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I started a thread earlier today in the tech talk section, just to see if we could get enough interest in a group battery buy. I intended on holding off until after the 1st as the supplier was going to have a price increase and it would start to be confusing...for me at least... :) Anyway I've had enough interest that just maybe we can get a group together in short order.


Here's the deal. Let's see if we can put a list of 10 together and beat the dead line. All the batteries will need to be paid for to my Paypal account paypal@cast-aways.com before I can order due to the cost incurred. If we don't get the 10, I'll refund your payments, and we'll start over as planned after the first.


For 1stGens the Odyssey is PC680. Your price each to your doorstep will be $99.00.


For 2ndGens the Odyssey is PC545. Your price each to your doorstep will be $94.00.


These prices work out to be Dealer cost plus $15 bucks to cover shipping and paypal charges.


So.... we have the rest of tonight (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Thursday) to put this puppy together. Due to time restrictions for Canadian members, go ahead and use the prices above, and I'll notify you later about any extra shipping charges.


We're off and running, and I'll edit this post with the number of batteries.



PAID BATTERY COUNT....... 5 We're half way there as of 2:00PST


This is your last chance to get them before the 2008 prices kick in. And if your hesitant just because you just picked up a wet battery, these puppies will hold a charge on the shelf until your current battery croaks....which should be fairly soon.... :)


The 680 battery is more powerful than the 545. Won't the 680 work in the 2nd Gens?


I really don't know Vance. The 680 is quite a bit taller then the 545, and that may be the reason Odyssey recomends the 545 in 2nd Gens. Maybe another member has tried a 680 in their 2nd Gen, and could give a bit of feedback???


You're welcome Jack!


I tried to put in a 1stgen battery this summer when mine calved out (2nd gen). I learned!


I would love to get in on this but I have just purchased a new battery last summer for both bikes and am good to go for now.


Its a good thing you do for all of us Jack...many thanks.


I can say that $99.00 shipped is a very good price as I was looking at $150-$160 just a few weeks ago.

If you guys get close to the magic number, I will probably put you over the top as I think I can still return my cheap ProStart, though I will have to confirm.


BTW- what is the CCA of the 680?


I'm In too. C-mon Guys This is extremly good deal

Just get back from my dealer and he is asking $118.00 For YUASA Lead acid Stock Replacement Battery.


Jack. Thanks for puting this thing togeteher for us. Thats great what you are traying to do for Venture rider family. I Know there is Short notice, and most of us trying to recover after Christmas overspending... There is only 6 left to do. So Please guys after new year price will be even higher.


Thanks Jack again.


If I thought I was going to need one anytime soon, I would sure be in. My Odyssey is 4 years old now and going strong. I think they are the best battery going.


Well..... We didn't make it, but we did give it a run. Disappointing, but that's life. For those of you that sent your payments thru paypal, thanks. I'll be doing refunds as soon as I get thru posting here. I'll plan on starting another list sometime in the first 2 weeks of January. There'll be an increase in the price the next time around. How much? Anybody's guess.... I just hope it's not a ton.



So, is the buy history for now? How many did you get?


Does the 680 fit the 1st gen with no mods?




Yep, it's history for the time being. I only had 4 members sign up and number 5 on the list was yours truly.... All paypal payments have been returned to those members. The reason for such short notice was trying to slide under the wire and get '07 pricing. It was worth a shot, but we didn't make it. So...... I'll start another list in a couple of weeks with 2008 prices and see what happens.

Yep, it's history for the time being. I only had 4 members sign up and number 5 on the list was yours truly.... All paypal payments have been returned to those members. The reason for such short notice was trying to slide under the wire and get '07 pricing. It was worth a shot, but didn't make it. So...... I'll start another list in a couple of weeks with 2008 prices and see what happens.


They should be willing to offer those same prices rather than setting an arbitrary date of 1/01/08 for a price hike.

Then again, for me to be involved I'd need to pull the trigger quick otherwise my ability to return this current battery will be gone.

For that matter why not see if they will lower the required number to 6 or so for the group buy?



So, is the buy history for now? How many did you get?


Does the 680 fit the 1st gen with no mods?




The PC680 has a slightly smaller footprint, and is about 1/2 inch taller than stock. It will fit without doing anything, but when I installed the first one I bought, I 'shimmed' the side gaps with styrofoam sheets. I took some 1/2" sheets and cut them to size with a scissors. Worked, and made me feel better. I've now done it to the '83 and the '91. You will need to deal with the low battery warning in the cmu because, being a dry battery, the Odyssey doesn't need the battery sensor. There's a write up on how to do the mod in the tech section.

They should be willing to offer those same prices rather than setting an arbitrary date of 1/01/08 for a price hike.

Then again, for me to be involved I'd need to pull the trigger quick otherwise my ability to return this current battery will be gone.

For that matter why not see if they will lower the required number to 6 or so for the group buy?


Sorry Z, but I'm not going to do that. The supplier was kind enough to agree to the prices and quantity, and I don't feel comfortable going back in and trying to modify the original agreement. It's an ethics thing. I understand you wanting to get your money back on the battery you just bought, but I really don't think the dealer will take it back. Warantee it? Sure. But refund your money? Sorry amigo, I don't think so. I'm going to run these group buys a couple of times a year like the MAC mufflers. If you find you need something in the future you're always welcome to join in on the next list.

I understand you wanting to get your money back on the battery you just bought, but I really don't think the dealer will take it back. Warantee it? Sure. But refund your money? Sorry amigo, I don't think so. .


Well then you would be incorrect as I just confirmed that I can get a refund since I am within the 30 days that a refund for a defective battery allows. This one has never really held a full charge, so it is covered. However if I don't pull the trigger in the next couple of days, that option is out the window.


As to your "ethics" dilema, I don't see it that way. You made a good faith effort, and came up a little short. Telling the vendor what happened and seeing if he is interested in making a deal is still appropriate. Let's face it, he/they were not losing money, and are in the business of selling/moving product. So he might actually want the option to sell more batteries to clear shelf space or make a quota. The decision is of course yours, but if I were the vendor, I'd like the information/option.

Well then you would be incorrect as I just confirmed that I can get a refund since I am within the 30 days that a refund for a defective battery allows. This one has never really held a full charge, so it is covered. However if I don't pull the trigger in the next couple of days, that option is out the window.


As to your "ethics" dilema, I don't see it that way. You made a good faith effort, and came up a little short. Telling the vendor what happened and seeing if he is interested in making a deal is still appropriate. Let's face it, he/they were not losing money, and are in the business of selling/moving product. So he might actually want the option to sell more batteries to clear shelf space or make a quota. The decision is of course yours, but if I were the vendor, I'd like the information/option.


If your battery is bad and won't hold a charge why haven't you taken it back before this? And without getting into a debate about ethics, I've been doing business based on my word for over 40 years, and I do see it that way.

If your battery is bad and won't hold a charge why haven't you taken it back before this? And without getting into a debate about ethics, I've been doing business based on my word for over 40 years, and I do see it that way.



In answer to your first question, the bike was not running right when I first got it, and has been in the shop the rest of the time. It does hold a charge, just not as well as one would expect from a brand new battery. I will either trade it in or get a refund. The GB was going to be good enough for me to get the refund and upgrade. Otherwise I will just exchange this one for another.


As to your feelings on the ethics issue, that is your call not mine. I just don't see the harm in letting them know the situation and seeing if they want to adjust the number requirement.

Another words if you feel uncomfortable suggesting they consider fewer people in the GB, mention how many you do have and let them make the next move. They might very well say 7 is too little, or hey we will do it for 7. The point is you are giving them info and an option to use that info if they so choose. I see no ethical issue if you approach it in that manner, but again, do what you feel comfortable with.

As to your feelings on the ethics issue, that is your call not mine. I just don't see the harm in letting them know the situation and seeing if they want to adjust the number requirement.


In your last post you stated that the battery was bad, but now the battery is OK, but doesn't live up to your expectations on a bike that has issues...??? And because of that the dealer will refund your money. Good for you.


I don't know what your problem is about the way I conduct biz, but that's your opinion. I'm sorry that you missed out on the battery deal. If you needed one that badly you should have spoken up, but you weren't even one of the members that prepaid for a battery to begin with. If you felt that strongly you should have jumped in, but you didn't. However, you're certainly coming up with all sorts of suggestions on how to deal with the supplier after the fact. The original post spelled it out quite clearly that if this list were going to fly we needed to get a group of 10 together in a day and a half. A pretty iffy endeavor. We didn't make it. Live with it.


I indicated in the original thread that I would be in if you got closer and needed one more (was also predicated on me confirming the return issue).


Rest assured I'll "live with it" with no problem whatsoever .


Why not try ratcheting down your sanctimonious attitude a little while you are at it.:buttkick:

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