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First ride of the 2012 season?


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Ok guys, so when do we have our first good ride planned? I'm getting antsy sitting here all couped up. It doesn't help that my better half decided to give be a really nice birthday gift and told me she doesn't wanna be by better half anymore. :255:


I figure a good ride with some of my friends here should help me get my mind of that and back to where it belongs. Ridin' is great therapy.



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Sorry to hear of the break up A1. Might be some tough roads ahead. Make sure you got some good friends to handle the bumps.

Thanks T.J., I still haven't lost all hope yet. After much research, it appears that she may be suffering from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, at lease on some level anyway. Which would explain a lot of things over the years. As well as how she's behaving now. It really sucks, as I see this as only a tiny bit of the person she really is. 98% of the time she is great, but then her dark side comes out to play and ruins everything. I really hate to see my marriage go to the crapper simply because this 2% of an otherwise beautiful person, can't play well with others. Now I know I'm not perfect and have my own flaws, but I know/feel they aren't so bad as to warrant a divorce. Which was one of my reasons to look for an explanation to to what was going on in stead of simply placing blame. At least right now, she has agreed to go see a professional with me about it, but saying and actually doing are two totally different things. So right now all I can really do, is to be as patient as I can, and hope for the best.


So far I'm planning on going to the Wi. Maint. Day the weekend of June 30th. that Orlin is hosting. And the "Leaf Looker's Run" the second weekend of Oct. for which I don't work anyway. The M-N-E in Tenn. that eusa1 mentioned above sounds like a good time and give me a chance to check off a couple more states off my list, but I don't know if I can get that many days off work. I'll have to start asking around to see if anybody wants to do some switching days off with me. I'll have to post a note tomorrow and see if I can get some bites.


Man! If I'm gonna have to take a good ride to keep a woman like her out of my head, I'm gonna need a good supply of tires!


Thanks for your thoughts, and I hope to meet some new friends this year!



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