lanes in areas with truck restrictions (in Illinois). Where do you plan on going after this?? If you want the Indiana Tollway, get on just after I-65. I-94 settles down after you get past Crown Point IN.


One thing bad about travelling @ 4AM.....A lot of the bars close at 4.


Frank D.


If your traveling on a weekend,then maybe leaving your place at around 4am should put you in chi-town around 6:30am traffic should be light at that time on a saturday. When I was stationed in Great Lakes and had to travel through Chicago We would leave as early as possible. Worked out pretty well. Thats about the only time of the day and week we didn't hit traffic.

  Flyinfool said:
Just like the title says IS there a "safe" way to drive a bike through Chicago?


I did read this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50392


I have driven through Chicago in my truck many times, My truck is a full size, extended cab, 8' box with over sized cap, 4x4 Pickup painted bright red. On almost every trip through there, I nearly get hit at least one time by someone that either does not see me or just doesn't care. Now my bike with trailer is a whole lot smaller and a whole lot less intimidating. Heck even a Smart Car will win in an altercation with a bike.


While I don't think there is a good time of day to go through Chicago, is there a less bad time?


But seeing as I live near Milwaukee Wisconsin, anything that is south or east of me requires either a very long detour around Chicago, or taking the ferry (IF it is running and not broke down) for big :mo money:.

$294 round trip for me, the bike, and the trailer.





Were are you headed Jeff?

  Rick Haywood said:
Were are you headed Jeff?


Just starting to do some of the early preplanning to head out to Dons MD.

I just hope that there are no crisis again this year that make me stay home again.


The plan was to start out very early on Friday morning and be coming back thru late Sunday night. My original plan was to leave home around 6am but after reading some of these posts I may consider bumping that up to 3 or 4am to clear Chicago/Gary by 6:30

According to my mapping software it is about 8.5 hours ride if I stick to the interstates. If I detour to avoid dieing in Chicago/Gary traffic then it will push out to 9+ hours. If the weather is HOT then I will need more stops to keep my marshmallow butt from melting.

I want to make it to Dons early enough on Friday to rest up for the ride out to dinner.

It would also be nice to be able to set the tent up before it gets to dark.


I still have so much to do and so little time left to get it done in........

The more I work on stuff the more I find that should be done.....

June is coming fast.


Of course I live up by the Wisconsin border and go east or southeast several times a year. I got to tell you there is never a time when there is no traffic.

I usually leave early also around 4 or 4:30 from my house to avoid any of the work traffic and there is usually people going to work every day including Sat and Sun. Even if the traffic is heavy in the morning it will be lighter by the time you are half way around Chicago.

I usually ride in the right lane or the second lane. Less cars to have to watch. Right lane all you have to deal with is the merging traffic.

My route is 94 to 294 to 80 into Indiana.

There are lots of ways around but they are much longer and probably not to much safer.

Good Luck and keep on your toes.



You might try 94 to 294 to 88 west to 355 to 80. We took 80 to 355 to 90 going to the PIP with no real problem! You want to avoid I90 thru Chicago like the black plague...


I take the Ferry, here's a couple of pictures going from East to West, the guy in the picture is our own Yooper (Fred). If you decide to take the Ferrry make sure you take a couple of straps to latch your bike down. I've done this "Chicken" way twice now once with my truck/camper and once on the VR. Also DO NOT read the book about Great Lake boat sinkings or you may decide not to do it.:shock3:


My Dad gave me some great advice for City driving, when I was learning"


"Point the front where you want it to go, and let the arse take care of itself".


So far that has worked well in London, Paris, Rome, Milan even Dallas and, worst of all, Tulsa.


Dunno if it would work in Chicago, but I can't think why not :)

  BradT said:
I left Waukesha about 3 oclock and went right through. Fun it was. :think: Just a little slow.




3 am or pm?


I have taken my truck and camper over the skyway at 5pm on a weekday. that is always fun too


We used to ride up to Madison from Kankakee and 294 or 355 are good choices, knowing if there is a sporting event is a good thing to know also because the after traffic can be crazy but I have taken my bike to a game and survived. Absolutely avoid rush hour and remember that Chicago drivers have to be aggressive to get around in certain areas, makes it tougher to be on two wheels at certain times of the day and 15 minutes makes all the difference in the world. I would avoid 6:30am - 10:00am 3:30-7:00pm m-f, weekend is a different animal. Absolutely do not drive the speed limit in the left / passing lanes people will let you know they are unhappy when they change lanes 4" from your front end so slower traffic keep right is a good practice or ride with the flow.


The flip side is you can find some awesome rides though, like up lake shore drive, downtown at night is way cool and you will see lots of bikes in the city in different neighborhoods.

Posted (edited)

Most of the day traffic trough Chicago is fly away. Just avoid rush hour, as probably every large city has from 7am-9:30am and 3;30 PM trough 6-30PM. Any time in between if fly, however, this does not include weather related traffic. Good advice is to get one of toll road prepaid devices as iPass, EZ Pass or ePass. All of them are acceptable trough tool boots and open road toll. Man that can speed up travel trough Chicago big time. More info can be found here: http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/travel/road/illinois-tollway.htm

Chicago north side is safe to pull and gas up, stay away from south side of Chicago, you may find yourself in not so friendly neighborhoods. Any oasis along expressway are safe.

Other recommended route is Lake Shore Drive and go trough Chicago's downtown Michigan Avenue in early morning or weekends.


Good luck.

Edited by stardbog
  KIC said:
When driving through, don't turn "left" or you might find another community organizer....:shock3:


:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::doh::doh::sign killer dude::sign killer dude:


Man, thats good one.

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